
Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Little Here, A Little There....

It's been an odd week so far.  Still hot and so my quilt room is not the place to hang around in for too long.  I've had these mini cake stand blocks all cut out for awhile and so I head upstairs and plug away at them a little at a time.  Doesn't feel like I'm making much progress, but there is an awful lot of them.  These are just the base block for each set (without the bottom of the basket sewn on yet).  I wanted to check and make sure the colors were playing nice before I went any further.
Partial Mini Cake Stands
All of my kids were gone for several hours one day, so I decided to take advantage.  I pulled out this Broken Dishes project and played with it for awhile.  I finally decided to keep to the original sashing width, chose a fabric and got it all cut out.  Then I contemplated the center squares for the sashing until my eyeballs wanted to scream.
Broken Dishes Park Deux
White seemed too bright and/or in-your-face and all the other colors were busy, busy, busy.  Then I remembered a stack of black and gray squares I had from a fabric trade a bazillion years ago.  Wallah!  Very exciting to me when I get to use up random bits and pieces of leftover projects or something that has been lying about feeling neglected for years.*wink

Now I just need to wait for another day when the kids are all busy elsewhere so I can take over the living room floor again.  This quilt top is obviously not going to go together easy and I want the blocks to be properly balanced if at all possible.  It is possible isn't it?  I'm still weighing my options for the setting triangles.  Traditional?  Or not?  Yes, no, maybe so.....


  1. Love the cake stand blocks...great colour work!
    And your broken dishes project reminded me how many decisions go into each and every quilt's exhausting sometimes! I love your cornerstone find...they are perfect!

  2. Your baskets do seem to play well together. I like the Cake Stand pattern very much and have made that block many times.

    Your Broken Dishes blocks are what I really, really like!

  3. Lovely days when you have some peace and quiet for personal time.
    I like both of the quilts. Nice!

  4. My 3 kids are a few years older than yours so I remember the chaos and the thrill of having a few hours alone. I love your cake stand blocks. That pattern is one of my all-time favorite pieced blocks!

  5. Both your mini and this broken dishes are just gorgeous. I love them both and the grays are perfect! I can`t wait till you get these together!
    What a great blog! am now connected to you by reader! love your quilters and your style


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