Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November Quilty 365 Linkup

Oh my goodness! How could it possibly be November 1st already? I am so very unprepared for this link-up day. No good pictures, just a quickie when I dumped all the circles out on the floor the other day. Got to count and make sure there really are 366 you know!
All the circles are here and accounted for!
It's always fun to reach this point in a project isn't it?  A bit overwhelming when looking at them like this in all their random colors, but I really am excited to see what can be made out of these. Are you still circling with me? If so, please link a thumbnail picture to a current post on your blog detailing:
  • What particular day you happen to be at now {such as 'day 340'}
  • A picture of all your October circles whether they are stitched to the background fabric or not
  • A link back to this post
  • Any thoughts or introspection you might want to add about this particular project
For those who started later, I still intend to have the regular circle link-up in December and January as well. And once again, a very huge THANK YOU to all who have joined in! So much fun to see all the great circles 'in progress' and yes, those marvelous circle quilts already being put together--or possibly even finished at the moment. 

When would be a good time to have the link-up for fully-put-together-quilt tops or completed circle quilts? Any suggestions? Mine will definitely not be anything more than a quilt top, but then I'm usually slow about the final touches.  It's just that I'd love to see them all together in one place and that's when I intend to have the giveaway post as well. Regardless of how this quilt looks in the end, it already feels like a huge accomplishment to get this far with you!


  1. Congratulations Audrey on reaching the 366 circles! Good luck in putting them all together.
    About the final show day, how about 1 November next year? That sounds far away, I know, but I shall be hand quilting my circles, and will need a LOT of time!

  2. Qué bien!! Ya lo has terminado? Cómo va a ser el montaje de los bloques? A mí me falta poco para terminar, aunque creo que no llegaré a los 300. Abrazos

  3. Look at all those lovely circles in a group----so much color!! I think you should be congratulated for starting this journey & completing it too!! 366 days in a row is quite exciting. The end product will be icing on the cake. Take a breather---you deserve it!! You need to stack them all around you, until an idea comes. When you relax about the process, the process will happen. I have seen many people doing this & will be fun to see where they all are.

  4. Congratulations on your 366 circles! It's always a happy day when we finish all the components for a top, or maybe that top of yours will beg for a bit of applique ... stranger things have happened! Since there are so many who began in January or even a bit later, what about sometime next summer or even fall for the final link-up?

  5. Congratulations! It is wonderful. And I left circle 62-November and December.

  6. Thanks so much for starting this wonderful project. I am so happy with myself that I've stuck at it. This quilt is calling for me to hand-quilt it....I can't wait!

  7. almost done with mine - give me another couple weeks and I will show the finished quilt on December 1st!!

  8. Woo-hoo! What a pretty pile your blocks make! Excited to see how they look all together in your quilt. Congratulations!

  9. I can't believe the year has gone so quickly. So many circles!

  10. This has been a wonderful challenge. Congrats on 366! My year finishes Nov 5, but I ll add my post tomorrow. My top won t be ready til mid winter---end of February??---at best, but I ll enjoy seeing what faster quilters do before then.

  11. Bravo to all the quilters who have been stitching circles - I'm inspired!

  12. Hah! Day 2!!! Am using 30's/40's fabric with feedsacks. No choice for mood, so to speak, with that combo.

  13. Congratulations Audrey ! So nice to see all your circles. I'm a little behind ... I hope to catch up this month and link up on December 1st.

  14. Congratulations on finishing your year! I'm still plugging along on my orange peel/melon shapes. I started January 1st, so still have a few months to go. I've been seeing them together as I go and just letting the colors blend together. This is still an enjoyable process to me.

  15. Thanks for the idea. It's been great fun. My 366th circle will be tomorrow's (Nov 3). I don't think I will even get mine assembled until after the holidays.

  16. Amazing to think that it has been a year now. I will reach 366 on November 10, and I've been piecing my rows together as I go, so my top will be finished by the end of the month. A place for a final link up will be great, it is so inspiring to see everyone's different layout ideas.

  17. Although I didn't play along, I've followed this all year - very inspiring!

  18. I'm done! 4 days early. I haven't gone non-stop, but have 3 tops to show for a year of circles so thanks, Audrey for an inspiring idea and for running the link up which definitely provided motivation to keep going!

  19. I am still having fun Audrey, Thank you so much! AND, I hope to have a finish by the end of the year - fingers crossed!!

  20. It seems amazing a year has passed already! It's been a fun project and I'm glad I stuck with it. Already I feel a little bereft to not be picking fabrics every day. I like the idea of a set time in the future to show our quilts - it will keep me motivated - but I definitely need 6 months or more!

  21. Congratulations to all who participated. I stopped in May when life got busier (and my fabric choice ran low) but I am so glad I got that far. Thank you Audrey for the inspiration and motivation. I can't wait to see all the top together.

  22. So many fabulous quilts being made... see what you started and inspired in all these creative people!!

  23. Time flies when you're having fun, it's hard to believe we started this almost a year ago. Your circles are fantastic; you picked lovely colors as usual; I look forward to seeing your top completed.

  24. Hola! me alegra saber que somos muchas las mujeres que estamos haciendo estos circulos! a veces cuando tomo la caja donde tengo mis circulos pienso "cuantas estan haciendo lo mismo que yo!" Increible!!
    ahora viene la etapa siguiente: haremos con estos circulos? felicitaciones! gracias! y un abrazo desde Estocolmo, Suecia

    1. Hola! hace un mes que escribi con mi entusiasmo y ahora que hacer con todo este material bordado! por ahora tengo solamente una idea... hacer cobijas para cunas y darlas a la beneficencia, a una ong... quizas para enviar a un pais que necesite, o a la recepcion de refugiados ... en todo caso a una ong...
      un abrazo y gracias otra vez vez por la idea...
      un abrazo desde Estocolmo, Suecia
      mi mail es milagrosfernandez53@gmail.com


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