
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Vintage Red a Completed Quilt Top

Vintage Red only needed a little bit of attention.
Vintage Red
Sometimes I have to be in the mood to add on a border. I mean, really, really in the mood....
My kind of fun...
Not that it was difficult, 'cuz it's not like a pieced border. More like cut and sew. And well, some important measurements involved so the edges of the quilt won't be waving at me for the rest of forever.
And then it was a finished quilt top
But now it's all stitched together and I have to wonder... why did I put it off for so long? This quilt top turned out so much better than I ever expected in the beginning. Frankly, it was a slam dunk at this point. Just another one the crazy ways that I approach quilting I guess. Full speed ahead and then procrastinate for months....


  1. Love those shapes and that red!

  2. That quilt is quite pleasing to look at!

  3. So whimsical and cute--love how fresh it looks...hugs, Julierose

  4. I adore this quilt!!! GreAat work

  5. This is one of my favorites! Feels so like Matisse. I like that you chose the red for the border. Looking forward to when this one makes the hoop.

  6. Congrats on finishing your fun quilt top!

  7. You did it again, just a wonderful quilt. You are my inspiration. I can relate to doing borders also and are so right about how important it is to get them even and flat.

  8. Whimsical & adorable -- a one of a kind beauty!

  9. I'm not sure it is possible to have a favorite of just one of your quilts, but this might be it! Love it!

  10. This is such a happy quilt! The numbers in the background really add a wonderful zing. So glad you got the borders on and can move on to finishing.

  11. I know what you mean about adding borders. There's something kind of annoying about them?! But your quilt looks great!

  12. Audrey, your quilt is gorgeous! Fun design, it's different and so refreshing.

  13. Your quilt looks like it's saying 'Woohoo!!', which is exactly what it should be saying. 8)

  14. This was a favorite from the very first time you posted about it. Nothing has changed, I love it!

  15. LOVE this quilt. How large is it? So happy!

  16. My favorite quilt on the internet! It's just gorgeous, Audrey!

  17. Vintage Red is just a happy whimsical quilt. And happier still that the border is on and ready to be finished. Don't put it away for too long. It will be a fun one to quilt and enjoy.

  18. Wow, Audrey, I love this one! It's so cheerful and the whimsy is spot on! As for the crazy ways that we quilt, well, we all have our crazy quirks. Actually, I think I have several.

  19. Well done - and it looks lovely! About delays getting on that last border - I hear you - been there too!

  20. Looks fabulous, Audrey! I don't know why we do that, the rushing ahead then procrastination thing, but rest assured - you're not alone in doing it!!

  21. I love the red! Good for you getting it finished up. Can't wait to see it quilted :)

  22. Woo hoo! I love the way the red border pulls out the red leaves even more. It looks great. It's not procrastination, you just have other priorities, that's all. At least, that's what I'm telling myself!

  23. Love the quilt, it looks happy. Greetings

  24. It looks wonderful the red border is the perfect frame. But I know this borders are a real challenge, perhaps because it is a little dull to do it?

  25. What an adorable quilt! The red border is just perfect for it. I totally understand the procrastination of a border - one of my least favorite things to do but really doesn't always take that long! I've never seen this pattern before but so nice.

  26. This is great, Audrey! I seem to work in the same way ~ full speed ahead and then paralysis by analysis. Doesn't it feel good to see the top finished? I'm just wrapping up work on several family quilts and am itching to get back to more fun projects like this.

  27. I think this must be my favourite applique quilt top; I just love it!

  28. Your quilts are always just so beautiful. Do you make up your own patterns? I just love them all.

  29. You wrote: But now it's all stitched together and I have to wonder... why did I put it off for so long?
    I ask myself the same question. My tops sometimes stays in their basket for years without a border. I think I am a kind of afraid to finish it with a wrong border. Its mad - but thats how we are. Anyway I love your quilts so much. Especially this flowerquilt. Pia from Denmark, Scandinavia


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