
Friday, April 1, 2016

April Quilty 365 Linkup

*Just a quick reminder to drop in on the Giveaway by April 2nd! Also, the 'How to make the most of your quilting time' post at Dawn Chorus Studio is finally happening! I feel a bit weird directing you there, but Stephie might actually make me sound interesting instead of obsessed. Uh huh. Better let you decide for yourself though...  So here we are at the April Quilty 365 already! Time definitely flies when you're having fun.
The March Circles
Still happening straight out of the scrap bin!
These circles just keep on a comin' don't they? Here I am checking in with a total of 158 circles! Was it me who said there was no reason to stress about layout until all the blocks were done? Yeah. About that..., it's always on my mind while stitching the circles these days. Is it on yours? What to do with all.... these.... many.... circles!

Ann has linked to some great inspiration quilts lately and Luna already finished up with her first batch of circles. In fact, she currently has one completely finished quilt that just looks amazing! Okay. Wowsers! So now I'm tapping my fingers against my knee thinking, where IS this quilt going for me?

Here are the latest little bits of inspiration that I've found. Things I've been considering and wondering about. You know, based on what I already have going on with my scrap fabrics and that growing stack of completed circles. Now is probably not the best time to try coaxing my circles into Stephie-like circles {of which we are all undoubtedly drooling over}, but I could do something other than a straight set. There are options! I've always known that, pondered the 'what-ifs' and then put it of for another day. These ideas are ways I could possibly make small adjustments to future circles and still use the ones I've completed as well.

So is it time to shake things up or not? Make a tentative layout decision at the very least? I've been reading where several of you are starting to make changes from your original thinking. It might just be time for me to do that as well. If perhaps you're still circling with the rest of us, please link up and share your progress and thoughts! Link your thumbnail picture to a current post on your blog detailing:

  • What particular day you  happen to be at now {such as 'day 125'}
  • A picture of your March circles whether they are stitched to the background fabric or not {can add a picture of all your circles to date if you want}
  • A link back to this post
  • Any thoughts or introspection you might want to add about this particular project.



  1. I love this time of the month with the linky party ! So many tempting versions...I could make one new every year !!! I stay basic for mine, sew as I go week after week in the order they are :)

  2. I'm staying basic as well (so that I have a shot at keeping up and finishing this project!) but I sure love seeing all the interesting layout ideas!

  3. Lots of ideas out there for the circles....which are such fun and a relaxing daily block. I am thinking I will get several projects out of them :)

  4. Stephie's series has been enjoyable to read and her article on you was wonderful! :)

  5. I'm behind, prepped some yesterday afternoon to stitch today and take a picture tonight or tomorrow. Got caught up with wool Easter and Spring projects!

  6. The "Hip To Be Square" quilt is very interesting ! Maybe it's not necessary to cut your circles or change anything else ... you could just keep the idea of angle when you join them together. I'm sure you'll get a stunning idea anyway. Thank you very much for mentionning my quilt and for your kind words !

  7. All these circles are so much fun.

  8. I like the way you bring together few fabrics to one circle.

  9. I linked my post from earlier in March -- I have another dozen or so circles cut and ready to appliqué, but it may be a week or so before they get stitched. I agree - there are SO many thoughts percolating in the background!

  10. I just wanted to tell you just how much I've enjoyed this project. I am a single working mother of teenagers and time is not something I have to spare much of the time. I have had to figure out how to squeeze this in... And I'm so happy I have! Thanks you for putting this together! I love seeing the sewing progression of everyone that is participating.

  11. So good to know that there are others still pondering their final settings for these little blocks. It's going to be much fun visiting all the blog posts with the completed tops.

  12. I always look forward to the beginning of the month and everyone's circle progress.

  13. Thanks for the links and ideas, Audrey. I haven't really thought too far ahead but I'm sure by the time I'm ready to put them all together, something will have percolated to the surface. Love your circles. I took a cue from you and some others and have a few pieced from otherwise too small scraps this time around. I like the variety!

  14. This project continues to be really thought-provoking, even though I have fallen so far behind I can't share this time. I love all the variations and the way your thinking is evolving through the process. Also really like Stephie's article - if you think of yourself as passionate instead of obsessed it sounds much better.

  15. Link 31 isn't working just so you know : )
    really liked the Hip to be Square layout too and yours is looking great, stop agonising, wasn't this supposed to be almost therapeutic? lol

  16. There are some amazing things happening with your quilt along!
    I don't think that this outing with circles will be my last.

  17. I am up to date with all of my circles. I'm blanket stitching them by hand on low volume backgrounds. I have no earthly idea how I'm going to put them together, but for right now I'm loving seeing my pile grow!!

  18. Super interview! Well done you - lots of food for thought and interesting ideas. Thank you. (Do love your circles too)

  19. Hi Audrey,
    Beautiful circles. Loved the article, very inspiring. Have a great day!


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