
Monday, October 20, 2014

Little Bits of My Weekend

I had a lot of company and busy things all weekend long. Family in from out of town helping out on mom and dad's house etc. I meant to get started on the handwork part of the binding for Worry Baskets this weekend, but kept passing it by. Binding is enjoyable, but I need to be in the right mood.
Worry Baskets still waiting for the stitching on the binding...
Apparently, it seemed easier to pick up my hand quilting late in the evenings instead of the binding. I'm right up to the borders on most of the quilt now which feels amazing. I almost can't make myself quit sometimes, but sleep is kind of important too.That's the hard part of doing my hand quilting at night. I always run out of time....
Big Stitch quilting on Scrap Basket #2
We had a big family dinner at our house once again. This is getting to be a regular event these days. We now have the biggest dining room [and table} of all our local family, seating 10 people--or rather 10 adults--as we always shuffle the kids off to the smaller kitchen table or wherever else they can catch a bite. It works for the way my siblings have been coming to visit mom and dad, in smaller groups for once instead of like the Holidays where they usually come en masse. Plus, we don't always have all of the local siblings to dinner at the same time or we have no choice except to eat buffet style. Which we have done and will do again. Anyone familiar with large families know that you don't always get to cozy up to the dinner table together! But... perhaps we were just spoiled because my mom and dads house had a dinner table that could seat about 14-15 people comfortably. Then during the holidays, my dad could arrange things so it would seat 20. Lots of good memories at that table....
Carrot Cake Cheesecake
Anyway, for once I wasn't trying to figure out the main part of the meal and got relegated to desserts. Of course, being me, I panicked anyway. My initial reaction was just to buy icecream and call it good, but that seems so lazy! Finally, I settled on some of the desserts that I know and love and can depend on to turn out for me almost every time without fail.
Banana Crunch Cake
They got devoured and then some of us went back for seconds later. Who can resist the fall baking?
Pumpkin Roll
And then I finally made it back over to mom's to check out her latest haul. Still having envelopes/packages arrive! I wish I could convey how happy this outpouring of love and kindness has meant to her {and to me}. Thank you so very much to everyone who has taken the time to be a part of this. It's been a beautiful thing to see.
The latest Happy Mail!
These latest parcels are from California, Oregon, Louisiana, Texas, Idaho, Florida, New York, New Brunswick Canada and Australia. Wowsers. Makes me happy to call myself a quilter too!


  1. Your family get together sounds fun, a case of more the merrier. The desserts look delicious, I can see why they're mostly eaten. What is the crunch in the Banana Crunch cake? It's fun to see another pile of parcels arrival for your mum.

  2. Oh my that carrot cake cheese cake looks luscious. I come from a large family and we are used to eating scattered out around the house. With eight children and each with at least two children themselves it can get quite crowded. The only time all of us were together though was for mom's 80th birthday and we had to rent a hall. Large fgamilies are great.

  3. it is nice that family is taking turns coming and nice for you to keep the revolving door open..... I'm sure your quilting is like therapy at the moment. Both quilts are looking lovely.

  4. Your family dinners sound big. I come from a small family so it's hard to imagine the logistics of such meals. Panic is my go to initial phase when it comes to dinner parties so I think you saved it well there with the bakes. Love the quilts too.

  5. I just noticed your label -- Mom's Loot. LOL! Such fun. :D

    Love that close up of your baskets quilt. It's nice to see the fabrics and colours up close. Just a little more now!

  6. So neat that all of your family can sit down together and enjoy dinners. I love your Worry Baskets...I have some of them awaiting my attention--I had buttonhole stitched them and need to put them together--somehow! I know what you mean about binding--you DO have to be in the mood for sure...hugs, glad Mom is all "stashed up"! LOL Julierose

  7. I have never tasted carrot cheese cake and it looks delicious. I have never made pumpkin roll but have eaten it many times. So good. Save me some of both!

  8. La colcha cestas me gusta cada vez que la pubicas es genial
    los postres nosotros decimos ( se hace la boca agua, me ahogo)
    tiene un aspecto de comeme ummmmm
    mi familia tambien nos juntamos siempre y decimos
    ¡¡somos como los estorninos todos juntos!!

  9. Quilting can always take a backseat to those special family times.

  10. Great family gathering with yummy food! I hope you'll share pictures of the quilts your mom makes with her new stash - can't wait to see! I bought some of those Fons & Porter needles you are using for the big stitch quilting - haven't tried them yet though.

  11. I'm so glad your Mom is getting more and more squishy packages! Quilters are a generous group.

    Your family gatherings sound like happy fun. And your desserts look just scrumptious!

    I agree about the hand stitching on binding. I need to be in the mood to do it. But, little bits at a time and it gets done eventually!

  12. so many family and friends are the real treasure in life. Yummy baking.

  13. It's great how you are all pitching in to help with their new place and those desserts look like great fuel to me. Yum! :)

  14. Your worry basket quilt is beautiful--is this from When the Cold Wind Blows by Blackbird Design? Yum on the pumpkin roll--one of my hubbies favorite

  15. Your family gatherings sound like mine- I love spending time with my rowdy family . We even made a table that can seat 12- 16 of us at once just so we can have fun times together.

    Loving the look of your desserts !

  16. it makes me happy to be a quilter too when I see the generosity shown to your mom!! aren't quilters great! love your baskets you will be done with the binding before you know it. And here I was happy today to be able to pull my table out to seat 8 at lunch today before some of the family headed home. I remember at mom and dads house the table stretched out to seat about 12 or more


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