
Sunday, September 6, 2015

And Four More Blocks Makes Twelve

Four more blocks for Vintage Red so that makes 12 in all. I still think it's gonna be an interesting quilt, but for some reason I'm not in a huge rush to finish.
Vintage Red
I have a lot of applique idea stacking up in my head though {and to be honest, on my counter top} so that may hurry me up. Can't have too many open ended applique projects or the pressure gets very intense.*wink
The first chocolate cake baked in my new oven
Guess I'll just need to eat some more chocolate cake. I got a crazy idea to make one last night after ten o'clock. It's a long story and I won't bore you with the details, but the thing is, there was spillover from pans being too full. Uh huh. Eventually I started smelling something burning and my daughter wandered into the kitchen and said, 'mom?' There was chocolate cake dripping all over the bottom of my oven. Can you believe it? The skies finally clear up, the wildfires get mostly under control and bingo, I go and set cake batter on fire in my very own house.....


  1. Oh, dear, that cake story! Your applique is fun!

  2. OH NO!! Well it still looks yummy, but sorry about the mess!

  3. Applique & cake = my new favorite combination!

  4. sounds like a mess - good thing you didn't set your house on fire!! So glad the area is getting back to normal and life in general with the fires under control so happy for you! Love those 4 blocks.

  5. So accustomed to the smell of smoke that you miss it when it's gone?
    (Chocolate cake with nuts on top definitely makes the world a better place.)
    I love your applique projects. Always happy to see more!

  6. Great story. But sorry you now have a cake mess to clean up. More awesome vintage red blocks.

  7. Love the applique blocks. Are you doing turn needle or another method? I'll be right over for a piece of that cake!!

  8. Very interesting blocks! It will be fun to watch it grow!

  9. This will be a cheerful quilt. Love the red! I'm working on a pie today, myself. We'll see how it turns out. Thanks for the reminder to put a tray under it.

  10. LOL. Well, it looks good! I'm impressed that you stopped to take a photo before cutting into it. :)

    And the blocks also look great. I'm very interested to see the plan for these -- I love the colours and the pieced backgrounds.

  11. Such a funny & fun flower!
    I would selfishly say -- Less Baking, More Appliqué!
    (I'm eager to see them all together. Ignore me & keep your family fed.)

  12. ''I am not in a hurry to finish them'' I love that! I love those blocks and your attitude towards them. clearly, you are enjoying it! I am interested in knowing what else you have been cooking up!

  13. The cake looks yummy! I've done that before too... I love your appliqué blocks! They will make another very happy quilt :0)

  14. At least you didn't burn the actual cake! I wonder exactly how many applique projects you have 'piling up'. I tend to work on one or two things at a time but maybe starting things is a good idea - stops ideas from disappearing out of your head. I love the flower blocks.

  15. You are too funny! A chocolate cake fire has got to be the best! Looks yummy!

  16. I like the number fabric you are using in the flower blocks.


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