
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Simple Projects

First of all, so sorry to everyone who is having trouble posting comments on my blog! I just don't have the energy to switch to a different platform and Blogger seems to want to be extra difficult these days. You can email a comment directly and I'll always respond. Otherwise, thanks for reading anyway! I figure there are lots like me out there, reading the blogs but doing a terrible time leaving feedback. I said never, never, but these days it's tempting to switch to Instagram where all you have to do it click on the 'heart' to engage.

The new vintage look 25-Patch project
I took an online personality test the other day and was completely appalled by how low the score came back in Openness {and creativity}. Part of the test was spot on and super interesting. The other part? Uggh. I must have been feeling very self critical and down on myself. Whatever, it made me realize that apparently I'm more 'stuck' that I realized! Time to dig back in and see if that can change eventually. According to the test, color doesn't seem to move me at all??? I started small with a basic project. Just dipping my toes back in the water. This is an idea that's been rattling around in the quilt room forever. 

Starting something new
It's a picture of a vintage quilt made out of scrappy hsts. I took one of those infamous {marinating} stacks of fabrics and got busy. All the hsts are cut out, ironed open now and all that's left to do after yesterday is the trimming. Just trimming the points. I really don't care if the blocks are a little wonky for this quilt. Imperfection will make it more interesting. 

Okay, it probably sounds like I just went after it like crazy, but believe me, I've been having to force myself to work for even a half an hour or so. Take a break. Come back. Making progress has been like pulling teeth, everything feeling like a huge effort. But I've been here before! Just have to break through and get back on track.

It's a true blue finish!
Finally got the binding sewn down on the Improv. Strips quilt {No Wasted Pieces}. Was kind of surprised by the fact that the quilt wanted a pink binding, but oh well. Just glad that I had something suitable languishing in the stash totes!

Loving the texture
My favorite part of the quilt is the added strips in the bottom left corner. Really adds an element of make-it-up-as-you-go to the quilt and helps make it a little bit more quirky. Always a good thing in my book.
Gotta get the attitude on the quilt
I kept the hand quilting super basic of course, don't I always? But then went ahead and stitched a few tulips into the wider border area there at the top of the quilt. Adds a little bit of sweetness to an oddly colored quilt! Overall, it was a good finish and crumpled up very nicely after washing. This one is a good example of how simple shapes can show off and/or disguise older fabrics. Whichever is needed. They all just sort of disappear into the quilt and nothing stands out as too stale or too obnoxious when they're cut this small.

A bit sweeter with flowers
I have also been tentatively playing around with these abandoned hourglass blocks from an older AHIQ quilt. There is a vague design doodled onto a piece of paper and all the potential fabrics for the quilt jumping up and down shouting YES! I know the color palette may be unexciting to some of you, but it's doing something for me. Uh huh. Seems like the Personality Test was taken on a bad day? I learned a long time ago to try not to question the whys and wherefores of current color curiosity and just roll with it. Never know where things might end up!
Hoping to kickstart this one after Thankgiving
That being said, I'm getting flashes of interest, excitement and yes, even trepidation just trying for a start. Can I make this happen the way that I'm envisioning things? The reality is: Probably not. And that's part of what's been holding me back. A general feeling of negativity about sparking real creativity. About making good things happen. Or NOT. The journey is so much fun regardless and I've sort of let that slip this past year, pushing my expectations to unnecessary places. I need to TRY for the idea first, then everything sort of falls into place along the way. If I don't even try, well then. Nothing happens. Duh. Obviously!

In other news, I got my sewing machine fixed! Yay!! Ended up with a way too quick trip to Spokane, dropping someone off at the airport, doing the sewing machine service, going Christmas shopping and then driving back home feeling a bit sick from exhaustion. Now it's Thanksgiving {already!} and there are more things still to bake and fix. We're gathering at my mom and dads this year with all of my siblings. Whoa...... It's going to be A LOT. Only one of our kids will be there though as they all have other obligations. I count it very fortunate to still have my parents and know these years are fading very quickly. Hope you all have the best of holidays filled with lots of good visits, turkey and pie!



