
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Little Bit of Hand Work is Better Than None

So last week really wiped me out. I didn't even pick up any sewing until later in the week and then I mostly concentrated on hand sewing or hand quilting. And not very much of that as the hand quilting felt heavy. Yeah. I was pretty run down and feeling sorry for myself.
Pineapple sewing
Started in stitching some of these pineapple blocks which have actually been prepped for a couple weeks. Yep. That happened after I had a little meltdown over the lack of hand stitch ready to go at a moments notice. Wowsers, was I ever glad to have them ready for my couch potato days recovering from the flu. Sometimes you just don't want to get anywhere near a project that takes math, decisions, or intensive rotary cutting. Yikes! My foggy brain would have caused a lot of hurt to any fabric involved!

You probably didn't know it, but I'm been dreaming about making a pineapple quilt for a very long time. I had narrowed in on a foundation pieced log-cabin pattern I drew up, but something stopped me from committing. Then somehow I stumbled on this old quilt book with a classy looking pineapple block and you know how quickly it happens--I absolutely fell in love. The picture was in black and white which tremendously helped in making the decision. So much easier to imagine my fabrics being used when the inspiration pic is in black and white! I tinkered with the pattern a bit so as to fit the size block I wanted, then plunged in. The quilt won't just have pineapple blocks--it's looking more and more like it will share design space with postage stamp style basket blocks. But maybe done in an improv. style?

This week has been better except for the time change thing. It usually doesn't bother me much gaining an hour, but this year everything seems out of whack. Mostly I just want to get more sleep and my husband keeps dragging me out of the house for one reason or another. I've sewn a few of those tan and blue strips shown in the bottom of that picture above but that's just been boring. So uninspiring. I'll try and show you what I mean the next time there's a post. For now I'm gonna link up with sew-stitch-snap-SHARE#16 and maybe head to bed. Staying up late isn't helping me adjust to the time change. Maybe going to bed earlier than usual will do the trick?


  1. Those Pineapples look like an interesting new project. Hope you feel better soon. Warm greetings

  2. Loving the pineapple blocks. Sorry to hear how badly the flu kicked your butt. Keep resting & getting plenty of fluids. It'll be gone before you know it!

  3. hope you get to feeling better, I always like to have hand work on hand for those kinds of low energy days. sounds like you need some more rest

  4. So sorry to hear that you have been under the weather. Hope you are back to your happy place soon. Why is it that every time I see what you are working on, I want to put down what I am working on and start something new?! You are such an inspiration. I LOVE these pineapple blocks and your color choices are amazing. Feel better soon.

  5. I agree completely with Wendy. Feel better soon and I adore the colors you're using in these blocks! (And I suddenly have a yen for a pineapple quilt, too. Funny, that, eh?)

  6. I hope you feel fully recovered soon (I think 'mostly I just want to get more sleep' could usefully be tattooed on my forehead). But clever of you to have things prepped - pineapples looks like a very promising start.

  7. Love it you have more cuteness to share. Love the pineapples! Sure hope you get your uummph back real quick!

  8. Oh, I'm in love at first sight! I always have problems adjusting to time changes so you aren't alone! Take care of yourself.

  9. Your blocks are so pretty! I finally got over a cold that lasted a month and I spent a lot of time sleeping it off. I was so tired. I am now feeling like my old self and even a bit better. I lost some weight because I had no appetite and didn't eat much so with the weight loss I feel a lot better. Now I need to build on that! So there was a positive side for feeling so bad for a month! LOL!!

  10. So glad to hear you're beginning to feel better, and yes a few good night's sleep will probably do wonders. Those are such interesting pineapple blocks with the door knocker underneath, pineapple for hospitality, the symbolism is great and I'm loving this quilt already!

  11. I look forward to seeing where this pineapple quilt goes. Postage stamp style baskets sound cool. Sorry you've not been feeling well. I hope you're on the mend.

  12. Loving these pineapple blocks! And am keen to see them teamed up with the baskets, I'm sure it's going to be a treat! Thanks for sharing with 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

  13. I hope your health and sewing mojo return quickly!

  14. Yes, I love pineapples too! These look lovely -- you're off to a great start!

  15. Cute and clever pineapples. I was under the weather last week too. Feels good to be up and about. I hope you continue to improve as well.

  16. Keep resting and things will improve. Fantastic pineapples. It's going to be interesting to see where they take you

  17. Happy that you found your pineapple approach -- and I think many of us are still adjusting to the time change. Never fear - we'll get with it soon.

  18. LOVE the new pineapple blocks - what a great version of a classic design! Hope you're back to your "normal" self soon!

  19. Hey girl! Feel better soon...and love you new creation!!

  20. We've all been under the weather lately. Fortunately I had a flu shot but this dang cold sapped all my energy. Sorry that you had it, too. It does make me more sympathetic to the chronically ill. How terrible to never get better. I'm feeling more myself and hope you are, too.
    Pineapples are good fortune. May that be a harbinger of healing. They are lovely, Audrey.

  21. So sad to hear you've been sick. None of us have time for that and besides it's NO FUN AT ALL. I hope you are feeling better every day. Pamper yourself with little treats and long naps. I find that helps with almost anything. :)

  22. As usual your projects inspire me. I too have had an idea to create a pineapple quilt. lovely blocks!

  23. I LOVE your Pineapples! I've been planning a Pineapple quilt for years, saving ideas. Are your pineapples needle turn?

  24. Oh lovely pineapples and when you're not feeling well a little hand stitching is manageable. Hope you recover quickly the 'flu is no fun at all, neither is the change of time - we had this a few weeks ago and I still feel out of kilter.

  25. Loving your pineapple blocks. Hope the flu bug flits off soon.

  26. Me too... my need to sleep always increases when the darkness increases.
    And it's always good to have a "sickness project" to work on that is easy and relaxing... just in case!

  27. These look fun, Audrey. I can't wait to see what you do with them next -- what the other blocks will look like. I have trouble with the time change, too, both spring and fall. I wish they'd just leave it alone. Hope you're feeling well after a bout of the flu.

  28. It is always nice to have a project to grab that takes no thought. I hope you are fully recovered by now!

  29. It seems I'm on the right track, I hope I can do well. The result was something I did and was doing to implement it.


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