
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Are You Tired of Seeing This Yet?

I've been hand quilting like a fiend lately.  You see, after my mom came down and looked at all my quilts, she suggested that I try to get this quilt finished up too.  Maybe switch out one of the other quilts if this one turns out as well as it looks like it very well may.  Hmmm...  I have to turn my quilts over to the guild by this coming Friday morning for the quilt show so that leaves me with, yeah, hand quilting-itis if not a bleeding finger.
Quilting till my finger bleeds (well, almost)
What I want to know is what happened to my quilting callous and why isn't is good for all day (or all week) quiltathons?  I am closing in on this thing by hook or by crook about now if I could just get off the computer.  Only 7 rows left to quilt on one corner, a couple stray triangles here and there plus the border which should be easy peasy.  Just as soon as I figure out what to do with it!  I think I have a nice non-threatening brown fabric around here somewhere that I can use for the binding too.  I gave myself until this evening to reach a certain goal and if that doesn't happen?  Well, I may not touch this particular quilt for another month or two if my goal isn't met.  I'm kinda cranky about stuff like that.*wink
Only 7 rows left to quilt
Ah, the joys of slow quilting.  I tell myself that I am building character, repairing shredded nerve endings and if you believe everything you read, doing positive things to my endorphins.  Once again I am linking up to Kathy's Slow Stitching Sundays.  She has some great giveaways going on with that too.  I would LOVE to win the Hera Marker!  But if not, I will still have my one of a kind hand quilted beauty to snuggle up to someday!


  1. good luck! I know you can do it

  2. I don't get tired of seeing your quilt. I love the simple design and the colors.

  3. Believe it! It's true! You are doing great! You can meet your goal...who needs sleep?!?!

  4. It's looking great! I'm sure no one is nearly as tired of looking at it as you are. Go, Audrey, Go!

  5. The quilt is lovely, enjoy the process. If it's not done on time, then it will be the first quilt you have ready for the next show. And put some "New Skin" on those under fingers, you can buy it at the drug store.

  6. I would never tire of seeing this quilt. It will be a fabulous finish, sending good thoughts your way.

  7. That really is gorgeous. A little every day and you'll be done before you know it!


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