
Friday, July 10, 2020

This Quilt Top is Done and I'm Calling it 'Glory Be'!

This was a great quilt project to work on the past week or two. The colors are perfect, the applique fairly simple, and this time around, I didn't even worry too much about getting the placement just right. A couple blocks ended up a touch more wonky than anticipated, but somehow I never could muster the enthusiasm to do the un-stitching and start over. Oh, who cares!
Name changed to 'Glory Be'
Once all the blocks were ready to roll, then it was time to decide layout. The original plan was for the 13 blocks to be set in three rows of three, with four other blocks in the in-between rows.Uh huh. Good plan. Except it looked terrible. Sort of squat and functional, but not at all exciting.
Another quilt top finish!
Can't be having that! You know me, I have to fiddle and fiddle until finally finding a solution that makes me all the way happy, if that's even possible. I considered making the quilt longer, but that would involve making five more blocks! Ugghh... What about dividing the blocks into two smaller quilts? And so on and so forth until the idea of working towards an asymmetrical layout began to appeal.
Loving the look of this quilt!
It totally makes some of you wince {and grumble}, but sometimes, part of a block just has to be sacrificed for the greater good. Once this decision was reached, there was no looking back! Then it was just a matter of puzzling the pieces and rows together. 
Solid color sashing working hard in this quilt
There are so many things to consider when adding sashing into a quilt, especially when the layout is 'on-point'. My brain has been so foggy lately, that I measured and then tripled measured before cutting out the setting triangles. I really wanted to ensure that all of the cornerstone pieces were included in the edges of the quilt, not cut in half like I would generally do. That was important partly due to the fact that I love the energy they add to this quilt, but also, it helped made sure that more of the chopped of tulip blocks were left intact.

Like always, just before cutting, I marked the potential outside edge, across the face of the blocks, with a fabric pen. {Use a washable one in the event you get the marking wrong!} After which, I stay stitched a seam {with the sewing machine} very close on the inside of that. Then, I laid everything perfectly flat on a mat, and using the rotary cutter, cut the straight edge of the quilt, leaving the stay stitching just to the inside intact. Don't want to cut that seam off! Does that make sense? The stay stitching is super important for stability both in cutting and then later, keeping everything from moving too much and/or fraying between now and total completion stage. Back in the day, I would try to do the stay stitching after the cutting was done. Uh uh. Much, much better to do it before! Makes for a significantly cleaner, less rippled looking edge of the quilt.
This tip corner was a bit tricky to get cut square

This red textured background fabric has been a lifesaver now on two different quilts. I love it! If it looks familiar to you, it was a fabric previously bought for a quilt backing and then the color ended up clashing horribly with the top side of the quilt. The first time using it, was for the Christmas Stars quilt where it added a lovely, velvety look to the quilt. This time around, it blends and plays off perfectly with the blue tones in the quilt and also seems to add a subtle richness to the quilt. I started this quilt without having the faintest idea what would happen in the setting triangles, so I'm thrilled with how wonderfully this fabric worked out!
The original sashing plan

Many of you have probably forgotten, but from the very start this quilt was supposed to have hourglass unit sashing. After getting all the pieces cut out, I took a few triangles, sewed up a set, and did a quick audition. I talked about my foggy brain earlier?  Yep! These were all cut way too small and once sewn together into a longer unit, will be too short! A few moments of the sads, but what do you do? Not going to spend forever cutting them all down to a smaller size and then having to make even more! My heart definitely wasn't in it.

So the hourglass plan was ditched in a hurry and on to the idea of a blue sashing? Okay. That should work. Thankfully I had enough of a couple different fabrics that blended quite well together. A little bit of wiffle waffling around about the width of sashing, but nothing time consuming at all. I quickly moved on to the setting triangle fabrics which was all decided in a jiffy too. Wowsers! That went so fast it almost made my head spin.! Ahh... Not going to mention cutting the corner setting triangles a little too small. Nope, almost like it never happened.*wink  But then there was this little cornerstone square dilemma. Important to get it just right!