  1. I've always like what you make, I like the freedom
    so much of the quilting we see today is to sell stuff
    originality is lacking Thank you for sharing

  2. I see I can still leave a comment on your blog but there are some other blogger blogs that I have not had luck with that I always have left comments on - blogger has had problems this past year it seems. Quilts are wonderful as always and have a great holiday with your family - ours will be a small affair so very relaxing and too much food!

  3. Your quilts are unique inspired creations and a reflection of your inner self. I wouldn't put much credence in that personality test, if it got that aspect of your personality so very wrong. No Wasted Pieces looks so incredibly soft and snuggly, I love it. Enjoy every minute you have with your parents and siblings tomorrow, we're heading to the younger daughter's home where everyone gathers every year. She loves to host big gatherings and we're the elders now and I'm happy to only have responsibility for the chocolate pecan pie and cranberry salsa.

  4. I would venture a guess that if you took the same or another online personality test on a different day that you would get a different set of results. But honestly, the quilts you make are wonderful. Please don’t beat yourself up about h being what you or some set of questions think you should be and just let it roll (as you described in your post). P.s. I think a great many of us are deeply exhausted on a soul-deep level, it is not just you. (Quiltdivajuliej

  5. I just have to say the test was definitely wrong on creativity and colour!!!
    Just taking a look here on your post - No Wasted Pieces, beautiful mix of colour in this beautiful quilt, and your quilts are always joyful and creative.
    Now, I'm excited with your new vintage project and looking forward to watching this all come together. Happy Thanksgiving Audrey, enjoy your time with family.

  6. Don't take those online quizzes too seriously. The person creating it has figured out answers that may not apply to everyone. Your quilts are all charming and I think your color choices are good. I think there are a lot of readers out there (including me) who wish we had made one of your creations.

  7. a wonderful quilt, 'no wasted pieces' , quirky ( in the best meaning ) as all your quilts :-)

  8. i love 'no wasted pieces'....creativity can't be planned...forget about making mistakes and just let it take you wherever...i too am blessed to still have mom with us....happy thanksgiving to you

  9. LOVE your No Wasted Pieces quilt. It's GORGEOUS!!! The hand stitching is perfect for it. Love the colors. Very nicely done. ~~Kathy S.

  10. :No wasted Pieces" came out so lovely!! All I can add to how you are feeling is what my Mom used to tell me when I was down :
    "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't" [to quote my favorite candy bar ads ;))) ] Don't sweat it...and not all tests give you true results...
    Your color sense is unique and wonderful..
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving and trust your gut...hugs, Julierose

  11. Like others, I've become leery of personality tests too. I love the colors in No Wasted Pieces. Keep on keeping on and happy Thanksgiving.

  12. Your 'No Wasted Pieces' quilt is creatively cozy. The stitching adds a lovely dimension with the perfect pink binding. Well done!

  13. I still have my parents too; I am so thankful for this.

  14. Oh, I like that 25 patch with HSTs! Your quilts never disappoint! I don't have any personality so no sense in testing it!!!!

  15. I always learn a lot from you, especially when it comes to jumping in head first and I truly hope you don't switch to Instagram because I'd never see you or your amazing quilts again.

  16. A great start to your 25-patch vintage quilt, can't wait to see more! Love seeing 'no wasted pieces' all finished, great binding choice!

  17. No Wasted Pieces is beautiful! Love the colors, love the added little flower. So sweet! Looking forward to where your mojo is going take you next!

  18. Love your two piles of fabrics for your vintage 25. Take those online tests with a huge grain of salt!

  19. As always, your work in inspirational!

  20. The idea that you don't care about colour really made me smile (I have several of your colour palettes tucked away in my head that I hope to try one day). No Wasted Pieces is a great example of just how good you are with colour. As for all your negative thoughts: I guess we all have them, and we all make quilts that end up nothing like the image we had in our heads at the start. That doesn't mean, though, that they are not beautiful, satisfying, creative, or visionary. Just that the quilt has a say as you go along. Keep going!

  21. I have an Instagram account and it's just not the same. It's so impersonal. The personality test probably didn't ask the right questions to get deep enough into your creative side. What you do is delightful and you never fail to delight me with the things you make.

  22. LOVE the improv strips quilt!!


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