
Saturday, March 19, 2016

33 {Best} of the Best Quilting Blogs

Time for my annual list of great quilting blogs! I started this in 2012 and just haven't been able to let it go yet. Things do change though with time. Wowsers do they ever! Some of the blogs I once stalked have faded away completely or perhaps gone in a different direction from what might interest me now. Understand that I'm an equal opportunity quilt blog reader. The thing is, whether you consider yourself modern, traditional, primitive, slow stitcher or perhaps even the improv. queen, I love, love, love to learn about the details of your quilting process. Great pictures help too, although I'm not so fabulous with that part of blogging myself. A {sort of} consistent style of posting also helps those of us who care well informed about the health and well being of those stacks of ufo's--the good, bad and yes, even the ugly.

I'm actually quite interested in all of your quilt projects {what you're doing or not doing with them} because it sometimes gives me the warm fuzzies to know that, uh huh, I might just be considered normal in my own approach. If it matters. And well..., let's not forget the saying, 'comparison is the thief of joy'. Unless of course we're talking about seeing a bit of ourselves in the way that others deal with creativity and its subsequent road blocks. Then that comparison can be a light bulb moment. Or at the very least, a spot of morning humor.*wink  Either way works well for me! Here's hoping a few of you keep those dreamy, cozy looking pictures coming along too. Contrary to popular opinion, inspiration doesn't always have to include tutorials to work its particular magic.

So here's 33 of {my} favorite quilting blogs in no particular order! You might want to read them too. Or just look at the pictures. Some of these quilters are so unbelievably creative, they almost take my breath away. I promise that it's not all about applique, folksy stuff, traditional and/or slow quilting. I have lots of interests from month to month. And as always, don't take it personally if your blog isn't included in this years list. It's probably still over on the sidebar or in my Bloglovin' reader!


  1. Thank you for a interesting list of quilt blogs. I haven't visited all but like the ones I have visited. It is always nice to visit another nice blog. The only disadvantage is that it takes time to read all of them. aubphg (at) hotmail (dot) com

  2. What a great list of blogs. Some I follow already but several are new to me so thank you for pointing tthem out.I already started reading them.
    I also always read your blog I am only not the best commenter and tank you for visiting mine.

  3. Ah this was fun to see; not familiar with some of them so I can check them out from time to time :)

  4. Great list, I already know quite a lot of them. Feeling very privileged to be on it myself! I always enjoy reading about your creative processes.

  5. Thank you Audrey for including me on the list this year, and thank you for introducing me to so many good quilt writers. I enjoy reading what makes quilters tick, whatever category they assign themselves to. It's all about the process for me - whether you love basting or dislike fabric shopping (who are you?) - I want to know about it. Happy National Quilting Day everyone!

  6. P.S. I l-o-v-e that picture of your thread bowl.

  7. Thank you, Audrey!
    I am honored to be amongst all those talented quilters & writers. You are talented & kind & generous quilter & writer yourself.

  8. Thanks so much for including me on your list for a second year! I'm feeling very honoured, I must say. I met some fun new friends last year through this list, let's see if I can find any more!

  9. Audrey I'm so flattered to be on your list! And I see some new-to-me blogs on your list - I will really look forward to checking them out! Yours is one of my favorites.

  10. I just may have snorted my coffee reading this post. You are so great! I always look forward to this list, you manage to include some really great blogs that I haven't stumbled across and I thank you for that. If I had a list, you would be at the top! Being included on yours is just icing on the cake!

  11. Thank you so much for including me on your list! I agree with you, I like all types of quilting and learn from each one. My blogging has been sparse but I am going to change that going forward. I will be checking your list out with my morning up of coffee.

  12. thanks for including me in your list. Some of these blogs are new to me and I will be blog hopping about today checking them out, Love that basket full of thread that you show!

  13. Great list! I'm honored to be included!!

  14. Thanks for the shout out Audrey! I always enjoy going through your list and finding new blogs to visit. Several of my favorites are on there as well. Also quite jealous of your colorful thread basket!

  15. It's always fun to find new blogs to read and enjoy someone's creativity and enthusiasm. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for including me. :0)

  16. Thanks for the list, but awwww, man... I was hoping I was going to be able to get stuff done today, and instead I'm going to be jumping down all these lovely rabbitholes! 8)

  17. I'm honored to be part of this list of talented and inspiring bloggers! I see many that I haven't visited before too. Thanks for introducing them to us.

  18. You took me by surprise. How nice to be listed among these great bloggers/quilters/makers. Thank you, Audrey!

  19. Audrey, may I suggest Barb Stanbro in Oregon. Lots of pics, and such a humorous writer. And.....she doesn't miss a day!

  20. Thank you so much for including me, Audrey. I look forward to spending some time perusing the blogs on your list. ❤❤❤

  21. Such a surprise... thanx for including me Audrey! I see a few new places now I need to check out soonish too!

  22. Oh, my...I'm honored anyone would read my blog let alone include it in a favs list. Thanks, Audrey.

    And, do you have a favorite place to buy perle?

    P.S. - I'd like to sit in that basket surrounded by all that color. It would be almost better than a hot bubble bath.

  23. Interesting list. Some I visit regularly and others new to me and I have gone visiting. Inspirational viewing. I am happy to be included in your list.

  24. Thank you for including me on your list - I feel very honoured! I follow most of these blogs too, but will check out the ones I'm not familiar with.

  25. Will be fun to check these out!

  26. Wonderful to be on your list - thanks for the mention! you're on my list too :)

  27. I am so incredibly honored to be listed Audrey! You have been such an inspiration to me and countless others. I love this list and will definitely check out those that are new to me. Thanks!

  28. thanks for Including me - I have to check out all the links. I suspect if you like them, I'll like them.


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