I tried a much lighter blue, the white and red stripe in the top picture, then moved on to perky red print fabrics. No, no and more 'no'. Then I saw this red/white/blue fabric in one of the totes and started feeling that super interested buzz of excitement. Hmm... Lets try a different direction!

When I dug slightly deeper, this vintage-look floral fabric in the below pic caught my eye. After I got it up on the wall, I thought for sure it was THE ONE! Ooh, how it made my heart race with good vibes!

And it really was almost ' the one'. But.... me, being me, I had to dig all the way through to the bottom of the tote, just in case there was something incredible being overlooked.

Wallah! Wouldn't you know it was at the very bottom! If I would have had more time earlier in the week, these would have been posted for all of you to throw in your 32 cents too. I did actually spend a little bit of time contemplating between these last two before cutting into the fabric. Put one fabric up on the wall and step back. Then the other one. Then back to the first one. Pros and cons to both of course and I'm sure many of you would have chosen something altogether different! Isn't it amazing how all the little choices eventually add up to an end result like this? The very beginning of this quilt started out with not having enough of the right background fabric and having to come up with a make-do solution. And on and on till we come to this particular point. I like it a lot! It feels patriotic and spunky and maybe a little bit sweet too. Good stuff! 
The abandoned hourglass unit triangles

Speaking of which.... These hourglass pieces were completely heartbroken at the idea of going to waste. While working on the tulip quilt, these weighed heavily on my subconscious. I was thinking about them, but not really. It was all very background.
A color palette for the new quilt
Until finally it started to gel. Of course I had to nail it all down properly while the ideas were fresh! Still going to attempt an hourglass unit sashing in yet another tulip quilt. Are you just SO shocked? Gonna back up and take another run at that hill! hehe  This time around I'm going to use this tulip shape below, which was one of the mock-ups back when I was working on ideas for Autumnal Tulips. It just seemed meant to be, like maybe there was a series involved here all along.
The shape of tulip for the next quilt

Don't know whether this is inspired or boring, but I guess we'll find out eventually. Tulips are definitely my thing so I'm willing to try! For now, the applique list is very long and these are decidedly not at the front of that line. There is plenty of time to work on chain piecing the hourglass blocks here and there, and.... maybe even change my mind if so desired? As most of you are well aware, there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING set in stone in regards to any of the quilting projects around here.... 

Linking up to Wendy's Peacock Party. On a side note, what do you think is the right thing to do in regards to linky party etiquette? Should we comment on everybody's post who bothers to link up? Or only the ones we really admire? Or the ones that are loaded at the time when we link up? Do any of you go back and check out the new links the next day or two after your own post is linked? I usually forget to do that. Love that Wendy seems very relaxed about the commenting herself. Helps take the pressure off ! I know what I like to do when it's my own Linky party, but I'm curious what the standard is for linking up to others. Never felt very clear about the 'rules'!


  1. I love it and I don't recall seeing this one before - I always love to see projects that I know I had missed along the way

  2. I really like the pink/gray color palette for the new quilt! I was going to try to finish some UFO's but you're seriously tempting me to pull fabric for a new quilt myself.

  3. Love the pink /grey palette, something I've contemplated but never really been able to stick to just the two colours!

  4. I just love this quilt--that reddish fabric is truly amazingly perfect--beautiful job on this one,,,it will be such fun to quilt it--you can look and pet all those great fabrics...hugs from afar, julierose

  5. Congratulations! The dithering is the longest process of quilt making in my book. Sometimes, it is fun and inspiring and other times it's a chore!
    You did a great job on this one. ;^)

  6. The asymetrical layout is an idea that my regulated brain wouldn't even consider, but I really like it. Another tulip quilt blossoming with it's own unique personality. Depending on the topic and the link, I might go back and depending on the size of the party determines if I comment on each. Usually, I don't link up with many groups, so I don't feel much obligation. But it's also nice to see lots of different ideas.

