
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

17 in 2017 and Other Misc. Stuff That I like to Chatter About

Don't forget to check in with my Quilty 365 Linkup and Giveaway. Lots of great variations and creativity on display! Also, I have EQ7 software for Windows that I've decided to sell. Shoot me an email if you're interested and we can discuss the details! So... there's been a little progress on Meredithe's 17ufosin2017 challenge. I'm lagging a bit behind for linking up, but wanted to record my forward motion.
Another border for Folksy Flowers
Folksy Flowers {above} has the next border all planned and prepped. What you're looking at will have to be appliqued as I don't like to sew fiddly little blocks together. Much easier to hand stitch! It looks so simple, but actually represents at least an hour or two of contemplation and fabric play to come to a final decision.

All of my alternate Rising Sun blocks are now appliqued and ready for the next phase. There are 12 in all as I quickly determined that the 9 initial blocks were not enough. Sometimes I have to laugh as my quilts always seem to grow and expand at rapid rates, quite beyond my control it seems! Bed size {or close to those measurements} just make me happier than most little lap quilts that won't even properly cover our toes.*wink
Looking at the alternate blocks for Rising Sun quilt
And yes, you've seen this border work already for the Improv. Woven Basket quilt. I haven't progressed much past this yet, but honestly, this is the project that I'm dying to work on. Every single time I get to work on these leaves, it just makes me smile. But... there are other things in the queue and these borders are {so far} working as a great carrot and stick approach!
The border work for Improv. Woven Basket quilt
Then, there's a totally completed, get-to-cross-it-off-the-list quilt finish! Woohoo! My Big Broken Dish quilt, otherwise known as 'The Creative Process' is DONE. After a conversation with my husband, I ended up gifting it to a longtime friend. It just seemed like a good fit. Hard to ignore those urgings!

So, at the beginning of May, I have managed to cross 7 out of 17 items off my list. Not all were actual completions, but the ones that weren't, were brought to the 'quilt top' stage which was the goal for about half of my projects on the list. Real progress. And what's funny is that it's not a whole lot different that what I've been doing for the last couple years. The thing is, I'm a lot more aware of the projects that seem to be languishing. Ahem. Could it be because I'm going to totally ditch them in the near future? lol  So very tempting!
The Creative Process quilt is finished!
And in other news, the city museum peoples approached me about putting my Fire Quilt in the museum for an extended period of time. There had been talk last year, but this time they wanted it asap as the 'firestorm' exhibit was finally coming together and there was a tour planned for the County Historical Society. The museum {which is in the converted old firehouse} only had a small room for the new exhibit and the quilt rods available were too short. Thinking outside the box, my husband and one of the museum volunteers suggested hanging a new rod directly onto the wall in the meeting area, immediately to the right of the exhibit. It ended up being a wonderful place to showcase the quilt as people come around the corner before they 'see' it and so the impact is magnified. Plus it brightens up that drab corner considerably!

I had lots of pains of anxiety, but weathered through it while frantically trying to find a good hanging sleeve tutorial. Both of these tutorials were of great help to me and to my relief, the quilt hung very well from the pole--no pooching out at the rod or having the quilt sleeve poke up over the top sort of issues!*sigh   {A big thanks to my husband for reminding me make two sleeves with a gap in the middle for the bracket hardware!} One long sleeve would have been such a disaster! Oh, and they wanted me to type up a legend for the quilt. Yeah. Uh huh. It ended up being a two page, abbreviated story instead and I was a wilted, wet tissue afterwords.
Things Will Never Be The Same on display at the local museum now!
But it's done now. Another chapter in the life of my crazy story quilt! I heard it was very well received by the Historical Society so that's something. It's just all so interesting as I really am generally very low key about my quilting adventures to the people I live around {immediate family and Internet blog posts aside}!


  1. Well, I guess you will make your husband something else! I love that your fire quilt has become part of the history of the town already. That is pretty awesome!

