
Friday, July 21, 2017

Progress on the Vintage Coxcombs and a Giveaway!

This week is the 7th blogiversary for Quilty Folk! When I first started blogging, months would go by without a single comment. Sometimes I would post pictures of the current project, other times I would just chat into the wind {which was totally okay by me}.  But the whole premise behind why this blog was started, remains the same. I quite honestly love to be talking about quilting!
So for all of you who keep dropping by and encouraging me to keep going, it feels like a good time for a giveaway! For one lucky winner, there is the latest issue of Primitive Quilts & Projects {the fall addition}, Bring Me Flowers pattern book by Jen Kingwell and 1-10 1/2" applique basket block by yours truly. It's a leftover block from the Gather Ye Roses quilt top made earlier this year. If you're the winner and you don't want it included, don't worry, it won't hurt my feelings one little bit!

To be entered to win, answer the following question and be sure I have a way to contact you! The question is: What determines whether or not you actually take the time to leave a comment on someones post? I'm so curious because I lurked on lots of blogs {for about two years} without ever leaving a single comment. Then I just caved and started commenting here and there--for all sorts of reasons. Now I follow a ton of blogs on Bloglovin' and could never begin to leave comments on them all. There simply isn't enough time!

If you're a follower of this blog, feel free to leave a second comment telling me how you follow for a second chance to win! I am willing to ship to an international winner as well as a winner in the USA.
Vintage Coxcombs
So on another note, about the Vintage Coxcombs quilt shown here? It's starting to take shape with a light, bright sashing. I'm so happy with the way it brightens the quilt and makes it sort of sparkle. This was always in the back of my mind and I was positively delighted to have enough of the sashing fabric on hand. It really needed something special to give those soft browns, taupes and faded grays a bit of a boost.
So happy they aren't all perfectly the same....
Now I'm eyeing the more colorful leftover fabrics with a border in mind. Of course. Because it's telling it desperately needs to have a border? lol  First off I pulled the softer pinks and then quickly dropped them. Uggh! Next up were the blue-greens. Maybe I could piece them with some of the softer grays?
Such a mellow looking quilt...
That wasn't doing anything for me at all, and so I did a deep dive into the stash totes, started pulling some stronger blue-greens. Ahh... now we're talking. Or rather I'm thinking. The fabrics are simmering! One day next week or so, we'll get together and have that little discussion. I can tell you it's leaning heavily towards a simple, sawtooth style border, but we'll see. Nothing is ever truly settled until it's all cut and sewn on. Even then, it's not totally out of the question to get the seam ripper out if it feels necessary! Much better to take a little time and get it right the first time though....

I'll pick a winner for the giveaway probably next Tuesday. Don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you or I'll have to move on to the next person! Good luck!


  1. When I really like a quilt I sometimes leave a comment. Since I really like your quilts, I leave a comment regularly.
    Warm greetings. Aurora

  2. A sure fired way to get me typing a comment is to ask me a question. I feel like some bloggers use their blogs as a quilt diary instead of a form of social interaction. As for your border, my quilty eye says a dark thin border black or some deep dark color, followed by a wider border of your deep reds. Please don't enter me in the giveaway, my books stash is overwhelming already, not sure I could squeeze in another...Haha! Congrats on 7 years of blogging, did you ever think you could find that much quilty stuff to talk about? Amazing isn't it?

  3. I generally leave a comment when I truly love a quilt or am absolutely inspired by something the blogger has done or is doing. Other times the quilter might be experiencing sadness or happiness over a life event and then I must throw in a few words.

    susiefloozie33 at gmail dot com

    PS I would love to have your basket block!

  4. #2: I follow you through bloglovin! Thank you for 7 years of sharing. You are very inspirational!

    susiefloozie33 at gmail dot com

  5. I am an avid reader; I read blogs, books, mags signs --whatever. But I think titles draw me into reading a blog...
    I remain

  6. Andi follow you on bloglovin...hugs, Julierose

  7. I follow your blog, can't remember where I came across it. Why do I comment. I don't always, depends on my mood, if I am tired I don't often comment. I am not much of a quilter but I like ones that are well thought out.

