
Thursday, February 3, 2022

When You Start Something Almost Beyond Your Control or Imagining

So here we go, Coronacrazy borders are all stitched down and the top is complete!*whew  This one has been a long slog, in more ways than one. It was started in March of 2020 on a total whim, with the end result always being up in the air. In fact, the end product wasn't even of much concern until later. It was all about keeping busy-hands, mind, body and spirit.

Coronacrazy borders are on
Every decision made after the initial start of cutting and stitching down the 'hills' has been a reaction to what came before. At this point, I'm being forced to call it a completed top. Is it insane that part of me wants to keep going? What in the world could possibly be added {at this point} that would benefit though? It feels done except for the quilting and so that's that.
Looking at a completed quilt top!
It's such a bright and happy quilt to be called 'Coronacrazy', but that is exactly what was happening back in the moment when this quilt was started. Covid-19 craziness. All the beginnings of the stupid lockdowns and turning our world upside down. I wanted/needed lots and lots of distraction.

Love the few areas where the hills stop suddenly
Lots and lots of stitching will do that for you! Later on when it became necessary to think about a border addition, I knew it had to be applique based. With a vine. Lots of leaves. I threw the solid pieced border in between so as to have a good transition. Worried about the color a lot, but went with it because that's what the center of the quilt requested.

One day I was looking at the calendar on the wall in my quilting room and there was the perfect inspiration needed to get going on further applique. According to the information on the back of the calendar, the artist's name is Meera Lee Patel

Always trying to honor the inspiration
As you can see, my applique vine is very loosely based on her drawing. Still, why not give credit where credit is due? Her beautiful work sent my mind down the rabbit trail of different sized and shaped leaves and the flowy look that was trying to take shape in the corners of my mind.

Looks like the corners weren't too choppy
I chose the leaf color based on what was going on at the center of the quilt with all those scrappy-look abandoned bits and pits of applique auditioning and prep work. At first it was easy to make lots of different shapes and see the good. Then later on, I wanted to rip several of them off and fine tune them, get rid of the blockier shapes. Nitpicking is not fun because it seems to be terribly contagious. In that vein, I only allowed myself one re-do. That's it. You're done!

Yes it all lays flat
Stitching the leaves was simple, repetitive type work. Just takes time. I never regret any of it afterward though it always makes me feel just a touch anxious at the start. Do I really have enough motivation to finish this? And yet I always do. Even if it's in fits and starts. There's something so wonderfully satisfying about completing the applique on one border side and then the next, checking off the steps until everything can be sewn together as a whole. Then there's the exciting moment when you can start appliquing the various parts and pieces to the corners, over the top of the seams. And wallah! Eventually, there comes the moment when it's ALL DONE! 

Super dark leaves for better value effect
It's just almost magical.*sigh  I came across this little excerpt about creativity by Nick Cave {below} right around the time that I was finishing up and couldn't believe how much it resonated. Though he was speaking to writing, it absolutely can apply to quilting!

The words that resonate
Though I feel a bit down in the dumps these past days, {just recovering from a few days of being sick}, I know adamantly that there are many more quilts in my future. The applique prep work was on a pretty good roll before the sickness and then of course all screeched to a stop. Now my brain feels fuzzy and disconnected and I wonder? What was I thinking? What are THOSE colors and are they worthy? What kind of a design is that? and on and on. All those questions of self doubt and papercuts to the ego. So, so timely to read this excerpt now and just blow it all off. Who cares what anyone else thinks? Yes, I'll be making some blah quilts here and there and so probably will you. But if we keep on pushing forward and paying attention to this 'animating spirit', we're gonna eventually end up with some greater gifts to the world. I think Coronacrazy is one of those gifts. It's such a beauty, totally beyond my imaginings. Which is why it had to start so simply. 'Cuz I'd have never have started it otherwise! I wouldn't have believed in it what it could be. Especially back in March of 2020!


  1. I absolutely LOVE this quilt! It's a breath of spring on a cold winter day. Love the shapes, the colors, the folk-art look, the whimsical quality. It just makes me smile. Well done!!

  2. this is soo very pretty....isn't it great when we get inspired to create something this beautiful...i simply love it...

