
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Try, Try, and Try Again

I must be ill 'cuz I'm trying it again--combining some machine quilting with a little bit of big stitch.  It may just be a go with this quilt too. I'm feeling good vibes in the air and of course, {metaphorically} keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Working on Happy Geese
All I can say is, I must be in a finish-it-up mood or someone pushed my determination button.....


  1. I like the combination of machine and big stitch quilting, it will be lovely, I am sure.

  2. Just seeing the colors in this quilt makes me smile :)

  3. I need a determination button! Your quilt is wonderful! I also like the combo of machine and big stitch quilting.

  4. I think it will look Lovely...I need to get back into machine quilting myself..
    Debra in Ma.

  5. Better you than me! I have tried machine quilting something of this size and I end up with far less hair than when I began! It's beautiful. Keep up the good work.

  6. I say go for it, Audrey. Once you figure what you can (and cannot) do with your walking foot, you'll have a great tool to fall back on time and time again. I combine machine and hand quilting all the time, and have a few suggestions that might be helpful if you ever want to chat about it.

  7. Looking great so far, I love your colours with this quilt! I find it v. difficult to machine quilt a big quilt, but sometimes it's all worth it!

  8. Oh I wish had that mood, today I have been very lazy. Hope I am not getting my husbands cold! So bad I am reheating leftovers for dinner tonight! Now that is pathetic Can't wait to see how this one turns out!

  9. Sending you good vibes. I've been having pretty good success with that combination. I know you will too.

  10. Go You!! The machine quilt/big stitch combo is one of my favourites. Whatever it takes to get across the finish line.

  11. That's my favorite combo. I made a couple of quilts last year that I machine pieced in the ditch, then used hand quilting in the areas that actually show. The bonus is that the machine piecing acts as the basting for the handwork! I can't wait to see this one in all it's glory. Good for you!

  12. I'm going to follow this closely. I always machine quilt but the bit stitch with perle cotton intrigues me. Mixing them means I might actually finish the hand quilting part. Thanks!

  13. I wish you good luck, this is going to be again a wonderful quilt!

  14. I'm going to give more consideration to having a determination button installed...
    I struggle with machine quilting in general and machine quilting large quilts in particular. I'll be watching your technique combining with great interest!

  15. Go girl! Fingers and toes crossed here too for you.


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