
Monday, August 10, 2015

Hey, Whatever Works....

First there were four Vintage Red blocks and now there are eight. That means I'm either half through with them or maybe a third? Depends on how many I decide to make. They are super easy to stitch, but I have to take a break and switch them out with something else or I will probably go insane.
Vintage Red blocks on the wall
It could be that I'm already there. We all live in our own little reality don't we? lol  I worked on the Floating Squares score over the weekend and looky, looky....  I am making them into blocks again.*sigh  It is the only thing that makes sense to me so I finally quit fighting it and just continued on my merry way. It actually feels more comfortable this time around and I am thinking it must be the all green theme plus using my older fabrics.
Floating Squares in the works....
There is only one or two fabrics in the whole mix that I would love to have a bit leftover for working into other projects. Every other one could completely be used up and I'd only cheer! That does cut down on the 'what if I totally screw this up' factor which makes me more ambivalent about the outcome too. Not such a great feeling when hello? I'm putting my time into a quilt that I feel 'ambivalent' about? So I'm sorting through all those emotions and forging ahead anyway because I think I might actually be learning something. These blocks look okay, bad and terrible and yet, they seem to be getting slightly better with practice? Slightly more wonky even if only I can see the difference.

There's another very odd thing happening during the time I'm working with these mostly old, really tired fabrics. I am digging and pawing my way through the fabrics totes during short {okay, it's really quite longish} breaks and thinking/dreaming up new and wonderful future projects. What's up with that?


  1. The vintage red blocks remind me of Easter. For some reason I'm seeing Easter eggs.
    I think finding new projects as you sort through fabric is quite a bonus.

  2. Well, I'll have to echo Em above! I saw Audrey's easter egg flowers! I think you have a name for this quilt, and I love it, so cheerful and bright. The floating squares quilts would make good practice pieces if you do any free-motion machine quilting and you still end up with a great utility quilt for picnics, camping and such. They look like a lot of fun and it seems like the square block approach makes a lot of sense, lots more setting options for a gal who loves her borders and sashings.

  3. I think the new projects come popping up because the more logical, task-oriented parts of your brain are distracted with the get-it-done-ness, letting the creative bits break free and soar.
    I love your Vintage Red blocks. I see hands cradling easter eggs, holding them up to the sky...

  4. I really enjoy reading your posts; enjoying your thoughts. Yes, we are already there...all the way to crazy. And it is OK!! And I too plan so many quilts while working through the fabrics on the old ones. Fun, this thing we do...

  5. Perhaps it's the juxtaposition of your two quilts but... have you thought about making an inner border of smaller red squares (around 4 or 6 of your green blocks?) OTOH, it's so good to become more comfortable with new techniques.

  6. Ha! This is why I forced myself to make those one color scrap quilts. You can shop your own stash and become completely inspired! Who knew?
    Both your quilts are coming along just dandy. Have fun!

  7. it's fun looking through the fabric that we have coming up with new ideas of what to make with them - I always end up with way too many ideas.

  8. Love those vintage red blocks! They have personality.

  9. I love the Vintage Red blocks.
    Not so sure about the Floating Squares...

  10. Those Vintage Red blocks are great. Perfect red color. My kind of applique: large shapes, gentle curves.

  11. I can relate to so much here! Using old tired fabrics and wanting to cheer when they're used up. Pawing through bins and finding new combinations to capture your imagination. I have an idea for your lovely vintage red blocks (so delightful!). Don't think you need to fill in every row in your quilt. I can imagine a clump or clumpings of them with blank or "low volume" space in between as being super sweet. Just a thought ;-)

  12. Those Vintage Red blocks are great. Perfect red color. My kind of applique: large shapes, gentle curves.

  13. I like the red blocks! They look folk art-y and really vintage! And I like your floating blocks, I like the second one down on the far right the best! Stick at it, it's coming together :)

  14. Love the vintage red block, is it your own pattern, please ?

  15. Always something interesting going on at your house. You have a style that is unique to you.

  16. I love all your work Audrey....muddy creek is beautiful too. Hugs mary

  17. Loving the flower block progress.

  18. Isn't it amazing what a little 'pawing' around our fabric stashes can do?


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