  7. I love this sweet patriotic tulip quilt. SO rewarding to find just the right fabric! I am not always able to do it, but I think it is good linky etiquette to go and comment on at least two or three other participants. I usually try to pick either my favorites or someone I haven't met before. I think that is a reasonable practice. Trying to comment on everybody would be extremely time consuming. Just my two cents worth! :)

  8. ¡Me gusta muchísimo!! es de las colchas más bonitas que ha hecho usted ¡me encanta! Felicidades

  9. A lovely tulip quilt Audrey. I find when I start dithering...which I seem to be doing more frequently now....I just walk away and come back to it the next day, when I find it usually works out well.
    I find I comment on what I like in the linky parties. What we have made might on appeal to everyone,so I wouldn't expect everyone to comment.

  10. Loving everything about this top, from the tulip shapes to the red setting triangles that just glow. A new favorite!

  11. I love the way it turned out -- sorry about the hourglass blocks but happy to see they'll have a new home. (I love tulips, too)

  12. A shame you couldn't use your hourglass blocks for the sashing, but I think the blue is lovely. The time spent auditioning different fabrics for the cornerstone squares has paid off, I do the same sometimes too.

  13. I really like the asymmetrical setting of the blocks. It just adds the intrigue factor to the quilt. Blue sashing turned out great too. The sape of the new tulip is sweet, Audrey!

  14. Great finish! I like the off set of both sides. It makes it more interesting and gives it some motion!

  15. This really came together well. Who would have suspected that the beginning idea would go through so much transformation and end up in this color scheme and be off set? There is so much to write about. It is so pleasant to view and it has so many layers that it keeps you riveted while finding them all.

  16. What a great idea to make it asymmetrical Audrey - beautiful! And a good decision to move away from the quarter square triangle sashing, though I just knew they were sitting in the background awaiting your next creative adventure. Re commenting on linky parties, I don't feel obliged to either look at or comment on every submission - just the ones that appeal to me.

  17. I thought I'd commented but it doesn't seem to have gone through.
    Your asymmetrical setting is stellar. Brilliant idea. Thanks for the tip about marking the edge and stay stitching before trimming. I could have used that on my recent star quilt and will certainly do it in future.
    Thanks also for stepping us through your process. Such fun to see how makers make!
    Of course I love the reds and pinks in your new hourglass pull. The new tulip is delightful. So simple and handmade. Lovely.

  18. Glory Be is a great name for a glorious quilt. I never would have thought of the asymmetrical setting. I don't think I would have been able to cut off part of those tulips.

    Tulips are definitely a flower for a series of quilts. And good thing you won't be giving up on those hourglasses. Looks like you may have found a good place for them in the next one...or maybe not. I guess I'll have to wait and see!

  19. Glory be! I LOVE Glory Be! The colors are gorgeous and the tulips look fabulous! As for commenting in Linky Parties: I try to at least take a quick gander at as many posts as I can for a few days after the party begins. I comment on the ones that really inspire me and also on the posts of cyber friends. Some weeks I get in quite a number of views & posts. Other weeks not so much. Hope your week is great!

  20. I adore your tulips! Thanks for walking us through the dark and scary forest of the hour glasses abandoned, the tricky sashing (and it does look like you nailed that corner!) and all of the difficult decisions along the way. I enjoy a great looking quilt even more when I get to follow along with the back story behind its creation. As for linky party etiquette: I've always tried to visit and comment on the two or three people who linked up just before me, as well as a couple of others if I have time and the thumbnail picture grabs my attention. I feel like the 2-3 before me are mandatory, and any additional ones I visit are "gravy." I try to always leave a comment for the host as well. And it seems to me that most bloggers who host linky parties themselves make an effort to visit and comment on every single person who links up with their party.

  21. I really admire how you take the time and effort to audition various ideas so you come up with just the right thing. It's such a pretty quilt. It's sort of classic-feeling and very unique at the same time. As for linkies.... I only participate in them much but when I do, I try to visit "a lot" of the linkups... whatever that means in the moment;).

  22. I have to say that your tulip blocks are a hit with me. I am on a red and blue combo kick of late and these suit me just fine. You could have added a few bees and called it :Glory Bee".

  23. Many congratulations on another lovely finish Audrey, I love tulip blocks and once made a small wall hanging but the tulips were appliqued. Beautiful fabric selection for your next quilt.


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