
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Back to The Worry Baskets and a Giveaway!

I finally got all the prep work done for my remaining little basket blocks! Sitting at the ball field during practice in erratic spring weather seems to be the perfect time to focus on applique work.  I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed sewing the first little black basket.  It was like eating comfort food!:)
It always comes back to the baskets....
I ran out of needles awhile back and took the advice of my local quilt store owner when I bought this little case of Straw Needles.  It wasn't until I got home, opened the package and took out one of the needles.... that I realized, oh no! these are the needles I love to hate.  They are just too long and bendy for my clumsy 'ol fingers.  The quilt store owner absolutely loves them and she's very convincing.  The last package she sold to me (yes, this has happened before!) were passed off to my mom, who incidentally loves and adores them too.  Apparently I am the weird and challenged one in the room.*wink
The Straw Needle compared to my regular applique needle
So, because I am a curious quilter woman (with an opened, yet unused, package of applique needles),  I decided to try something totally new and out of the realm of my current experiences.  I decided to have a giveaway!  If you are interested in trying out these applique needles, just leave me a comment concerning what you think about the internet and it's influence on all of us Quilty people.  Is it a good thing?  Bad thing?  Turning us all into homogenized Quilty clones?  Do tell.  No need to follow or anything like that.   I just need to be able to access your e-mail in order to send the Straw Needles on to their new owner.  The giveaway is open until Sunday, April 22 at 11:59 pm. Pacific Standard Time after which I will randomly choose the winner from the comments.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a handpiecer and hand quilter too. Thus far, I haven't ventured into applique but will eventually give it a go. Would love to try out 'straw' needles.

    shirlsu at gmail dot com


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