
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Always A Busy Time of Year

It's been a whirlwind around here lately. One of our busiest times of the year with the annual church campout we help organize. Normally I pack a small bag of applique to take with me, but though I had good intentions, nothing got gone on that front. Don't know why I bother as that is almost always the way it turns out!
Sweet Tarts basket border
As usual, the very last time I sandwiched and pinned a quilt, I actually pinned two. Thankfully, this one was ready to go a few days before the weekend onslaught arrived. A little bit of hand quilting can be wonderfully therapeutic.
Vintage Lily center
This one was based on one of Sujata Shahs quilt blocks in her book 'Cultural Fusion' and part of an Adhoc. Improv. quilt challenge to myself. It was finished up sometime in April of 2018 and though it's not exactly the 'next in line', for some reason it wanted its turn in the hoop now.
Vintage Lily ready to pin
Honestly, I haven't got very far on that at all, but regardless, it always feels better to have a quilt in the hoop and ready to go. I'm so looking forward to next week when life might, possibly settle down once again!
Love the appliqued centerpiece
It's feeling more and more like a monumental effort to prepare and attend this campout thing that we do. Don't know what will happen when our kids aren't around to help us anymore! They definitely do the heavy lifting when it comes time to loading and unloading the trailer.
My girls with one of their Oklahoma friends {in the middle}
We had a good crowd this year with about 250 people, two thirds of them typically being young adults, teenagers or children. Next year will be the 25th anniversary at this old boyscout camp up in the mountains, though we had years before that at a much smaller campground. It's only about 2 hours from where we live but the elevation is at approx. 3570 ft. Where we live is maybe 800 ft above sea level?
Campout volleyball is the best
There's always a lot of volleyball happening from dawn to dusk, softball, hikes to the 'big tree', walks to the lake and of course all of us adults are kept busy feeding all these hungry kids. The best games are when a team of young marrieds challenges the teenagers. So much determination on the part of the young marrieds, but none of the endurance of the younger and more fit! My husband and I gave up on the volleyball years ago. Let the younger ones have their fun, we prefer the lawn chairs and 'catch-up' visits.

Lots of good times and good memories, but I'm home now and absolutely exhausted. This year we had a group of kids who flew in from Oklahoma so there was the additional time spent before and after involving drive time to the airport {2 1/2 hrs. away}. Now I'm facing a mountain of dirty laundry and senior graduation for our youngest is only three days away.*whee!  Where does the time go?


  1. Sweet Tarts are adorable and Vintage Lily must be insisting to be done for the Fourth. Your camp week reminds me of all the scouting trips I took with my kids, my sibs, and even some of my own. Yes, it's good to sit in the "catch-up" chairs now. {Once my kids got to 14, I couldn't keep up with their hikes.}

  2. Your Vintage Lily is gorgeous (not a surprise!) and probably needed to go in the hoop next because of its patriotic nature. 'Tis the season and all that. Glad you survived the camp trip and I hope things will settle down for you really soon. I hear fabric calling your name!

  3. I'm amazed by all that you get done in a day! I know that you use quilting as a 'break' from your busy life, but where do you get the energy to pick up a needle and thread after long days?

  4. Your basket border is going to be awesome. I love all the red you use. Camps like that must be so rewarding and exhausting too. What a nice thing to gather from near and far.

  5. looks like a fun thing to do with so many gathering - but yes there is always all that laundry to do!

  6. YOu are making some amazing memories for the families and kids, and, of course you!
    Graduation in just a few days! Wow!

  7. Love the little baskets for the border. You sure keep busy. Glad you were able to get away for a few days.

  8. I tell you, Audrey, you make the absolute prettiest basket quilts--
    each one is so to read about them hugs, Julierose

  9. Some time when you have nothing better to do, you should count all the different basket designs you have done. I love baskets on quilts and yours never fail to catch my attention.
    The campout looks like so much fun. I have not been camping in years and years but always enjoyed it.

  10. Oh how nice! Camping with friends. Your quilt is wonderful!

  11. Your 'vintage lily' quilt is looking wonderful! Love all the reds & blues together! You seem to have a good amount of geometric fabrics in your stash, love the look of lots of spots & plaids.

  12. Looks like another great year for your camp out. Such a wonderful thing for kids of all ages! I have a tin of "hand work" that stays in my car just in case I have a spare moment with nothing to do (no, I don't applique at stop lights, but I have been tempted!). I know I have had a really good time at my "event" if the little tin doesn't have to come out. Sounds like your adventure was superb!

  13. I agree with Karen's comment that it would be fun to see all your basket quilts in a round-up post some time when you have nothing better to do (hahaha). Your camp out sounds like a lot of fun though it made me feel happy that I too have reached the 'sit in a deckchair' point in my life.

  14. What a treasure is Vintage Lily!! Love the snowballs around your lovely centre.
    Sweet Tarts I'm finding mouthwatering - the colour of your applique blooms with that vibrant green is a winner!


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