  8. I'm like you were, I like to look a lot. I rarely comment.If I commented on everything that I love, I'd never get any quilting done! I follow you on blog lovin


  9. I used to comment more than I do now but when I do its because I somehow feel connected to what the writer has written or to the quilt. I don't follow your blog but its on my blog list on my blog and I try to read it regularly.

    Your blog encourages me and I love your quilt and fabric choices!

  10. I never thought much about writing comments until I read your blog. I read a lot of blogs for inspiration and guidance and usually only comment when I have plenty of time and think what I am saying is worthwhile to the reader. I love that your quilts are so different and you write your thoughts and choices before you make them. Love seeing your wilts grow through the different stages on your wall. Keep on blogging. I will try commenting more often!

  11. I follow you on Bloglovinl.

  12. I follow you and keep up on posts by also following on Bloglovin. Wouldn't want to miss a post 😉

  13. Congratulations! I tend to comment more if there is a question. I agree with others, many blogs read like diaries and sometimes I don't want to intrude. I follow too many blogs to even read all of them, much less comment. So, I often just read the ones with interesting blurbs or pictures.

  14. I'm mostly a lurker. Blogs are great inspiration for me. I comment very rarely. I think it's a time thing.

  15. I love to read quilt blogs but I rarely ever comment. Once a long time ago I tried to blog myself but all that effort for absolutely no response got me down. Now I'm on instagram and it's much better. Find me @sgb62. It's easier to give and receive feedback. Now I have a short list of blogs that I still check on each day. Yours is at the top!

  16. Most of the time, I just look at blogs (especially yours!)and enjoy them. I think I am usually too shy to leave a comment, maybe I'm afraid to say the wrong thing. Everyone is different, and I don't want to say something that could be taken the wrong way. Every once in a while, something I see strikes me as so amazing, that I have to comment on it.

  17. I check your blog each day and enjoy seeing what you're doing. However, I very seldom comment on any of the blogs that I read unless I need to express a special thank you to the blogger or leave a heartfelt note of encouragement. I love the tips that I get from the comments, though, so I know they must be especially important to bloggers.

  18. Love your blog and look at it daily, but do not comment most of the time. Love all of your quilts and like the way you talk about your process. Wish i could be as prolific as you are, how do you find the time!?

  19. Congratulations on the anniversary! As far as why I comment -- I definitely comment more if I am reading blogs from my computer (rather than my tablet) as it is easier to type on a real keyboard instead of hunting and pecking on a touch screen. I also comment more when the topic touches me on a personal level or when there is something uniquely and wonderfully phrased/described. Of course, the particular quilt/project has a big impact on my response. I enjoy seeing vacation photos and reading trip journals as well as sharing occasional grandchildren/pets photos, but I am mostly interested in the creative process and why makers choose to do what they're doing.


  21. I have your blog on my Bloglovin feed so I know when you have a new post. I do not read blogs through the reader through - I click through to get to the real blog since the reader hides so much of the formatting that matters. I would love to have your basket block . . . I adore baskets and which I could do more appliqué (too many years of keyboarding at work have worn the thumb joint to the point of pain for hand work). So glad I discovered your blog!!

  22. Happy Anniversary - what a great giveaway I'd love to win.
    Your cockscomb block are really neat. I love the unusual color scheme.
    Thanks for blogging, it is my favorite quilt platform for inspiration and making quilt friends.

  23. Oh - and I like your plan to let the border ideas/fabrics for your quilt marinate for a while. I do like the sawtooth idea and agree that slightly bolder fabrics are a better plan. Looking forward to that post.

