
Friday, December 11, 2015

A Picture-less Post. The Best I Can Do For Now

I dropped my computer off last week and I'm still waiting to hear back. Getting a little panicky, but trying to be optimistic. It is a busy time of the year. For today I confiscated my husbands laptop. Desperate times call for desperate measures and if you know me and laptops, well... I have this thing about laptops because they don't make sense to me. I'm always losing the cursor, getting stuck in capslock hell--weird things like that. Been lurking on my little tablet, but some things won't load. Like my Quilty 365 linkup. And how annoying is that?

I want to respond to everyone who linked up to me, catch up on my blog reading etc.  On the other hand, I've been trying to relax and go with the flow as well as I can. So I don't have my precious computer. You won't believe how much time that frees up for me! I have been hand quilting, making decisions about different ongoing projects and I even got my baby quilt sewn together and ready for machine quilting. Aha! I might make my twelve-finished-quilts-a-year-goal yet!

I've also been sick with a nasty head cold and trying to get things ready for Christmas. The tree has been on our front porch since last Saturday and I'm only a third the way through my gift buying. Where oh where has this month gone? Hopefully, hopefully I'll get my computer back soon and post some of those quilty pictures you want to see instead of all this wordy gunk. Apparently I just don't have what it takes to do it from this computer. Honestly, I did try.

Are you still staying up with your circles? I am, amazing at it is to me although early this week it was touch and go. When your head hurts nothing feels very important. Okay, enough blathering for now. Got to get busy for company coming in this weekend and round up those Christmas tree ornaments before my kids stage a sit-in......


  1. Crossing my fingers that you get your computer back soon. M<akes it hasrd t5o tyope,. tjhouigh..,.

  2. I am glad that you are okay! ( well aside from the cold / sorry about that and hope that you can kick it asap )

    I know the West has been having some awful weather and I wondered if your power was out or you had flooding / wind damage or something.

  3. I hope you feel better soon; and get your computer issues sorted out :) Wishing you a safe, merry and stressfree Christmas.

  4. Ugh!!! Went thru a computer change last year....I have techo-phobia now. I am loving my circles. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  5. Sorry about your computer. Hope you get it back soon. I was just catching up on blog reading. Your Quilty 365 is every where. Love seeing the variety. Not sure I'll join in though I will enjoy watching everyones progress. Good luck with Christmas prep. You can only do so much especially with a cold. Do what you can and leave the rest. Wishing you and your family peace, love and joy!

  6. I do not understand computers and have a hard time figuring things out with them - I feel for you I do. I do have a laptop though and manage ok with it because I have a wireless mouse to go with it - I can not use the mouse pad on the laptop - I can never figure it out and it drives me nuts - I have to have a mouse I can put my hand around. I am about a week ahead on circles - I have found that I can not just make one at a time - I have to make more than one when I sit down to work on them.

  7. Computers can be so frusterating! I hope you're feeling better soon. I will be ready for your quilty pictures when you can post them :0)

  8. Don't get too frustrated. Like you mentioned, no computer, more time to do something else. Enjoy your time off line.

  9. Are you my twin? My computer is out for repairs and I'm home with a cold, too. The tablet is almost impossible to post photos. I did find a couple to use. But I'm not getting much done. Sleeping and taking cough medicine.

  10. sorry for your computer woes and head cold. I hope you feel better real soon! Happy Holidays! cheers!

  11. you will have plenty to catch up with whne you get the computer back so make the most of your "free time"! Hope the cold goes soon too and all will be well for the 325th

  12. It is awful being without your computer, how much we depend on them nowadays. Hope you get yours back soon and in good shape!

  13. I try and remember what it used to be like to be able to get things done!!! Computers take up a whole lot of time don't they, but it's such a wonderful way to be part of a community (especially when you live out in the sticks). 12 finished this year is incredibly impressive Audrey - just how the heck do you do that WITH your computer, kids, homelife, etc??? Seriously, I need some productivity help! Take good care, enjoy the run up to Christmas and keep on sewing :) (Circles are are all on track and taking up all my time, haha! And I love it.)

  14. You've been sick since Thanksgiving -- take it easy!
    Your computer being down is a message for you to slow down -- me, I would be a basketcase without my phone & tablet. :-}
    The circle are still calling to me.

  15. Well pooh on the computer and the head cold. Good to hear from you though,even without pictures. Hang in there and get your elves to set up that tree. Christmas seems to be coming fast this year. I'm behind in my shopping too. Just want to sip cocoa and sew :)

  16. I hope both you and your computer are soon fully recovered and that you can enjoy your last week of Christmas preparations. I'm still circling, sometimes a day behind but never more than that.

  17. Well done you for blogging on a strange computer! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  18. I can't believe it either, but I am still circling away ever morning. In fact, this morning I had the idea that I might just start piecing them together one block a day. No laying out at the end, just 20 rows of 18 circles each (I know that is only 360, but I thought I would do a double circle in 5 of the blocks to make my 365 circle goal!). We'll see if I can keep this up! Thanks for the post, it does prove that we quilters do read sometimes and not just look at the pictures!

  19. I so want to join and do the 365. I'm going to try and do an extra circle on Sat. and Sun. to catch up. I've never applicade (?) so this will be a double challenge for me. I'm going to date my circles to hopefully the the improvement of my sewing. I found you through Debbie at Stitchin Therapy. Hope to meet and make new friends as well.
    Have a save and Merry Christmas.

  20. Feel better soon!! I hope you get your computer back soon, too:)

  21. So nice to hear someone else struggles with laptops, how on earth can one control that cursor? So very sorry about the computer troubles though! It is so amazing how much extra time shows up when tech things aren't available :) Hope your icky cold is getting better, well done on circling through it. I missed a few days thru a thudding head, figured I would let it be and continue without catching up, then once I started again circle fabrics just kept jumping out at me so I'm up-to-date again, lol Fingers crossed you make it to 12 quilts, what an achievement :)

  22. Super bummer on all fronts! I hope you and your computer are well soon . . .

  23. worries. I actually love when the computers "go down" at school....LOL!! Enjoy your time "away" and know we are all grateful for you creating the 365!!

  24. So sorry about your computer woes. Sometimes life just tells us to take a break though. Everyone will catch up again when you do. Glad you are finding lots of good ways to spend your new found free time.

  25. So sorry about your computer woes. Sometimes life just tells us to take a break though. Everyone will catch up again when you do. Glad you are finding lots of good ways to spend your new found free time.


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