
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Next Pieceable Souls Project

We had a Pieceable Souls quilt meeting the other night.  Almost no one is done with the last project, but we don't let that stop us from moving right on to the next one.  Each of us (the very few who wanted to jump to the next project) was given a chunk of fabric--all identical patterns, but different colorways.  My number was drawn first and this is what I ended up with!  It should be very challenging.
Inspiration Fabric
I've been busy staring at it for a few days, getting very distracted from more urgent projects, and then the light bulb went off!  It could go with this other project that I've been obsessing thinking about putting applique words on here and there.  Does any of this sound familiar?  I love combining projects.  It makes me feel very efficient and well, kinda sneaky too.  Sorta a two for the price of one.
Combining a new quilt project with an old one
Anyway, I'm trying to get permission to applique my words and saying onto this quilt top since I got the wordy saying idea from another site.  I know I could probably just do it and no one would ever really know, but I'd like to be able to post pictures without getting the copyright police involved.  I think I'd probably sleep better at night too.*wink

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