
Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Blogcation

So here's the deal. I have a lot of things going on in my life right now and something needs to give.
A quiet corner and the book I still haven't found time to read after
three plus weeks. 
It's going to have to be the blogging, at least for a couple weeks. Maybe even until the first of next month? And honestly I'm not even sure if that will work out because I'll barely be getting back from our annual church camp-out on the 30th and then my daughters senior graduation is the 6th of June. Busy times as I'm sure many of you have similarly experienced. I'm feeling completely overwhelmed and overextended. A lot frazzled. Just to put it out there for my quilty friends to sympathize and say 'there, there', in a bit of a panic the other day, I almost shut down the entirety of this blog. Like permanently. Why is it that women have less opportunities where they feel comfortable saying 'No, I can't do it all. I'm not superwoman nor do I want to be.' And yet, most of the time we do this to ourselves. Because we are mothers and wives, friends and just plain 'ol good people.

So... while still plugging along with the tiniest bit of quilting, mostly hand quilting and applique, it's not exactly convenient right now to take pictures and get it up on the blog. {Yes I did get back into my quilting room after exactly one week if only to sigh fondly and grab scrap bin fabric for more circles.} And if I can't get back by the first, I'll try to find someone to guest host the June Quilty 365. Because I'm not giving up sewing my circles after making it this far! Until then, happy stitching.....


  1. Absolutely and completely understandable! It will be a treat to see the next post from you whenever that may be - not a day sooner than is reasonable for you!

  2. Relax and take it easy. Everyone (including you) need a vacation. We will be there when you return, but do not feel guilty!

  3. Very understandable. You blog very frequently anyway, compared to others, including myself, I would never be able to find the time to blog as often as you do. Enjoy your blogcation, we'll see you when you are ready to come back!

  4. Don't worry about us! We'll be waiting patiently and be here when you get back. Take the time for yourself and your family. Hope the next few weeks are filled with great memory making events and I'll see you on the flip side!

  5. you made a wise choice and can play catch-up with us when things settle down! :) and enjoy these times with family, church, etc. activities :)

  6. Blogging without obligation! :) I find I need to take occasional blog vacations for many different but meaningful-to-me reasons. ;) Blogging does take a lot of time and energy that sometimes needs to be spent elsewhere. Enjoy!!

  7. I will miss you, but I totally get why you need a blogcation. Enjoy being with your family and friends! See you when you get back...and let me know if you need help with the monthly 365 linky.

  8. we all need time off with no guilt - enjoy your time with family and other important things.
    I think we all feel this way occasionally , especially when we put a lot of effort into our blogs which you always do. Happy spring!

  9. blogging is that - blogging - it can wait - for some it is more work than for others and if it is like that for you then you need a vacation from it! have fun with your family and take you time to regroup and come back refreshed!

  10. I can totally relate to feeling do what you can to take care of yourself. I am offering to help with Quilty365, even though I don't really understand the linky thing. I am glad you are at least getting some handsewing good for the soul!

  11. Sounds like it is time to enjoy some good stuff, so do it! I forget who, but a wise woman said, "Of course we can have it all, just not all at once." Go enjoy, recharge and we'll be here later.

  12. I'll be standing with this crowd, waiting to welcome you back when you're ready. Relax and recharge, enjoy some quiet stitching.
    (I have that book, too - Glitter is calling my name...)

  13. You do what ya have to do!! Obligations are many and you are but one hard working woman. Just don't close any doors, you will get through the panic and when the rush is over we will still be stitching circles here. It's ok, now take deep breaths and one step at a time off you go, we will wait.

  14. I unintentionally 'stepped away' for a bit, as holiday sewing couldn't be revealed and then January morphed into February and a few trips developed. And now I find myself in May(!), thinking about if and how I should jump back in. I would suggest no deleting!!! At least, not yet. Just live your life and eventually you'll know if you're ready to return. I think I am. I hate to let my 'journal' go and would miss the connections, though I admit that IG has been a good substitute. Whatever you decide, enjoy your busy family times!

