
Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Taking Some Time Off!

 I've been puttering around, sewing the wedges together from a project that got cut too small. It just seems like a waste to have it sit in the orphan totes forever. The plan is to hand applique these wheels to a background block and then figure out a center circle fabric. Perhaps blue? Some of the Dresdens are a little bit wonky, but I'm crossing my fingers the hand work will ease it out.

The new applique project
In other news, my mother got this lovely quilt in the mail a couple weeks ago. One of my cousins had found these old blocks when she was going through her late mothers belongings. 
A quilt made from my grandmothers blocks
They were hand pieced by grandmother years and years ago, and had never quite made it to quilt top stage.

Making do, making it work!
My cousin quite generously paid to have someone sew these blocks together and then finished into a completed quilt top! Then, in the sweetest of sweet things to do, mailed it off to my mother. 

Takes me back to the days of
fighting over my grandmas quilts
to sleep under....
My mother was very appreciative and actually in tears as all of the quilts from her mother had burned in the 2014 fire. I especially love the 'mistake' block, don't you? Many of my grandmothers quilts used cut up remnants of clothing the family wore and greens were always a favorite of hers to make quilts out of. My mother said the Drunkards Path was one of her moms favorite unit to work with and that she had made several different quilts with it through the years. So many of her quilts have been lost, either to fire or to mildew from improper care of them after they had moved back to Oklahoma in the late 70's.

As usual, I have been a busy, busy girl this summer. Starting to sound a little whiny with it I'm sure! This is a picture of me after I had thrown together an apron to wear at another cousins wedding. A couple of my sisters and I had to man the kitchens and replenish the buffet table after the wedding. A little ironing and it was all set to go!

I'm taking the rest of August off from blogging as there is simply too much on the schedule to keep up. Take care and keep quilting! I'll probably check in on your blogs and lurk if I have a spare minute or two...


  1. what a nice gift to your mother! Sounds like you have been very busy - I'm not taking a month off but I will be taking 5 days off as I will be busy too this next week.

  2. How sweet of your cousin to think of your mom with this quilt. It's beautiful.
    Good luck with catching up!

  3. Beautiful quilt for your mother - how special all the way around! Enjoy your time away - we all need some once in a while. Quiltdivajulie

  4. What a lovely quilt,and a very kind thought from your cousin, your Mum must be thrilled! Enjoy your blogging break, have a good summer.xxxx

  5. What a beautiful gift for your mom. The wonky block just makes you smile especially that was placed almost in the center. Enjoy your time.

  6. That must be so special to get such a quilt with family memories.

  7. I LOVE that story about your grandma’s quilt blocks. What a lovely gift to cherish!!

  8. So Audrey, you come by your quilty talents naturally. How wonderful and what a beautiful quilt and sweet thing your cousin did. Wonderful story! And I loved seeing you there with your lovely hair up and a big smile! Good stuff and enjoy a nice little break now.

  9. That was a beautiful story and gift to your mother. What a treasure since so many quilts were lost in the fire. Glad you're staying busy but don't forget to get needle & thread out whenever possible. It's cheaper than therapy when things start getting so busy!


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