  24. congrats on 7 years! I comment when I see something I like, something inspiring, answer a question, over the 10 years of blogging that I have had I have made a lot of connections and tend to consider a lot of bloggers as "friends" even though we have never met and if a friend takes the time to write something about their quilting day or what they are up to it just seems like they would like to know their friend are out their listening to them.
    I do love that Vintage Coxcombs

  25. I'm a lurker and rarely leave a comment. I enjoy reading blogs for the inspiration.

  26. I follow your blog with bloglovin.

  27. Wow, 7 years! I must say yours is one of my favorite blogs and I am almost always compelled to comment because you have such interesting ways of interpreting what you are attempting to do. I guess I only comment when I see something that grabs me or I want to simply thank the person for sharing with the rest of us. As for how I follow blogs, I'm not sure what you would call it, but I add all the blogs I follow regularly to my sidebar and when a new post pops up I just read it. It is probably a little low tech for some, but it works for me. I do miss a post now and then when I am super busy, but I usually scroll down to see what I've missed. Thanks for a truly inspirational blog!!!

  28. Oh, and if the winner doesn't want your block (fat chance) Please, please please send it to me!

  29. Hi! Happy Annyversary! I'm blogging almost seven years and from the beginning I have written lots of comments because I liked that and it was like chatting with friends. I comments posts I love but also like to leave few words for a friend even the post wouldn't be something special. I saw that answering the comments is important to get connection with quilter friends. I'm sad to see that blogging is getting slower and less, and that makes me to do the same. Instagram can't replace blogging because I love the stories about projects, photos of process, links to ideas etc. I use bloglovin to follow blogs and have a long sidelist in my blog.
    Thank you for the great give away! x Teje

  30. Like you I follow so many blogs that I couldn't possibly comment on them all. But if something really catches my eye I have to comment.

  31. I follow on your blog page and on Bloglovin. Hugs.

  32. Happy Anniversary! I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing what you're up to.
    As far as commenting, I tend to comment on blogs that I've previously commented on. (I know, right? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?) That first comment is generally on a post where something has really spoken to me - whether it's a picture or a paragraph - and set my typing fingers flying.

  33. Oh, and I follow you on feedly, where I actually follow a couple hundred blogs. (Way too many to leave comments on all of them!)

  34. "I quite honestly love to be talking about quilting" - pretty well sums it up for me too! Happy anniversary!! I love reading your blog - you make such wonderful and interesting quilts and I love to read your process remarks.

  35. I follow your blog by having it in the sidebar on my blog - I don't want to miss a single post :0)

  36. Congrats! I was the same way when I started blogging. I pretty much was talking to myself for many months.
    How do I decide what blogs to comment on? Some, I just do, no matter what. They are the bloggers that I feel a deeper connection with. If I have regular commenters on my blog, I try to comment on their blog. And thirdly, was there something that sparked my interest on the blog that I feel a need to comment on?

  37. PS, I follow your blog with bloglovin

  38. Audrey Felicidades,gracias por la oportunidad de entrar al sorteo.
    Visito tu blog y el de otras quilter, siempre aprendo algo,
    me gusta tu forma de trabajar,y tus edredones.
    Buen fin de semana

  39. Congratulations on your anniversary. I comment on blogs that inspire me and on those that I want to issue kudos to. Never ever leave negative comments. I am a faithful follower of many blogs and especially yours. You always provide inspiration as well as eye candy. Would love the Jen Kingwell book as it reminds me of the flowers you do.

    Terry in So. Calif. (

  40. I comment when something really inspires me. Otherwise, I just read and nod my head and think about commenting, but don't! Time is usually an issue when I don't comment.

  41. I have you linked into my Blogger list.

  42. I follow you by Blogloving since the moment I discovered your blog and always, always, read your post. The thing is I've never comment because english isn't my first language, and it takes me too much time to explain myself in english. Wish I could be as fluent as you writing my thoughts.
    Anyway I have to tell you I have been one year not quilting at all because I stopped enjoying my fabrics . It was browsing through your blog that I got inspired again and started a new quilt. It seems so silly but I notice that I love all your green and pink quilts and don't get tired to look at them so I decided to start my own green and pink quilt a few weeks ago. Thanks so much for taking the time of sharing your work and for your inspiration. I'm from Spain

  43. Happy blogiversary. I am very fickle about leaving comments. It depends on whether I have time. Sometimes I rush through posts and just look at the pictures, and when I do that, I don't leave a comment. I am more likely to leave a comment on a finished quilt than a process one, more likely to leave a comment on an unusual design or color choice I hadn't thought of, more likely to leave a comment on personal posts and not on salesy types of blogs. I will leave comments on opinion posts, but it depends on the question - whether it is just baiting me to say something or whether it is genuinely seeking opinions.