  15. Step back and enjoy these moments with your family. We'll all be here waiting when you get back.

  16. I for one am happy to hear you are letting something go in order to free up some time. It is good for the psyche to "just say no" when things get a bit overwhelming. I hope you get a little time for yourself in these busy days ahead. Don't worry about anyone in Blogland. We will all be here when you return. Enjoy the day!

  17. Enjoy these once in a lifetime moments. We look forward to more quilty goodness whenever you get back.

  18. There are no rules about blogging, if you have time, fine, but if you don't, that is ok too. I won't allow my blog to rule life. Life is too short to feel guilty about stuff. You are busy now and that's the way it is. Take a break and we'll read your next post whenever you get back, if it is one month or if it is next January! Blessings, Gretchen

  19. I totally understand "overwhelmed". You so deserve a blogcation. I so enjoy you're posts, and would much rather you have some time off, as much as needed, than have you stop altogether. Since I just came across your blog not that long ago, I will use the time to go back and read older posts, which will be "new" to me, and in which I will still learn new things. Sending hugs, and hoping that you can catch a breath, find a happy spot and balance again. Your family is much more important!

  20. See WE totally understand!! We shall see you, when we see you! Take time to smell the roses! Know that you will be missed!

  21. Tis the season! This time of year is always so hectic. I'm feeling the squeeze too, so I do understand. I'll miss your perspective on all things quilty, but you deserve a break. Just know that I'll be cheering you on from way over here in Georgia. Hugs!

  22. Definitely take your break and deal with the other more important things that need your attention. We'll be here when you return -- and I for one totally understand the need to step back every now and then. Good for you!

  23. Take all the time you need. I was just talking about this with my daughter this past weekend and was feeling like it's time to step back for a moment. I may just join you on this blogcation.
    Enjoy your time away - No worries!

  24. I will miss your posts, but totally understand--life calls....enjoy your time with your family hug and looking forward to your comeback nice and rested....Julierose

  25. Girl I take a blog vacation every summer and unplut. Don't feel guilty...enjoy!!

  26. Thanks Audrey! I feel like you've given me permission for my own little, over-extended melt-down that I had recently r/t assorted milestone activities and all the rest of life piled together..."scattered, covered, and smothered!"

    I know that you will make it through, because I did and I'm actually breathing normally again!!

    Hang in there!!

  27. Fully understand! I really enjoy your posts and look forward to them. I am in equal awe of how you manage to sew and blog about it on top of living life. Enjoy this special time with your family. Look forward to hearing from you when you return. For everything there is a season.

  28. Stitching is forever but a woman has to breathe! Take your time and enjoy these moments. We'll be here when you are ready - take care!

  29. Good choice. Sewing and blogging is our hobby, it's what we do to relax, not something that should add to our daily load. Rest, relax and take care of yourself. Hope to see you back soon. X

  30. I look forward to your blog posts and will miss you and your inspiring ideas/ quilts.


  31. I'll be waiting for your return and maybe a picture or two of something you have worked on while on blogcation.

  32. relax...have fun...we'll be here when you're ready...

  33. Enjoy your time off and come back whenever you feel inspired!

  34. Audrey, totally understand and feeling that same way!! Blogging really takes time and a lot of energy. Enjoy your blogcation and all the special events going on in your life. We will all be here for you when you get back.

  35. Audrey, totally understand and feeling that same way!! Blogging really takes time and a lot of energy. Enjoy your blogcation and all the special events going on in your life. We will all be here for you when you get back.

  36. I think there are times for all of us when we need to step back and re-evaluate what we are doing, and fully understand what you are saying. Enjoy having a break and catching up on your book reading, see you when you are back in action.

