
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My First Tree of Life Blocks

You know me, always jumping around from quilt to quilt. I've been sewing a bit here and there on the half square triangles and finally decided to put a couple trees up on the wall. I drew my own pattern for the trunk of the trees as I couldn't find one I liked well enough to make eighteen of.
Tree of Life on the wall
Each tree will have leaves in at least two colors, so I will have to play with the layout each time to try and get a good balance. The background is very busy {I was so afraid of that!}, but I'm trying not to freak out too much. Yet. It's always best to wait and panic later after I see them all together in their unbridled busyness.*wink
Do you see it?
This lovely tree had a snafu. I almost left it just the way it was, but when it went up on the wall with the others, I didn't like the way it looked at all. Much too lopsided. Plus, It's one of the very first I've put together. Better learn how to make it properly first huh?
It was an easy fix although I don't like my new Clover seam ripper at all. Guess I'll have to upgrade once again. Yippee skippee. So very exciting to buy new seam rippers.... Anyway, Now I have my first three Tree of Life blocks done and up on the wall! Not as vibrant as I thought they might be, but I might just like them anyway. Maybe. Reserving judgement on that until I see more of them together. lol  It's actually quite difficult for me to work with 'white' background fabrics vs. say a cream or a tan as the blocks don't 'blend' like I'm accustomed to. I'm working hard to overcome this instinctive aversion and break out of my box a little.
My first 3 Tree of Life blocks
More half square triangles to sew together with this easy peasy method. I'm not squaring them up at all, just letting the chips tips fall where they may. If I get a little bit of imperfection out of it, then all will be good.
Sewing the hst's
Now it's time to do a little grocery shopping and stock up for another busy weekend with family! Hopefully I'll have enough time to get a post up for the Bloggers Quilt Festival as well. It's only the best online quilt show around!


  1. I like them busy backgrounds and all

  2. I love your busy backgrounds. Your blocks look great. Your Tree of Life quilt is going to be wonderful! It's been on my bucket list for quite awhile. This post makes me want to pull some fabrics and get started!

  3. Wow, I really like your version of the Tree of Life design! I like the rounder shapes, and the strong trunk. It's looking great so far!

  4. I like the busy backgrounds because it makes your trees unique. I'm also with you on the imperfect tips. Much more interesting!


  5. I like the different backgrounds in your blocks. If you’re worried it will be too overwhelming chuck a few lighter ones in there like the top block in your first picture. That should balance it out.

    I bought a new seam ripper over the weekend- haven’t used it yet but Im sure it wont be long until I do . I definitely have favourite seam rippers , and scissors and rotary cutters . Equipment has to be just right !

  6. It took me a while to see what was wrong with that block...hahahaha, the whole busyness of the quilt will be a feast for the eyes. Me thinks you want to create that feeling of a pioneer quilt where fabric was used wherever one could lay ones hands on it, and stitching was done in candle light so tips sometimes didn't match. I love that feel about quilts, seriously there is a place for perfection but not in my house. 😀 I adore that slight wonky that is a quilt made by a person and not a machine. Looking good so far!

  7. I love the tree of life but have never made one - yours are beautiful of course!!

  8. I had a heck of a time finding a good tree of life pattern I liked! I like your blocks so far.

  9. Audrey! *gasp* I love these blocks!!! This is one of those classic blocks that you often, no always, see made up in solids or 'like solids' but I adore your versions! Especially the busy two, but once you saw who was leaving this comment, you probably already knew that, right? (Keep this project in the 'active' pile!)

  10. The tree blocks. My two favorites are the top right one and the one on the bottom. I like them both because the fabric choices are a bit quirky. I don't know how else to describe why I like them so much.

  11. I love your version of the Tree of LIfe I spent a whole day about a year ago and couldn't find a version I liked either. Yours looks so much more like a tree. Love the fabrics!

  12. Those are magic! I'm really looking forward to this one coming together.

  13. Wow!! I'm loving your trees!! What size are the blocks? They look huge.

  14. I always loved this pattern but never did one. Very nice blocks, especially the orange and green one!

  15. Another fun project. I love the two color leaves. Look forward to your blog hop post

  16. Love the two colors for the leaves and the busy background...very colorful, bright and can't wait to see more ! :)

  17. yo nuca hice el árbol de la vida
    los tres bloques preciosos
    el naranja me gusta muchísimo

  18. Wow! Those are fantastic trees. I really like the backgrounds you've choosen so far. They add some excitement.

  19. I great start in my eyes! Love this block!

  20. I really love your trees! I may have to copy your idea if you don't mind.


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