
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Slow Stitching My Day Away

For those that have inquired, we are doing just fine here in Pateros. We have had level 1 evacuation (lowest level) warnings in place for over a week, but so far, the nearest fires seem to be moving away from us.
Keeping it simple...
As far as quilting goes, all I seem to be interested in is hand quilting. It feels very calming to me and doesn't require much in the way of brain power. I did try stitching something a little more complicated on the border of my string quilt, but after seeing part of one border done, I ripped it out and went simple. The quilt thanks me. It doesn't want anything complicated I guess.
Hand quilting done on this one!
I have had various things I consider important to me packed up and ready to go at a moments notice just in case. These are the totes with unfinished quilt tops, basic sewing supplies and quilt projects that are 'in process' but not nearly at the quilt top stage. I also have the quilts that are in the hoop (or fresh out) and of course my sewing machine. Closer to the front door (downstairs) I have things like photo albums, papers, baby books etc. and of course we all have a bag of clothes packed. Scattered throughout the house are also TJMAXX/IKEA bags with about three quilts each in them--only my very favorites and of course the one from my Grandma. We figure we could easily have all of these items out of the house in under 10 minutes if we had to. No sense in putting them in the car unless or until we have a more serious evacuation warning.
Trying to be ready.....
News stories can be very misleading so we have been trying to get our information from more official channels. There is a lot of panic in our valley because of last year of course, but also because of how quickly the fires have grown and changed. So far we have had a small area of relative peace here in Pateros, with evacuees coming toward us rather than us having to flee. 

Here is an interesting YouTube video that shows a Fly Through map of the Chelan and Okanogan Complex fires. At 1:06 you can see exactly where our town is in relation to the fires. Pateros is up on the left corner, under the grid. At 4:52 you can see a broader view of where we are in relation to the fires in our county {we are the green arrow directly below where it says 'Brewster' in the bottom middle of the screen.} And then at 5:12 you can start watching the animated playback of how the fires have progressed and grown from where they were at on August 16. Obviously, the closest {to us} fires combined around that date, maybe just before, and then they have steadily blown past us except in the farthest areas of the county. That's where they still remain largely uncontained. Look for a town called Carlton. That's where the fire started last year that did so much damage to our little town and of course the surrounding areas. Now you know why we are still on level one evacuation notice. Even though the fires are primarily burning away from us, there is still some activity on every side--having the fire be 6-8 miles away from us with a river in between? Not feeling so safe until it's all put out.....

Time to link up to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching. I don't know about you, but it sure helps this mama stay a little more sane....


  1. I'm glad you posted - it's reassuring to hear from you. Hoping all stays well with you.

  2. Hope those fires stay far far away from you. Quilting by hand is definitely good for stress....that and knitting for me, too. Hugs and good thoughts, Julierose

  3. thanks for posting an update and the link - i was just telling my husband earlier when they were showing fire news on the news that i wish they would show a map. I sure hope it doesn't cross the river - I wish you hadn't had to pack to be ready - but i would be too at this point - good luck - sure am sending good vibes your way! (love the quilts - I was ripping earlier today too)

  4. Nice to have your quilting to help with your sanity. I know that you can't help being a bit anxious, but you are certainly well prepared.

  5. Love the circular quilting... it's perfect for that block!
    And it's the only way through all that stress of fire threat... yikes...

  6. Just keep stitching, just keep thoughts are with you and all those who wait with fires raging around. Keep safe, and praying sincerely for rain to fall and winds to drop. Xxxx.

  7. Hope al the preparation for evacuation will be just that and the fires are killed soon.

  8. Thankful to hear that you are still at home and fire appears to be moving away from your immediate area. I hope the cooler weather and fall rains arrive soon, and everyone in your state can begin to breathe easier again.

  9. Glad that you are still home...I know that I couldn't find enough detail on our regular national news I googled your county, found a map, read your local news, etc. Going to check out the link now....keep calm and quilt on as they say and I just keep praying for the winds to still and the rain to come.

  10. I am the proverbial scout, always prepared for any emergency, but I cannot even begin to imagine how I would choose the limited number of "treasures" that would fit in my vehicle for a quick getaway. I am thankful that you are o.k. for now and will continue to send out all the positive (and fire distinguishing) thoughts your way. Take Care.

  11. I hope you & yours continue to be missed by the worst.
    Being prepared can do so much to ease panic.

  12. I am glad you've had time to decide what to take but the constant worry/waiting is so stressful. We watch the news; thanks for the links to better information.

  13. It was good hearing from you. Being prepared and getting reliable news sources is a wise thing to do. Keep quilting.

  14. Glad to hear the fires seem to be moving away. Still praying you and your family will be safe.

  15. Wondered how,it was going. The news is so unreliable. Thanks for the post and update. Stay safe and stitch on!

  16. Love your spiral quilting! Are you using perle cotton? So glad to hear your update on the fires. Enjoy that slow stitching!

  17. I can't imagine living with all my most precious of things packed up in bins waiting...I'm feeling stressed just reading about it.

    On another note...did you mark the concentric circles you are quilting on the pinwheel or are you doing them freehand? If you marked what did you use for the different circle sizes? a template? I want to do the same thing on the Vintage Spin quilt when I get to it.

  18. You do beautiful work and it's such a pleasure for the eyes every time I visit. I love the circular design as well.

    I'm glad to hear you're safe! Take care.

  19. I have been thinking of you, thanx for the update. I love your spiral hand quilting. And, it was interesting reading your thoughts in the last post about using white! Glad you are safe!

  20. I really hope the fire stays away from you. It's interesting to think about what you would take with you, just in case. Definitely quilt tops, quilts and photo albums. Thank goodness for hand stitching while you're keeping watch.


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