
Friday, April 20, 2012

And The Design Wall Fills Up

Broken Dishes Part Deux is starting to shape up into something interesting for me.  I ditched the way I was putting the blocks together, streamlined things a bit and started in on a major chain piecing effort.  
Starting to see some progress.
 I always have to work in fits and starts this time of year anyway, as things start getting busy on the home front.  Breaking it up this way seems like it should be more annoying because there are intense periods of much sewing, then ironing, matching pairs up, lots of pinning, then back to the sewing again.  Rarely more than one phase is ever accomplished before I'm rushing off to take care of something that needs my immediate attention.  You know.  Important things like getting the mail before the post office closes etc.  BUT--it's working so I will not question the why's of it!
About halfway through.....
I love mixing reproduction fabrics with brighter, bolder, more modern fabrics even when the combination sometime makes me wince.  I am completely in love with the bare bones of traditional/vintage/antiquey looking quilts, but I like to push the envelope a little and make people look twice to try and figure out what I'm doing.  Not that I always know or can properly explain it myself.*wink  Regardless of the eventual outcome, I console myself with the fact that my youngest daughter is loving what's on my design wall right about now.
Getting back to some chain piecing.
So..., I'm pretty sure I'm in the 'I think I'm gonna like it' stage of this quilt project.  Lets see what tomorrow holds!  Most quilts end up being a roller coaster ride of emotions for me by the time I see it through to the finished product.


  1. I was studying your fabrics used in the blocks. Some very interesting ones.

  2. I love the way this top is coming along. The fabric choices are beautiful and random and remind me of my grandmother's quilts. I think it's going to be a 'Wow!' quilt.


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