
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Maybe The Solution Will Come To Me If I Take a Nap

I've been working on the border for the A-Tisket-A-Tasket quilt. Lots of hst's which are not difficult, just annoying.

Trimming the hst's
Before sewing them into rows and getting locked into something I don't want, I went ahead and auditioned some ideas for the next border after.

Auditioning some possibilities
Definitely loving the red and blue hst's, but the rest is slow going. I had this idea to use up a lot of that really light yellow oddball fabric. Maybe in random 9-patches etc., but noooo it's not working. So I switched to applique ideas which, funnily enough is not working either.

Nothing looks right
Will have to leave it be for a bit and come back later. In the mean time, I finished up all the hand work on the Orphan Annie tulip blocks. All 20 of them! They are looking very yummy I think. Those olive green colors used on the leaves are just enough different to make me smile.

Hoping these look good together in a quilt!
I finally remembered to check back with the inspiration pics for the Country Stars quilt. It's a blend of two patterns from my inspiration folders. Both published in the early 2000's?

Original inspiration
It was all started as a quilt for someone and so I used colors and a style that I thought they might particularly like. The hand work is 'next on the list' so here we go. Definitely wanting to move on to more intriguing projects!

Should have left it alone....
When I started stitching down the leaves everything in me just rebelled. Ughh! I just hate doing sharp curves and there would be so many? So without really thinking it through, I cut four of the leaves down to a more simplstic shape.

All the weird shaped leaves
Yeah, it was probably a bad, bad idea. I've only stitched down four leaves on the right side, 1 large one, 2 small ones and 1 large simple shaped one and it's looking pretty iffy already. My regret meter is pinging off the charts.

Might have to get the seam ripper out
I threw some berry shapes on the quilt top {oversized on purpose} and am not sure if it all looks better or just more train wreck. Why do I ever think it's a good idea to make things that I'm not feeling the love for? Somewhere the seam ripper is calling my name, all the while laughing its head off....

Loving these colors together
I've been hand quilting on the AHIQ Hourglass quilt lately which has made me think about all those languishing hourglass units. Hhmmmm....  I made that first batch the wrong size so had to start over. Yeah. It was a very fun and relaxing couple of hours pulling fabric to put with them. Not sure what's gonna happen there, but I could tell my heart was all in.
Preventative maintenance
One of the results of digging through all those marinating fabric stacks in the past couple weeks--totes and buckets of fabric soaking. There's a gorgeous green fabric that had just a little bit taken out of it, looked so bright and bold. Uh huh. It's been releasing dye for almost three days now. No worries. I only used it in my Coronacrazy quilt.*sigh 


  1. I think adding the berries will make it work - really but then I have trouble with the sharp points on leaf's and tend to round them a little

  2. I like the red and blue HSTs. I wonder about using the pink from the flower centers for the border on your basket quilt. Just a thought. I'm sorry things don't seem to be working out for you in the leaf design department right now. I'd be tempted to put things away and start something new.

  3. I would try washing that green fabric with Synthrapol and hot water, then after it's done, run it through a rinse with some color catchers to see if it still bleeds. I've always had good luck with Synthrapol except one blue fabric that never did stop bleeding. Thankfully I always prewash any new yardage before cutting into it. And I typically will wash a newly completed quilt with Synthrapol and warm water as additional insurance. Good luck!

  4. Thinking on your outer border dislike. What if you echo the hst but with yellow and the red or blue to make flying geese? Then the yellow along the outside? Something will gel I am sure. I like the vine of leaves on the circle stars quilt. Would the addition of some of the blue in some leaves work? Just enough to balance it and not look like the green vine and leaves just ar sitting on top? The flower blocks of mixed fabrics are so sweet!!

  5. I can see the creative process cooking here. I do enjoy reading about your adventures, the ups and downs and the ‘rebelling.’ Because I go thru’ a lot of the same stuff and you are like the ‘Daniel Boone’ of design! Leading the way thru’ forest and marsh, to a place where you can settle. Thanks for the inspiration to keep going!

  6. I’m pretty sure I bought that same fabric about three or four years ago. Never again. I always pre-wash in a sink or a big bowl so I can see how much dye leaches out, if any. Like you, I keep rinsing until the color stops running.

  7. Oh! I adore Tisket a Tasket! Is that your own design? So adorable. I think I d do a medium cream stop border after the HST, then blues and white etc checkerboard final border. It's the cutest thing have seen in ages.
    Not a fan of the vines w the Compasses, I think it would be more effective left plain, but in the end I always love what you decide. Thanks for such an inspiring spring post.

    lizzy x

  8. The right idea always comes, even if Jack the Ripper has to occasionally do an intervention.

  9. Loving it, Audrey. (Tisket/tasket) I favor the first border idea. Country Stars also very pretty. Like Kyle said, the right (border) idea will come. Can’t wait to see what you do with the hourglass quilt.

  10. Are you just trying too hard? I know that I am guilty of that. If the appliqué is not singing to you, stop and change directions. The seam ripper is your friend (not a sign of failure).

  11. Adding the berries will look great! Happy Easter!

  12. Well, you've got lots to think about here! I do like the HSTs around your 'a-tisket a-tasket' quilt, and am sure you'll work the rest out. Adding the red berries {?grapes} to your 'country stars' adds a certain lift & highlights your delightful stars I think.

  13. I too like the blue and red hst border and look forward to seeing how you resolve the problem of what next - you always get there in the end. I'm sorry the leaf applique is causing such problems. Maybe stop looking at it and wait for your subconscious to figure it out?


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