
Thursday, September 1, 2016

September Quilty 365 Linkup

Here we go! Another month of circles to show off. Wowsers, are they getting tedious! I had to raid the stash totes for this month because the scrap bin was just making me want to gag!
August Quilty 365 all accounted for!
I am sooo sick of those particular fabric choices.--feeling limited and boxed in. But I am getting excited about nearing the end of these circles. Loving that tippy stack of stitched circles in my tote! At the end of August I have a total 311 circles stacked up and ready to go. Woohoo!

This month also found me digging into the 'Make It Mighty Ugly' book. All about creativity. The process, the things that stop us, the things that get us through. This is the first book of this type that I've actually done the exercises instead of just reading or skimming through. Yeah. I'm that person. But this time I put my head down and forced myself through all the hard stuff. Ughh. Who knew I had so many ugly 'voices' in my head? 

And my 'ugly voice' guy just makes me laugh. Look at his hideous clothing choices and big fat mouth! He's kind of deceptive 'cuz he's much uglier on the inside than the outside. Such a know it all when really he knows nothing. My daughter clued in right away. How can I possibly have respect for someone with a mullet? hehe  I'm only about a third of the way through the book, but it's giving me lots to think about. Next up will be the pretty one representing the 'good' voices. Uh huh. I'm ridiculously scared to start that one. It feels harder than 'Mr. Rain-On-My-Parade', so named because the book tells us the creature needs a name. Okay, A little bit weird, but strangely fun in a why-am-I-so-negative-about-my-fabulous-hobby? I'm still scratching my head over the idea that I willingly spent time making a ahem!, ugly doll......

Weird creativity stuff
And then my older daughter bought me this book. One I've been dying to read since it first came out. It's a great {applique-type} quilting book by 'Margaret Sampson George', my thing as many of you well know. Such a wonderful birthday present, full Margaret's thoughts and ideas and not just a cookie cutter pattern book! I'm going to be browsing through this one many, many times I'm sure.
Birthday present
And just to make life interesting, I also started in on {another} new quilt project. My sister-in-law had a sweet little baby boy just last week and yep, I'm doing it. Even though I said only one baby quilt per sister/sister-in-law no matter how many kids, I just can't help it. These are the fabrics from a jelly roll so really, it's practically sewing itself. Right?
9-patch blocks for a new baby quilt
Okay, enough about me. Who's still stitching along with the circles? Go ahead and link up so we can cheer each other on, say 'Rah, Rah! You can do this!!'

Please link up!  We really want to see...  Link a thumbnail picture to a current post on your blog detailing:
  • What particular day you happen to be at now {such as 'day 270'}
  • A picture of all your August circles whether they are stitched to the background fabric or not
  • A link back to this post
  • Any thoughts or introspection you might want to add about this particular project


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. 311!! Pues ya casi lo terminas... Abrazos

  2. That applique book looks like the perfect gift and your ugly doll is hilarious! :)

  3. This month has been a bit of a "fail" for me with my Quilty365, but I'm determined to see it thru' since it's going to be a beautiful quilt!

  4. I love that you're still making your circles! I wish I had managed to keep up - I've got most of mine sewn together and hanging up, and I look at it with a mixture of joy and regret.
    I think your little doll is too adorable to be really ugly.
    (And that applique book looks really really good. I've been admiring her applique work, as well as yours, and I may tackle a real project yet!)

  5. Every baby needs his own quilt (or maybe two) don't you think? Yeah, you do! The dark side of me saw that doll's mouth as one big black pacifier! OK, your latest batch of circles looks decidedly cheerful - yea! And I think there are a lot of us who are dreading reaching into the scrap bin yet again - my August circles mostly came from a stash bin even though I hated cutting into as-yet-uncut yardage! Same will go for Sept. thru the end. Tedious yes, but I think we're all going to be delighted with our final quilt tops.

  6. I just love your commentary! I really enjoy just reading your blog - but don't stop adding the fabulous photos please! I am totally up to date with my Q-365 circles, just not with my photographs so I will take one tonight and post tomorrow. Enjoy your new books. I adore Margaret Sampson George.

