
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Busy Days

Where I want to be today. Just got back from a flying trip to Oregon with my daughter where I got to spend time with my oldest son as well. Good times.
My itsy bitsy quilt room
My husbands aunt died the day I returned home after some extended time in the hospital. She was getting better and then had a setback she was never able to recover from. Now we have a funeral to take care of and several of her siblings and family coming into town this later this week. Lots to do! I'm determined to squeeze one day in for me, but sometimes it's just not possible without sacrificing all my dignity. {Bathrooms do have to be cleaned etc.} Thankfully I have a stack of applique all prepped and ready to go!


  1. Do the things you need to do, your quilting haven will be there waiting for you.
    I am sorry for your loss but glad you got to visit your son.
    Take care.

  2. Sewing will be there when all is done. However it is very nice to have some easy to pick up hand work ready to go. Take care.

  3. So sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. I like seeing your quilting space. I wish more people would post pics of their quilting spaces. Years ago, my mother in law asked us to send her a photo of the Christmas tree in our new house as she wanted to "picture" us there. I have adopted that over the years and like to picture my friends in their happy space.

  4. I'm so sorry for the sad circumstances, but can I just say how impressed I am that so many gorgeous quilts come from this little space. You are impressive! Hugs.

  5. So sorry for your family's loss Audrey. Please take care of yourself as you take on all the tasks of preparing for the funeral and out-of-town family. Your quilt room is so cozy, amazing all the gorgeousness that emerges from that tiny space!

  6. {{hugs}} Some handwork at hand is so helpful when emotions are high. So sorry for your loss.

  7. Good things come out of that tiny little area. It's proof that size doesn't matter.

  8. Hope you can find a moment to sew (meditate?) in this busy week. Thinking of you. X

  9. Sometimes the quilting is needed : Quilting can help us in difficult moments. So sorry for your loss.

  10. sorry your aunt died. You get a lot of creating in done in a small space - shows we do not need large studios!

  11. Sorry to hear about your family's loss, but glad you had the opportunity to visit your son. I liked sewing your creative space. Small but mighty.

  12. Oh hon I'm so sorry about your hubby's aunt, what sad news...but glad you got to spend some time with your kids. I like your sewing space, you sure do get a lot done in there! Love the block hanging on your design wall. I hope you can find some "me" time but family comes first...I'll be thinking of you hon.

  13. Hope you'll find some time for you. Greetings

  14. I'm sorry to hear about your husband's aunt but it's absolutely the right thing for you to prioritise some 'me' time in the middle of all your family commitments, just to keep you sane: you seem to have spent the past few months putting everyone else first.

  15. Thinking of you all at this sad and busy time. Hope there is a spare moment for some "sanity sewing". Hugs x

  16. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Even the smallest bits of here-and-there sewing can be therapeutic. Find the time for a moment. Take care.

  17. Oh Audrey so sorry to hear ! And you have your hands full was nice that you got to see your son and have fun with your daughter before this hit.

  18. I do hope you can take some time for some applique. It's so good for our well-being, I believe.

  19. It seems to me that you do manage to squeeze in a lot of sewing when you are very busy with other things as well. "A body in motion stays in motion," I think!

    Best wishes to you all. It's a sad reason to be getting together again.

  20. Hey Audrey I just caught up to your last few posts. My gosh you have a lot going on and you still manage to keep your creative spark. Hopefully things will calm down after the funeral. Bet your fingers are just twitching to sew with the new thread your husband gave you!

  21. I'm sorry to read about your husband's aunt audrey, not much fun :( It sounds like you'll have had a very busy week, so I hope you can hide in your room for a bit this weekend, stitch and remember your visit to Oregon. Take care x


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