
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

It's a Finish!

 Ta-da! Primrose Path is a finished top! Black was the only color that made sense for the outside border, so easy-peasy. The original inspiration was a tapestry or rug {not sure} in black and white. Just couldn't quite bring myself to make a pure black and white quilt. Much too modern for me!

Primrose Path is a completed quilt top now
Thankfully I had enough of a solid to cut out what was needed for borders. Just enough actually. Really surprising as I tend to use it up in bindings and I had already used quite a bit in the sashing borders of this top. Would have loved to use a black fabric with some sort of floral print, but then that would have made things over-the-top busy. Probably. We'll never know now!
A little bit funky, a little bit charming
I love quilts with blocks set in two different directions and this fit the bill nicely. It's not immediately obvious, but I find it kind of sweet and charming.

Probably too graphic to have the cozy vibe I like
This quilt is dark, quirky and not nearly as prim as I normally prefer things to look. Still, it's got a lot of character and will hopefully, fingers crossed, look amazing with hand quilting some day in the future! The size of this quilt is 78" x 82 1/2", so a bit bigger than a large throw quilt. Love having it at finished quilt top stage after years of wondering if I wanted to make this, how to do it? In what colors, yada, yada yada. So it's not my favorite quilt in the whole wide world. That happens sometimes. I'm definitely pleased with how it looks though and happy for the experience!
Lotsa pink in this quilt....
I also finished up the hand quilting on Practice, the improv. strips quilt that I'm gifting to a nephew for his wedding. Big sigh!  I was sweating it a little with all the other things that needed attention this week.

Improv. Practice is finished up!
This quilt was started with the practice strips from the winter quilting meeting two winters ago. I had gathered up a stack of old, less than admirable fabrics for all the gals to practice free cutting on. It seemed easier to let them 'practice' before asking them to cut into their good fabric. My thought was that I wouldn't care how this stack of fabric ended up and it might be interesting to play with strips cut in widths intuitive to other people.
It's been a great practice quilt 
Later on, I used these strips to make my own quilt top, only needing to add in another couple fat quarters of color, plus the cream of course. The cohesion of the cream fabric really helps pull the whole look of the quilt together in my opinion. Good call there as the other fabrics ended up being fairly blendy looking without the offset of the much lighter color.

So glad to see the hand stitching texture come alive
Once again, I was reminded at how much better some fabrics can look when they are cut into smaller pieces. Funny how it can make an 'ugly' fabric look so, so much better!

Very snuggly looking quilt!
Mostly though, I was just done with these particular colors and style of fabric prints. Obviously, I have been spending a lot more time with brighter colors in the past couple years and have gotten away from the overwhelming earth tone phase. That being said, this was a good trip down memory lane, while also allowing me to freely play with improv. strip layout. Absolutely no pressure with this project!

Loving this backing
When I went looking for a suitable quilt top for my very masculine, duck hunting nephew, this quilt top jumped out as the best possible choice. Feeling sorry for his wife to be, I went ahead and added this Kaffe floral to the back. Well, this fabric and about five others. ha! Anyway, it's DONE! Yay me! and now I can start finishing up the two baby quilts and maybe even start on another....


  1. Audrey Me encantan, me encantan esas deliciosas flores ¡¡todo en este edredón me gusta!! Felicidades a tu sobrino, gran regalo de boda. Saludos

  2. Congratulations on a lovely finish for Primrose pretty....
    nice work...good luck finishing up "Practice" it looks great!
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. Your Primrose Path is absolutely stunning! It is one of my favourites that you have designed and made.

  4. I love it! so original and the black border looks great

  5. It took me a little while before I spotted that the Primroses went in two directions!! A beautiful quilt top, can't wait to see it come to the top of the quilting queue. Stunning Kaffe fabric on the back of Practice, yes it fits perfectly, congratulations!

  6. The sashing on the Primrose is BRILLIANT!! Totally elevates the whole design.

  7. Oh, Audrey . . . Practice is just wonderful (especially with a pieced backing). And while you may not be totally in love with Primrose Path right now, once you add your hand quilted texture, I'm guessing you will totally love PP. I think it is splendid just as it is and know it will become spectacular once it finishes its stint in your hoop.

  8. oops - from Quiltdivajulie

  9. Primrose is just 'knock your socks off' fabulous! The pink and black sashing is ingenious.

  10. Love how your primroses nod in different directions! And the pink & black in the sashing was a bold but clever choice.

  11. The Primrose top is lovely. And the strip quilt looks very good.

  12. I like so much that these are two really different quilts, but they both very clearly have your hand in them. Isn't it strange how our taste in colours can change so much over the years?

  13. Love the Primrose Path ~ a little retro, a little prim and quirky! Well done on finishing both projects.

  14. Audrey, I love Primrose Path with it’s charming and surprising colour choices! Can’t wait to see what you do with the quilting!

  15. Sorry didn’t mean to be anonymous!

  16. Both quilts are so beautiful yet different. I think your nephew is going to be very happy with his quilt and his wife will be tickled with the back and that you gave her a bit of girly. Primrose Path is really a neat quilt too. Love how it looks! You are so talented.

  17. ¡maravilloso, precioso, espectacular! se me acaban los adjetivos ¡felicidades!

  18. My, I have missed so much! I adore the "Primrose Path". I don't know how you do it, but you keep coming up with such unique and fun quilts!


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