  44. I follow you on bloglovin'. I appreciate hearing your thoughts about the process as you are making this quilt.

  45. I haven't thought about why I reply. Not very often but when I see something that inspires me or that I just love. Enjoy reading blogs and following progress and seeing the finished article
    . I love EPP and have followed your progress with interest. Must finish some I started ages ago

  46. I love your blog and look forward to seeing what you are doing. I apologize that I rarely reply. The amount of work you create is impressive. The give away sounds like fun!

  47. Congratulations! I'm most inspired to comment when I really love a quilt I see or if the blogger asks a question or advice where I think I may be able to help. Also, if there is a giveaway that I would like to win. Like others mentioned, there is really not the time to comment on every blog.

  48. I like to reply and usually do as my way of showing my appreciation to blog owners.
    If they can take the time so can I. I have many of you bookmarked in order to go directly
    to your blogs..very often I thank them as well. I love seeing what others are doing. I have been making quilts since 1975 and still love it. Thank you!

  49. I love your blog and love to see your creativity. I rarely comment because I think you would think "who is this person?" Don't think you want to hear from me. Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!

  50. Love your blog AND your quilts! I have to admit that I'm a lurker--I rarely leave comments. I am often prompted to leave comments when the blogger needs help making a decision and of the options presented, I feel strongly about an option. Or if they are asking for information about something I know about and can help. Also, I comment when a quilt really knocks my socks off--like some of yours do! Otherwise, I keep my mouth pretty zipped because online and offline, I'm pretty much an introvert. I love blogs because I can sit and read and listen and learn and not have to talk.

  51. Congratulations on seven years of blogging. It was lonely around my blog for quite a while, too. And the people who comment have changed somewhat although there's a core I exchange comments with regularly (on both blogs.)
    I don't use bloglovin' because it doesn't process the links within a post. At least it didn't when I last checked. I put blogs on my sidebar or on my reading list.
    I try to leave meaningful comments; i.e., more than "Great" but it's time consuming to write them.
    I want to work on more circle blocks like these but seem to have a backlog of quilts at the moment. How does that happen?

  52. I leave a comment when I see a project I really like (pattern, colors) or particularly good photos or instructions. I always try to leave a comment with some content, not just "love it" etc I do follow some blogs on the readers, but really have not got the knack of it. I really appreciate bloggers who spend so much time and love in preparing their posts.

  53. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I comment when I feel a connection with the blogger, whether it be their process, the quilt itself, what they've written, the fact that they seem interested in a dialog of sorts, etc. Also, time is a factor (I'm taking a work break at the moment). You make beautiful, original quilts, Audrey, and I love seeing what you're up to!

  54. I follow you via Feedly, usually, or Bloglovin'.

  55. I comment when I find something interesting on a blog. Then again I have some blogs I follow closer, and will comment more often. I would like to comment on many more blogposts, but if I did I wouldn't have time to sew myself. I answer comments on mail if they have a question.

  56. I follow you through Bloglovin'. Think it started with the 365 circles. They are still waiting for time to join them to a big quilt.

  57. Happy blog anniversary! So glad you started blogging!
    I really don't know if there are any specific reasons for me to make a comment.... Sometimes the blog post just talks to me and I kind of want to reply. Or to let the blogger know that I appreciate the time and effort she ( mostly a she...) takes to share her life and projects with me even though I am a total stranger.

  58. Happy anniversary! I'm a 'regular' to your blog these days, love your unique quilts and the way you write! I comment when something catches my eye, and that seems to be a wide range of things these days... photos, processes or subject matter.

