
Saturday, April 22, 2023

All the Current Projects

So one of the questions I get asked pretty often is this: how many projects are you currently working on? Well, most of the time, it's a number somewhere between 5 and 10. And that doesn't even count the quilt in the hoop or if I'm finishing off the binding on yet another quilt. 

The new medallion quilt
Right now there are 8 work-in-progress type quilt projects. They have fabric stacked up, blocks started or applique prepped, designs doodled onto paper, or something serious going on. They are the real deal and not just a dreamy little idea for the future! The first one is 'Peace Always Medallion'. Just barely got the centerpiece stitched down a couple days ago. Love, love, love having a free-style medallion quilt in the works!

Needing a sashing
'Primrose Path' is a project based on a textile print that I pinned on Pinterest years ago. Just love the naïve look to these  flowers. Took me a couple years to finally decide that yes, I did actually want to do the backgrounds in dull black colored fabrics. Next up is working out the measurements for the pieced sashing. Really intrigued by the way the sashing forces the applique into being front and center.

Getting ready to stitch these down
'Melon Patch Blossom' is part of the ongoing Melon Patch series. It will be the third one in fact! When I changed direction in mid stream, these petal look motifs didn't relish being completely abandoned. The bright green rectangles are probably going to be a sashing element in this quilt. Maybe. We'll see where things end up.

All ready for the love and attention!
'Improv. Hourglass Abstract' is something that has been nagging at me for a very long time. Really wanted to do something with the leftover hourglass units {wrong size so more like useless hourglass units?} and this seemed like the answer. Will need to be figuring out a larger scale applique flowery vine to stitch down over the top of this. Don't want it to be so small as to not make a proper impact!

Looking pretty sweet!
Then there's the 'Happy Accident' project. Cut out all the Dresden units much too narrow for Ring Around. Are you getting the message yet? Many of my projects seem to originate from leftovers and random mistakes...

Piecing is not my strong suite anymore. Feeling a bit boring...
'Old Fashioned' is just a sappy, mellow yellow quilt that I wanted to make. Supposed to be answering a Sun challenge prompt, but can't quite get there in my mind until I work with these quieter yellows. Don't know why it works that way sometimes, but there's really not a lot of point in fighting it.

Making sure I want to do what I think needs to happen
'Good Vibes' is the next quilt in the Circle Game series. #3 I think. These circles were cut out from behind Lillabelle. It's interesting how the circles are getting less and less truly circular and more obviously lopsided. Do I care? Hmmm... Probably not. I also find it fascinating that the circles really aren't getting substantially smaller with each new set. For some reason that has surprised me more than it should of. 

All prepped and ready to go
And then there is 'Prickly Pears'. Yep! Another quilt with cut-outs from a previous quilt. I thought they would be kinda weird looking pears in the gray, but this is looking rather sweet and spunky to me. Will see how it plays out in the larger layout, but for now, my fingers are positively itching to get started stitching! 

So that's that. Lots of applique as usual which tends to keep my skirt blowing up and the endorphins running at high. Will probably try to finish up another project or two before I dive into more brand new projects. The next ones should probably be something other than orphaned bits and bobs too. The thing is, we should all work on exactly the amount of projects that make sense to the way our quilty ebb and flow work best. I feel very good about this amount. Not overwhelmed and too over stretched, and yet not too tied down or boxed in. Isn't playtime fun?


  1. you work on a lot of them at once I have done that a few years but now I prefer just a couple at time it seems. The hexies take up a lot of hand piecing time for sure. All of yours are looking great in the various stages they are

  2. All those different projects, I like it. Love to see how they grow and become lovely quilts.

  3. Audrey me encantan todos tus edredones siempre!! me gusta no estar sola trabajando en varias cosas. Deliciosas tus flores ¡¡Primrose Path!! Buena semana

  4. When I saw the melon patches again I thought how fun they might be combined with the primrose blocks as sashings. Medallion fun coming up! One day I'll start one of them again.

  5. I'm exhausted just from reading about all your current projects! And, as usual, I love them all! I'm going to go start some applique...

  6. I like how you try and incorporate bits from other projects, like a sour dough starter. Each quilt taking a spark or sparkle from another.

  7. yo trabajo en dos a la vez. Me gustan nucho sus proyectos

  8. What a great round-up, and it's always interesting to see your projects at an early stage. There's one or two here that I'm especially keen to see evolve.

  9. Good grief, I do believe you have more creativity in your little finger than I have in my whole body. Love all of this, the bits and threads of thoughts and leftovers that you somehow meld together into terrific unique quilts. I think I remember those pears....

  10. I love all the projects!! I'm so curious how the 'Happy Accident' project and the orange circles will look finished?!?! -Rhi


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