  3. This is a beauty!! I just love that floral/leafy/vine border--just perfect-- very, Julierose

  4. Wow, what a bright and vibrant quilt.

  5. Your applique borders make me think of a tropical porch or lanai with lush flowers and vines growing on trellises, a pitcher of cold lemonade on a glass top bistro table and wicker armchairs. Thanks for momentarily transporting me away from the snowstorm raging outside! Beautiful top!

  6. Love this! Your applique borders are great, especially with the occasional leaf overlapping into the solid green border and those "pops" of darker green leaves... it's all happening in the details!

  7. the quilt is perfect!!! and thanks for the quote about why we do all this quilting and tiny work. it's true!

  8. Another beautifull quilt. I like the vibrancy and movement in the quilt.

  9. Happy, happy quilt! It is a "feel good" quilt that makes me smile!

  10. What a gorgeous, creative quilt! Love the colors, too!

  11. As always, this quilt is beautiful, bright, happy, smiley.

  12. Wow! What a way to work through what we all have been trying to cope the last two years. Can't wait to see it to ished. Though I know there is a line ahead... What an inspiration.

  13. its lovely the only way I see to continue this quilt is do make another green border and then put another applique border on which really isn't needed - probably time to move on - it looks great.

  14. I adore this quilt and you made such a wonderful happy quilt in a very crazy time! Make sure to document it so the whole world will know!

  15. This is fabulous! I LOVE that border!!

  16. I love how this turned out!! Beautiful! It has been enjoyable to follow the progress!!

  17. Super top finish! And Nick's words remind me a little of raising children, the self doubts, the inability to see the future clearly etc. a kind of life lesson there!
    But that's life isn't it, shake it off and look ahead, always ahead.
    Thanks for sharing.

  18. Your quilts are always beautiful. Even if you make one that just doesn't do it for you, someone else will love it. :) Kara

  19. Love, love, love your Coronacrazy quilt. It has a wild and unpredictable quality, chock-full of surprises and gorgeous colors. A wonder to behold!

  20. Fabulous!!! It is such a delightful uplifting positive reaction to what was going on. It says a lot about you and your desire to make a hopeful tribute to your future. I absolutely love it. I'm jealous that I didn't make it :)

  21. It's so easy to let self doubt take over and redirect our journey. I'm glad you kept going and created a beautiful quilt.

  22. Congratulations on a very beautiful quilt!! I LOVE vine borders and you nailed it with this one!

  23. So so beautiful and exuberant! Love it. Love the magic.

  24. Another fabulous one-of-a-kind quilt!!! I still am so in love with the vibrant colors! It's your version of gardening! It's truly fantastic, and I know, I know, I am biased but Blah quilts?!?! from you...... I have yet to see it, Love, RHI

  25. Nunca deja de sorprenderme, su trabajo es maravilloso


  26. Your top is glorious and your post sings to my soul; especially the words that resonate!

  27. It's gorgeous and the border is the perfect complement! I'm always in awe and inspired by your creativity!

  28. I just love your style, as always!!!

  29. When you focus on the process vs the outcome its amazing what happens. This is proof. I absolutely LOVE this piece. It has so much of you in it,

  30. Such a beautiful quilt from such a tragic time. Love the colors. I’m so glad you had room for your wide border. It’s lovely. Just a nod to symmetry and asymmetry.
    Is the center a single piece of background fabric? Using lightly printed black on whites updates everything.
    Congratulations to you. I hope you’re feeling stronger every day.

  31. Audrey, Coronacrazy is awesome; I can't tell you how much I love it. I will return to admire it and how you managed the appliqued border many times. I love that excerpt on creativity. It is perfect!

  32. I love what you have created during this --- can be so --- depressing time, if one listens to the news. It is so imaginative and expressive.

  33. YEAH to the worry less article!! And YEAH to your now finished quilty top...Love both so much xoxo

  34. This is THE most beautiful applique quilt I've ever seen!! Makes me want to attempt one!

  35. Looks fabulous and will be a reminder of our Topsy Turvey world in 2020. Especially love the borders

  36. Love your quilt ~ such beautiful colours and 'heart' all those gorgeous green leaves....I agree it does have a tropical feel, a feel of abundance and growth. Hope you are now well & truly over your sickness.

  37. Good timing as Corona is hopefully coming to a end, at least a big part of it. I love the saying! So true about letting go of the outcome! On so many levels in life.


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