  59. Happy Blogiversary! I love seeing all that you do, you are so prolific about sewing, quilting, and blogging. Me? not so much with blogging, if I write a couple of times a month I am doing well. I make a valiant effort to comment on every blog I look at, although a few are just not too inviting. One yesterday I couldn't figure out how to sign on. But, yours are always so fun I love to chime in, as though we are best pals. Good inspiration.

  60. I will and won't leave comments. It all depends how much time I have while going through the blogs I follow.
    Your friendly NORTHERN NY stalker. lol.

  61. I comment when the blog has made me consider something new, has done something clever, finishes a long term project, and often if I notice no one else has commented.

    1. And I make a point of commenting on blogs of people who respond to my comments.

  62. Great way to stir up a conversation, Audrey! I have a couple of routines for leaving blog post comments. Probably the most frequent is how much I relate to or am inspired by the blog post. Also important is how well I "know" the blogger. During the work week, I often read posts quickly and don't often comment, because time is limited. However, there are certain bloggers whose posts I will "save" for the weekend so I can read leisurely and leave a thoughtful comment. If I'm participating in a link-up, I try to leave as many comments as time allows, especially if the blogger always takes the time to comment on my posts.

    Happy blogiversary - seven years of blogging is worth celebrating! I like the latest edition of the vintage coxcombs and I look forward to seeing what happens next!

  63. And...I follow you using Feedly. It gives me the option to read the content without going to the actual blog post, but I usually go to the blog post anyway.

  64. First, I love the brightening effect the light sashing has on the coxcomb blocks. Looking forward to seeing how this one progresses to the next stage. And congratulations on your blogaversary too. As with many quilters in rural areas, there are not a lot of other quilters nearby and that's why many of us have turned to blogging, in an effort to establish our own 'quilting community.' I find myself following, and commenting on blogs where I feel a certain affinity for the blogger, the work he or she is creating, and somehow just feeling a bond with that person, even though we've never met except through our blogs. Hard to describe really, but I've made some close friends through blogging, some of us exchange correspondence beyond just commenting and share personal concerns and joys, just as we might with family members (or sometimes even beyond what we might share with family). I follow bloggers whose work is varied and interesting, inspirational, and try to comment especially on finishes, but not necessarily always for 'process' update posts. Like you, time is always a factor!

  65. Audrey congrats on the blog anniversary ...I think that i've been checking in to / reading your blog for 2-3 years now and I have enjoyed every post :)
    When I had the time here and there I explored older posts..

    Not a formal 'follower' I just have you on my blog roll list and mind:)

  66. Me again: as to the commenting question. I thought about it ; I comment on about 3/4 of who / what I visit. Sometimes in a hurry for the other 1/4, no. I try to for the most part. People have taken the time to write a post, upload photos, etc. Seems that it warrants a comment. Having said that, on average, I see that for every 300-400 visitors that I might get, I am lucky to get 15-20 comments. I might be putting too much time into this endeavor :)

  67. hi! I don't tend to comment much. I am that way in person. But I do love reading the blog and looking at the pictures to give me inspiration. nancy

  68. I NEVER leave comments but I know I should. I follow you because I love your process and creativity. You seem to have a rough design in mind and then proceed from there - making changes, adjustments and modifications as you see fit. And you do that with lots of confidence. I love that you don't use other designers patterns but rather use quilts you see as inspiration.

  69. wow you might not have had comments at first but now you certainly get plenty. I tend to comment on the blogs where I think of the blogger as a friend, the professionals I follow I read but do not comment as often. I do spend a lot of time in blogland, usually up at 5am and spend a couple of hours seeing what everyone is up to all so inspiring and love reading about how you go about making etc.