  2. you might want to check on if you can actually sell your EQ7 - I have it and you are only able to download it to another computer once I think and you have to have a code I believe - let me know what you find out I have it and don't use it either but I didn't think I could transfer it to someone else.

    1. The way I understand it is that it this version has unlimited installations but can only be activated on 2 computers at a time. I only ever had it activated on 1 computer, the one that crashed, and have since called in to deactivate that installation--something you can do with computer failure. After months of not missing the use of this program and never bothering to reinstall it on the new computer, I figured why not pass it on to someone who will love having it? I'm not a techy person and have found that I would much rather play with fabric and color rather than design on a computer.:)

  3. I'm so pleased for you that your Fire quilt is getting the recognition and attention it deserves. I am sure there will be many people that enjoy and understand it completely as it hangs as part of the exhibit. I love to see the other projects you are working on - can't wait to see the leaves join the big basket :0)

  4. You continue to make good progress on your list. Mine wasn't touched this month Glad you even had a big cross off! I'm happy that your quilt and its story will be shared to many others. I bet you'd be surprised what an impact it will have.

  5. how good that lots of people will now see your firewall quilt, DH`s loss is their gain. Lots to see today too you have been busy. Folksy flowers is coming along beautifully. Have been casually been thinking about EQ7 but like you I do not think I would use it much too busy stitching!

  6. This is wonderful about the Fire many more people will be able to see and appreciate it!

    Much progress going on there on these various projects! :)

  7. I am happy for you that your fire quilt is receiving some special attention. I know you put a lot of your heart and soul into the creation of it.

  8. I'm so glad that you and the museum are sharing your quilt with everyone!
    And I'm happy (as always) to see what you're working on. Your works in progress are always such an inspiration.

  9. Hmmm, once again, where do I start? First I would have to say how proud I am of you for sharing "Things Will Never Be The Same" with the public. I know how disappointing it was last time you displayed it in a show. I feel it is ironic yet very fitting that the historical society is housed in an old fire station. I was just a "lurker" back then, but I remember the post your daughter put up to let us all know that you were fine but had no way to post. I remember so clearly watching this quilt form into the wonderful "journal of emotions" that is is now and I only wish I could be there to see it in person. Pateros is fortunate to have such a beautiful record of such a tragic event. Kudos!

  10. I'm kinda interested in the EQ7, can I ask you a few questions about it?

  11. Folksy flowers is looking great!!! keep going!

  12. I can see you've been busy. Isn't it funny how we can be deeply involved with one project and are planning another project in the back of our mind the whole time? I can feel you working on something and wishing you could be appliqueing leaves on your tulips. I did that today. I spent most of the day sewing on a binding but I was mentally picking out fabric for my current applique project.

  13. Every time I look at your fire quilt, I cry, even though I've seen it before, and even though I've never been threatened by fire. It is that evocative. Thank you for making it. I am pleased to hear that it is being displayed properly and effectively.

  14. So good to hear that your Fire Quilt has a suitable place for display so others can both admire the workmanship and also be brought a bit closer to the human aspects of a devastating event like that wildfire. The raw emotion that quilt evokes is more powerful than you may realize.

  15. You noticed your Firestorm quilt hangs on a cinder block wall. Ironic but very appropriate. It is such a moving work of art with your signature style. What an impact it will have being displayed in an historical setting. Congratulations.
    I didn't join the 17 project but do seem to be finishing a number of quilts. I want to slow down though and try to add more to them. I love the layers of meaning and work in your quilts.

  16. Great news about your 'firestorm' quilt! Your 'folksy flowers' borders are progressing, love the orange & purple together!

  17. I know you have such emotion sewn up into your fire quilt, and I am glad that more people are getting to see it! Your thoughts and pondering about your quilting is a lovely part of your blog. Happy weekend!

  18. Congratulations! And what an honour to be asked to display your amazing quilt at the museum!
    What a lovely thought to gift your quilt to your friend, lucky them!


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