
Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Good Finish in Spite of Everything

What a week.  I actually finished my Scrappy Triangles quilt in spite of all the myriads of interruptions!  I will not bore you with the details, but believe me, they are numerous.  I don't think I'm much impressed with hand quilting under such a tight deadline.  I will valiantly try to avoid that in the future.  Hand quilting should be relaxing.  Nuff said.
All finished!
After I get back next week, I will hopefully be able to concentrate on some different kinds of quilting.  There are a few ideas percolating in my head and I also need to get back to a couple projects that I've started.
On top of the pile, ready to go out the door.
On another note, today is the 2 year anniversary for my quilt blog!  I started it as an on-line journal for my quilting projects, plus a place to put my link list of quilt blogs that I like to keep up with.  I've been amazed at the number of people who also seem interested in my rather ordinary quilt projects and put up with all my nonsense!  So much brown fabric!  The flitting from project to project while I let ideas simmer.  My general distrust of following patterns exactly or using more than just a couple fabrics from the same line.  The incessant challenges to myself to use up old fabrics languishing away in my totes.  My crankiness etc. etc. and yeah, I admit it, too much talking.....

I thought about doing a giveaway, but I've been way too (pick one) busy, broke, tired to figure out a good giveaway.  My track record is not real good with giveaways anyway, so I'll leave that for another day when I'm more clearheaded and rational.  Now I better get my packing squared away for my brothers wedding and figure out what I'm supposed to wear.  Do you think I could get away with wearing a quilt? lol


  1. Happy Anniversary!
    Is there something wrong with brown fabric? It's my favorite (it's the color of chocolate after all.) I love the idea of wearing a quilt to the wedding, you would be the only one...
    Congrats on finishing the gorgeous quilt. I am impressed!

  2. Congratulations on your finish! Your quilt looks beautiful and so does your quilting!

    And Congratulations on your 2 year blogiversary! I'm really enjoying your blog - don't be so hard on yourself!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Congratulations on finishing this fabulous quilt! When the memories of the stress of meeting the deadline fade away, you are going to look at photos of this quilt and realize how amazing it is!
    And.. congrats on the blogiversary!

  4. Congratulation on your anniversary AND your finished quilt! Can't wait to see what you do next!!

  5. it is beautiful! great work finishing on time!!....and yes I think a quilt would be perfect attire for a wedding...when the event is over you will be all ready to crash, and be warm and cozy


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