  37. Enjoy your time away from blogland we will all be here when you return

  38. Take all the time you need, your blogging friends all understand, believe me. We've all been there many times, and we'll be here when you return, even if just to say hi occasionally. This too shall pass. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.

  39. You have a lot of encouraging comments, but wanted to take a moment to say, When blogging is stressing you out, take a break. Spend time with your loved ones and enjoy a little less pressure.

  40. As a person who has just been gone for the past 5 months, obviously I am going to endorse taking off and being in your life rather than forcing yourself to keep up with computer stuff! Honestly, where this pressure we feel to meet expectations of us that no one has and meet online deadlines that rarely actually exist comes from beats me, and I wish it would go away :) Everyone waits quite patiently for you to return in your own time you'll find :) Hope while you're gone you still manage to sneak in some stitches here and there to keep that pesky craziness at bay ;)
    Oh, and don't you dare imagine any pressure to reply to this comment! I promise I won't mutter any mean remarks out loud or under my breath if no email from you shows up in my inbox ;)

  41. I'll miss seeing your unique quilts, but it's okay to take some time off to just rest or do something else. As women we are expected to balance everything and sometimes that gets rather overwhelming, how I understand that.
    Take care,

  42. Just take it easy and do not worry about your blog. Many greetings Aurora

  43. Totally get this. We will miss you but understand that sometimes there just isn't time. Look forward to hearing from you in a month or so.

  44. Totally understand! Take your time, we'll be here when you return......but please return! I'd miss you too much! Hugs to keep you going ooxx

  45. Dear Audrey by now you may have all ready pulled the plug I hope so. By just doing that and walking away from the computer will give you a good nights sleep and a huge load will be lifted off your shoulders. I,m recovering from chronic fatigue so know the signs, they told me first turn off the computer, no TV no radio, no music just sleep when your body wants it eat only when you want it. NO visitors no any thing, that was 6 months ago and I'm now back on line but it's been a long haul you DO not want to get to where my body was. If you get to where I was you will have no choice as th body will shut down, so please look at your list of things you think you have to do then cross off the things that truly you don't have to do. I misSed my granddaughters graduation, her going off to Uni, achristmas day with family, endless special family gatherings because I did not listen to my body, then it made the choice and shut down. Thinking so much about you. Kind regards Glenda

  46. 46 comments so far, I guess people understand! I've been doing the same thing, inadvertently, the past week or so. It seems like a chaotic time. Just do what you have to do, no need to reply! Take care, and happy stitching!

  47. Enjoy time with your church and family - so much more important than blogging. If we need an Audrey fix, we can always reread vintage posts. I'm in the same situation. Just planning the required posts, then taking a break.

  48. What everyone else said! Go, do what you need to do and hopefully the blooging break will make it all more manageable and maybe even leave you a little bit of stitching time. (But please don't pull the plug permanently: selfishly I would really miss you).

  49. Have fun on your blogcation! Hope you get everything you want done so you can return refreshed to quilting and blogging! Best wishes!

  50. Have fun on your blogcation! Hope you get everything you want done so you can return refreshed to quilting and blogging! Best wishes!

  51. We appreciate all your hard work on this blog and you deserve a break. So, don't worry about us...just do want you need to do and enjoy the special times!

  52. We all need breaks and when we take them we come back raring to go! My life has been full too and blogging has suffered. Please do not delete the blog, your work is so fun! Now you have all these emails to read..... (-:

  53. I feel for ya and know how that goes!
    Breathe... and stitch a little to get you through!

  54. Live for the moment, that's what the experts say. Yes, we women tend to take on too much, so I hope you do take time out to enjoy those precious family times.

  55. Take as long time as you need; when time or energy is an issue, it is better to use any quilting time to actually quilt than blogging about it. No is a perfectly good word!

  56. Es normal, a veces no tenemos tiempo para realizar todo lo que queremos hacer, nuestros pensamientos van más rápido que nuestro cuerpo. Que tengas felices vacaciones, el blog te esperará. Un beso


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