  70. I understand completely about how not many folk comment. Like you it doesn't bother me as I too, love to talk about patchwork, quilting & stitching. I'm new to your blog & loving seeing your posts about a variety of pieces. What inspires me to comment is the appeal of the work that is shown. I love to encourage other quilters & I also don't want to have blogs disappear. I love the diversity of all the stitching the bloggers present. Thank you for the opportunity to try for your generous give away.
    My blog address is

  71. If it's a topic that interests me I will comment. Time is precious. If it's a beautiful quilt definitely.

  72. I follow on BL. I love borders so will be curious to see what you put on the quilt. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com

  73. Most of the time I follow you using bloglovin but I know your blogname by heart and love to visit and jump around the older entries. Warm greetings aubphg (at) hotmail (dot) com

  74. I comment when the blog post resonates with me for some reason....colour, style, purpose, humour etc. Lizzie

  75. I follow so many quilting blogs, I rarely comment. When I do comment, it's to add something that something that hasn't already been said. That doesn't happen often! I read for inspiration and to learn new techniques and ideas. And to be a part of the larger quilting community.
    Thanks so much for sharing. I always enjoy reading your thought process during the design of a quilt.

  76. I follow you on Bloglovin. Thanks for the nice giveaway!

  77. Wow did you stir up a convo with this question ( s) ! Congratulations on your blogiversary! I comment on blogs, yours included on a rare occasion. Usually when I see something that really impresses me or the blogger comments about something i have an opportunity to compliment the blogger or thank the blogger for sharing all their creativity.

  78. I have been following you on Bloglovin this past year and have found it delightful

  79. I am new here to your blog! sent over by a friend and I have to say I have enjoyed reading ! Love the quilt!

  80. Happy 7th Anniversary Audrey!
    I comment on your blog because the way you write feels like a conversation with a friend, a friend who wants to sit down and talk about quilting.
    And I like your unique style of quilting! I love it when you say "That feels like a 'me' element." or ".. makes me happy is that it's not a cookie-cutter quilt...I really, really like that quality in a quilt!" You show me a different style of quilting that widens my perspective.
    Winning your basket block would be a big challenge for me. I'd have to let it simmer for a
    Keep on blogging!
    Lynn C.

  81. Gosh, one day and 84 comments already! Congrats on the 7 year blogoversary! I was a commenter even before I was a blogger. It started as a practice of appreciation, simply because it feels good to find and focus on the things I like the most. The act of slowing down, and taking the time to decide what exactly I like and then writing a comment, is very beneficial. For ME.

    Then also, it is about community, and that we are all finding our way on this creative path together, and recognizing that sometimes it is fast and easy and sometimes it is challenging and slow! But it is good to be in it together. :D

  82. And, I have changed the way I follow blogs. I've stopped using Bloglovin, I don't like the way they try to stop people from clicking through to the original site. That's not cool. The blogs in my sidebar are the ones I follow now. And in general, I prefer other Blogger blogs, rather than Wordpress or Typepad. They are more social!

  83. So much enjoy your pics an comments.. and readers' comments..

  84. For bloggers who have become internet acquaintances or ''friends'' I leave a comment almost every time they post, to stay in touch, to let them know I read the post. For other blogs, I comment if I have something to say or a question. I admire bloggers like you who almost always respond to thoughtful comments and questions. I have over the years dropped a few blogs where the writer never answered questions in any way, not even an on-blog reply. I follow your blog using my bookmark system, on my phone and on my PC.

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  85. I guess I'm shy and just love looking at others quilts without ever saying hi. I love your quilts, your style, technique and quirkiness. I've tried to find other blogs with similar styles but haven't yet so keep coming back to yours and read, re-read older blogs just to get a fix. I have limited time to sew and have set constraints on my quilts: I'm not starting any new ones until I finish the 5 under construction. T.H.I.S. I.S. S.O. H.A.R.D! But I can look at yours and plan in my head the next one. Thanks for sharing your work and ideas even though I don't comment I appreciate it. V in central Queensland, Australia.

  86. I just use a folder on my bookmarks bar to keep track of blogs I want to keep visiting. As for comments, there is a core of bloggers with whom I feel a connection, and I comment on pretty much everything they post. I especially like it when people are open and discursive - posts like this are hard to read without responding! Other than that, I comment when I like a quilt, or a thought, or the way the blogger comes across in their posts.

