
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Ready for Binding

It's going to be a bit slow around here for a couple weeks. Probably. Maybe. There are things I want to work on, projects dancing around in my imagination, and fabric that is tantalizing me, but... well, life has some different demands on me right now.
Getting ready to hand stitch the binding
I did get the binding sewn onto this quilt and now, just need the time to do some hand stitching. A little tonight, a little tomorrow and it should finish fast. I am cruising along with my hand quilting on the pinwheel quilt as well. For some reason, the hand work is what I'm finding time for these days and that's okay. There are seasons for everything, right?

The fire is starting to seem more in control although you wouldn't have known it by the upgraded evacuation levels this weekend {already dropped back down again}. There has been a little bit of rain, cooler temps and yes, a lot of wind. However, that wind didn't seem to do quite as much damage as was feared. My husband and I are almost ready to unpack the totes and get back to living. I haven't even put my sewing machine back in the case from sewing on the binding, so there you have it--we are relaxing our guard. We took a drive yesterday just to get away and wowsers did it feel wonderful to be out of the valley. And if that drive took us by a quilt store? All the better! Too bad we hadn't actually planned it better as I only had 15 minutes to shop before they closed up for the evening. Now you tell me, what is the correct way to handle only having 15 minutes in a great quilt store?*wink

Time to link up with Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching!


  1. 'Supermarket Sweep' works in quilt stores, too, right?
    I'm so glad things are calming down for you. Fire is so terrifying and terrifyingly unpredictable - having it constantly on your mind and in your life is hard to bear.

  2. lets hope those demands are dealt with soon, so you can get back to your sewing! It is surprising how your mind makes snap decisions on fabrics, when you only have 15 mins to shop, but I find if I have ages to shop that is when I dither!

  3. Good to read the fire seems to be getting under control. Hope you finally get some peace there. Love that quilt.

  4. So glad you got some rain and the winds were not as devasting as they were in some places. We have some life changing decisions to make soon and I too am so thankful for my handwork.

  5. Glad to hear things are getting under control a bit and I hope that you receive more much needed rain ! : )

  6. Glad to hear that no more damaging fires came close to you. It must be so nerve wracking to have to be on guard and ready to flee. I hope that things settle down for you now. hugs, Julierose

  7. Keeping my fingers crossed that you can leave your guard in relaxed mode!

  8. so glad to hear of the rain in your area, I saw that on the news the past few days and thought of you and your family and thought your mind must be more at ease then it was. Love the quilt you show with the binding. that is the best way to hit a quilt shop - at closing and know you can not linger!

  9. Fifteen minutes in my favorite quilt shop could wreak total havoc on the credit card balance! That's why I make lists these days and try to stick with them, not that it works every time. It's good to hear you're getting a bit of relief finally, and hopefully the smoke will clear out of your valley soon. Looks like a sweet finish coming up.

  10. Fifteen minutes in my favorite quilt shop could wreak total havoc on the credit card balance! That's why I make lists these days and try to stick with them, not that it works every time. It's good to hear you're getting a bit of relief finally, and hopefully the smoke will clear out of your valley soon. Looks like a sweet finish coming up.

  11. You are ready to bind that quilt already! Wow Audrey you are amazing! I'm so glad you had a bit of a break. 15 minutes in a great quilt shop? SHOP :0)

  12. Oh, 15 minutes could spell more trouble than being there an hour. Glad things might be settling done, even if it's just a bit. Let's hope for mor rain.

  13. The question is, how did YOU handle that 15 minutes,Audrey? Lol!
    I love that piece you are stitching on, and happy to know you and your family are finally able to relax a bit.

  14. Wow! You have your string quilt all quilted and another one in the hoop! You are so productive. I hope you had a fun 15 minutes at the quilt shop. So very glad the fire situation has improved!

  15. So glad to hear the fires are dying down. Enjoy your hand sewing.

  16. I thought of you as we watched the rains on radar. Such a lovely binding for the quilt. My favorite shade of blue.

  17. Probably go for precut selection of new fat quarters or later cake. Check for scrap bags and sale fabric!! It was very nice that you got out of the house & go for a ride. Helps with the stress level!! Looking at fabric--icing on the cake!!

  18. Breathe deep and exhale. I am so glad to hear that things are getting better. I love a good drive - very relaxing - and very reassuring for you. In my fifteen minutes I would've grabbed a few fat eighths. They make for a nice surprise. Take care!

  19. So relieved that things are easing up on the fire front. Now maybe you can work on that timing thing so that you get more than 15 minutes to shop!

  20. I just went to your gallery of quilts and all I can say is "Wow!" I thought I made a lot of quilts, but you are so prolific and each quilt is a masterpiece. Love your color choices and designs. I better get busy and quilt, quilt, quilt.

  21. I'm thinking just grab as much as you can! I love the binding fabric you are using.

  22. Oh dear... only 15 minutes?!? I couldn't cope! LOL
    Enjoy your hand stitching!


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