  7. Hi Audrey--this is how I am using some of my 49 circles--they are part of my mourning quilt piece for Mom...hugs, Julierose

  8. I just got that Margaret Sampson George book too. Oh no! I think I already know what advice you would give me about my Brinton Hall, because it is that book that is making me change direction. Oh, doody. :(

    Now, don't shoot me, but wasn't the idea of Q365 to choose fabrics you like each day? If you are sick of them, change!

    In any case, I'm so impressed, and you're in sight of the end now!

  9. I haven't seen either of those books yet, might have to look for them. I once made a paper version of those ugly voices in my head. It was very freeing. And I agree with Monica: use fabric you enjoy for the rest of your Quilty 365!

  10. Day 123 for me. I am lacking inspiration from my scrap fabric too but I always find something when I go through it. I am mostly using five inch squares from an exchange a few years ago.

  11. I just read about the 365 challenge a couple of weeks ago and just fell for the idea. I did get some of my background squares cut and the circle template ready. My goal was to start today and :(, we've been all day and I'm too pooped to pop so I'll make my first block as well as #2 tomorrow. Aren't you all amazed at the blocks you've accomplished?

  12. If there was ever a book you should have in you library, 'Take An Element' would be it. Looking forward to seeing everyone's circles!

  13. Keep going Audrey, ... or change direction! You could use other fabrics if you're tired of these, and if your scrap box is nearly empty, cut into some FQs. I know, I know, you want to use scraps, not create more! But if the fabric is getting you down its time to give yourself a treat, and the quilt too!

  14. Thanks for the tip on the Mighty Ugly book. I'm going to put it on my list! Your circles have really caught on, and everyone's look great!

  15. Still seeing circles everywhere. Just keep the meter set on fun and creative things will happen.

  16. I'm waaaaaay behind on my circles, so apologies from me for no link up. Isn't Margaret's book fabulous? It sits nearby on the coffee table and I keep delving into it.

  17. Thanks to Quilty 365, I've been very aware of circle-y quilts this year. Although I'm glad I went with the "fabric journal" idea, I'm inspired by all the different circles I've noticed and I'm sure more circles will find their way into my quilting. Thanks for the eye-opener and the push!

  18. That Mighty Ugly book sounds very intriguing. Thanks for mentioning it and how it's going for you as you read and work through. Love your circles. I, too, was tired of my choice of scraps this month, being light on the yellows. Now that I've delved into the golds/tans, they seem more interesting once again. Funny how that works.

  19. Oh my but that new book you have looks oh so interesting. I hope you will give us a little review of it in the future.
    You really started something with your 365 circles. I have seen some very interesting ones on various blogs. I wonder how many that started the 365 project have continued to this point.

  20. If your scrap bin is making you gag, maybe you should just get rid of everything that's left in it! The end really is in sight now so just use what makes you happy for the rest of the circles. Both your books look very cool: I'd cast covetous eyes on the Margaret Sampson George from afar but hadn't come across the Mighty Ugly one - most of us could do with trying some of those exercises I reckon.

  21. I like your blooming circle. I'm still kind of hanging in there with mine. Can't wait to start getting it put together.

    I LOVE Margaret Sampson George; however, I don't love applique all that much. I'll just have to admire your adventures.

    Ugly? LOL.

  22. So fun to see so many still hanging in there! I gave away a pile of scraps yesterday since looking at the same ones again and again make me gag too! LOL

  23. 282 days and I am still having fun! I will select fabric from just about anywhere at this point, and I know I have a few repeats even though I try to avoid it. It is like a test of my memory lol. Thank you for hosting, and sharing about the books!

  24. Dear Audrey again I forgot about linking this month but I'm still making my wee circles and still loving making them as much as the first day. I have cut out all my circles and squares now and have about 60 circles left to hem and and applique on to the tiny squares so I'm on target. What I do know I will keep on making these wee block after I have completed my 365 with you. What a lovely hobby you have given me making these sweet wee blocks, when Im tired these wee blocks are what make me relax and think what a wonderful world quilting is and how generous quilters are. Thank you for such a lovely journey with all you and other 365 circle quilters. Cheers Glenda

  25. I meant to come back and tell you how much my son and I have enjoyed the Mighty Ugly book. Thanks for sharing it with us!!


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