
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Popping In For a Quick Update!

 May has always been a busy month for us, but this year I made it worse. For reasons that totally made sense at the time, I scheduled a week long trip (leaving the end of April) to visit my oldest daughter in Oklahoma.

Loving the colors!
With everything that needed done before leaving, I had little to no time to post my latest quilt finish, AHIQ Hourglass. Plus it needed washed up so the crinkly goodness could shine!
I think this one is a winner
After I got back home, then there was all the laundry for me and of course, my husband who still needed work clothes etc. etc. Can you believe that he also managed to clean out his work truck and find about 10 sweatshirts that needed washing? 

Still liking the pieced sashing look
I took a couple hand work projects with me on my visit, but honestly, we were just too busy chatting for quilting to take priority. My daughter has a new house in a new town. Barely been married for less than a year. She's a Washingtonian transplant to the midwest. Trying to figure out how to budget in an exploding economy. Sooo much to talk about. And we loved every minute of it!

A tiny bit of a fabric bleed but not enough to ruin it
It's terribly hard to live so far away from our children. I mostly hate it. But... it's wonderful to see them living their best life in spite of the very real homesickness that comes along with the distance. One of the hardest thing to do as a parent is to teach our children how to get by without us.

Will probably have to keep this one!
Now I'm home, after a brutal midnight flight and then the additional 3 hours driving home. There's been non-stop busyness ever since 'cuz, ahem! my husband really doesn't love trying to get along without me! lol  Our big camping trip is coming up at the end of May so now I'm trying to organize and prepare for that. Will try to post more quilting stuff in the weeks ahead, but who knows? I don't seem to be nearly as good at multi-tasking as I used to be.

Having oodles of fun with my Mothers Day money
One of the highlights of my trip was 'The Quilting Studio and Fabric Mercantile' in Tulsa Oklahoma. Ahhh... I was like a kid in a candy store. It's been so long since I've bought any new fabric! Such a lucky pick when I was determined to only hit one store. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that they kept pushing quilt kits at me. Hmm... How to answer without sounding rude? My daughter and I settled with 'I kinda do my own thing'.*wink

Last night saw me finally getting in a few minutes at the sewing machine and of course I'm back with the hand quilting in the evenings. Who knew a quilting callous could disappear so quickly! 


  1. Delightful post! Glad you had so much fun with your daughter. Those are special times. Your new quilt is terrific, Nice finish,!

  2. I’m 72 and multi-tasking has become a distant memory. But I’m like the tortoise, trudging along.

  3. The anonymous post above is Robin at I like to create.

  4. Audrey, this quilt is purely delightful!!! The colors are sweetness! You’ve done a beautiful job with it!

  5. It is wonderful to visit our kids (I just got back from such a trip myself - and for the first time ever, didn't bring any handwork). It sounds like your daughter is handling challenges well. The economy...... ugh. Fun to find a fabric store with good possibilities! Down with kits;).

  6. I really like your quilt. The sign of a successful parent is your children being able to function with out you. I enjoy your blog. Cheers Jan

  7. Another lovely “Audrey” quilt! So glad you got to spend time with your daughter!

  8. I well need to remember that a good quilt shop is in Tulsa - it is awhile since I've been there - it is about an hour or so from my daughter in NW Arkansas. It is so nice that you got to visit her and isn't is amazing that when we get home from a trip without our husbands so many of us still need to get caught back up on the laundry and the housework!! love your quilt

  9. Wonderful, living the good life. Your husband found about 10 sweatshirts in his truck that needed washing, yes that sounds familiar. So fun to be able to visit your daughter, Thanks for sharing, makes me homesick, in a good way.

  10. ---and I, for one, am very happy that you "do your own thing"!! Thank you for sharing and inspiring. Bernice

  11. Loving that finish on the "cup-flower" quilt!! Just beautiful work...
    Hugs, Julierose

  12. Beautiful job on the quilt! Red always looks good in a quilt and those sashing strips really add a lot of interest. That quilt shop sounds like a lot of fun. It's been a long time since I've been to one.

  13. I love this quilt Audrey! The red is such a good choice for the sashing. So cute - with the various flower prints, so colorful. Good that you got to visit your daughter but too bad that now you have to do all the catching up with laundry, etc. I guess I have to consider myself very lucky, my husband does a lot of the laundry and is a great cook. He even gets out the vacuum cleaner occasionally! Jan in MA

  14. Super great quilt. So glad you are keeping it.

  15. What a great quilt! A keeper for sure! I love the wonderful handquilted texture. I can't imagine buying a kit - choosing fabrics and letting the design evolve as you sew are some of the best parts of quilt making. I'm glad you "kinda do your own thing" :0) Your quilts are so marvellously YOU! Glad you had a nice visit with your daughter.

  16. That smile says it all - you couldn't have landed in a better spot to blow the wad. Looks like it was a more-than-successful stop! It's always great to plan an adventure, but equally wonderful to return home, even if there is laundry ;).

  17. Congratulations on the finish Audrey! It's just wonderful. And I'm thrilled you are going to keep it for yourself. (Quiltdivajulie)

  18. Last month we drove east to eastern OK to visit "the kids" which includes the grands and great grands! I spent 2 days with oldest daughter as she drove me up to Tahlequah and found a quilt shop... not what she was finished quilts to buy in a quilt shop. Such a learning experience for her! Hubby spent those 2 days fishing with one of her brothers. I love the rest stop as one comes in via car from the Texas panhandle, it includes a gift shop! I got a great Route 66 mug there! Love all your quirky quilts, I hate products and kits!

  19. One of the best tulip quilts I've seen. Love it with the red background and the sashing you used sets the tulips off perfectly.

  20. Even in your busiest months you always seem to have something lovely to share. The hourglasses with tulips is an inspired combination- I love it so much it makes me want to try tulips again. I miss my big kids too, but it does makes the visits really special; I'm glad you had such a good time with your daugher.

  21. I can hear the enjoyment in your voice at what a great time you had and I can see it on your happy face there in the photo too. And of course I enjoyed seeing that as well as that lovely quilt. No you do not need kits! Anyway, enjoy Audrey, every minute of your trip!

  22. Such a delightful tulip quilt. I love the colours and your pieced sashing. And a lovely happy photo, so glad you enjoyed your trip.

  23. Your quilt is wonderful. Congratulations! Just love the happiness emanating from the picture of you in the quilt shop!

  24. This tulips quilt is lovely. The perfect soft pinkish red, charming Audrey-shaped tulips, and that hourglass sashing. A delight.
    I missed my kids so much while we were on the west coast. It's great to be closer now. And I'm envious of your shopping trip. I've drawn my fabric down to three short boxes. It's time to consider new fabric again... unless I could find some neat shirts like Kaja does.

  25. You look so happy in that quilt's always nice to be able to see the latest fabrics on the shelves. I love the background colour you have used in your quilt, it makes for a warm & cheery quilt.

  26. What a fun and busy month! Fun to see our kids making their way in life, even if it is farther away then we'd like! Love your quilt!!

  27. Love the quilt, and the tulips on it.

  28. Audrey only just catching up here but a lovely surprise to se your beautiful Tulip quilt all done and dusted!! Another surprise was to see you'd included this super photo of yourself, obviously having a good time.
    Nice that you could spend time with your daughter.


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