  87. I try to leave comments because I know how much I love to receive comments on my blog! I find that other bloggers are more likely to comment than my "regular" quilty friends. By the way, I'm almost finished quilting my Quilty365, and hope to enter it in our Fall Fair. Thanks again for the great sewalong!

  88. I am commenting more lately. I comment when something in the blog speaks to me...a nice quilt, an offering for a give away, response to questions re: fabric choice, etc.
    Thank you for the give away opportunity.

  89. It really is a time issue for me whether or not I comment. But, sometimes when I read your blog, your quilts just seem to reach out. I love your whimsical free-spirited approach to quilting. I am so "by the book" and need to just create. Your quilts are "permission- giving" - permission to create and just to be.. I also like that you work on more than one quilt at a time. I do that, but that also means I have too many UFOs.. And about the giveaway- I would love your basket block, but I already have the books! :)
    Have a great day!

  90. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I try to be a regular commenter on the blogs that I continually follow because I feel I've made a connection with them through their stories, quilts projects even their style of writing. As a blogger myself, it's nice to get feedback and encouragement from friends.

  91. I don't comment often on blogs just because there isn't much time to follow up. I look around on blogs for inspiration and to get ideas, so if I find something I really think I will make, then I might comment.

  92. A lot of blogs I used to follow became pretty commercialized... showcasing fabrics or patterns or books, etc ... and lost the personal aspect. If someone puts something genuine or heartfelt out there I want to show support or enthusiasm. Those are my favorite blogs and I get excited when they show up on my reader list. Yours is one of my all time favorites! I get so inspired by your work. Also it's harder for me to leave comments on my iPad than it was on my computer "back in the day."

  93. I follow your blog through feedly.

  94. I just this minute found your blog, through Pinterest. I like it! I leave comments on blogs when I see a project I like, or a discussion I feel I can add to. I like to show support for people who are like-minded and take the time to blog.

  95. I don't know when or how I found your blog but I come back on a irregular basis depending on my mood of the day. I enjoy your spontaneous fold art style as you work in colours that I'm not drawn to but appreciate what you creat with them. As to why or why not I comment it depends on the post. Sometimes I lurk and learn but it is usually because of an interest in the post or the blogger asking an opinion that will get me to comment.

  96. I have to admit I just became a follower today I forget about becoming a fool,owner as I have you on my Places I like to Visit in my blog and that how I come to visit you often. Keep being you, congratulations on your blog anniversary. Your prizes are lovely and I'd love to possibly be a winner of them. Best of the luck to the winner.

  97. I blog hop around visiting sites and then clicking on sites from ones listed from where I'm visiting. I used to follow a few regulars but my favourites all seem to have lost interest and seldom, if ever blog anymore. Now I spend more time checking out Instagram for quilting inspiration. I don't comment much at all unless I glean something relevant, then I like to express my thanks. I find most comments redundant, but I might feel different if I were a blogger. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Cheers Karen

  98. Sorry, I thought my email address would show up when I commented. It's Thanks again.

  99. I always love stopping by your blog and don't always comment on blogs because of TIME! There is not enough time to do ALL I want to!! ENjoy adding that border!

  100. Somehow I missed this post! Congrats on your anniversary!!

  101. I comment when there is a giveaway or a question

  102. I follow via bloglovin

  103. I am a lurker most of the time, but here are some reasons I leave comments. Sometimes I love the quilt so much that I want to tell the quilter so. Sometimes something the writer says will strike a chord in me, and I want to connect. Sometimes I just want to tell the blogger how much I love her blog!
    julianaellington at gmail dot com

  104. I follow you on 'feedly'. Thanks for offering all of us a chance at your giveaway!
    julianaellington at gmail dot com


Thanks for visiting! I love getting comments and always try to respond via email. Please leave an email in the comment to ensure a return reply! {Many of you are popping up as Anonymous for some reason, so I have no idea who it is.} Regardless, I appreciate all the comments and read every single one.