
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The 2017 Quilty 365

Just a quick post to make an announcement! As we've come to the end of the first year of Quilty 365, I've been wondering about the few 'circlers' who started in later than the rest of us. It made me a little sad to leave them out in the cold and asked if anyone would like to take over the monthly link-up parties.
A whole year of circles...
Yay! for Leanne over at Daisy and Jack Handmade! As of today, she has it all set up with a brand new blog button and everything! After checking out her blog and communicating with her for a couple days, I knew she would be perfect. I mean, look at how cool her blog button is compared to mine?

And I know there are a few people who got behind on their circles {but want to rededicate themselves to finishing}, some who started in much later in the year, and even the ones who weren't quite ready to dive in last year. Now's your chance to have some monthly encouragement for 2017 too! Please go check out Leanne and her new Quilty 365 post. Her first monthly link-up will be on February 1st. Got a feeling she's going to be a wonderful host!

p.s. Don't forget to come back here on May 1st for a finished quilt/quilt-top linky party for those who are further along in the project!


  1. I am still circling!! Thank you for this marvelous idea!!

  2. I'm going to take mine up again. I've got the so-far part of it hanging on my wall (I was joining my blocks as I went in an outward spiral), and I'm going to resume when I figure out where in time I left off. I miss stitching my little orange peels every day...

  3. That is a great idea ; glad that she's taking it on :)

  4. How wonderful that the party is going to continue for those of us who started late and/or are taking the scenic route!

  5. I am now following Leanne. Thank you for your encouragement since I started. I'm looking forward to making progress with Leanne.

  6. How fun, tho I am not able to start a new 365 right now. And thanks for doing the coming May finale for 2016, I do best with a deadline/ goal. Something to look forward to in the coming spring.


  7. Good for her! I will keep up with everyone's progress. Hope mine will be quilted by May!

  8. you are so sweet Audrey - thanks for the vote of confidence ! I'm looking forward to the first link-up :)

  9. Thanks so much for passing it on, Audrey! I hope to get back to my moons very soon.

  10. Hola Audrey, acabo de publicar en mi blog mi Quilt 365. En 2016 acabé los bloques y hasta ahora no me terminado de montar el.Quilt. Gracias por la iniciativa. Un saludo


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