
Friday, July 10, 2015

New Reading Material and a Giveaway!

I love quilt books. That's primarily how I learned to quilt many years ago, along with all my friends in our church quilt group. Living in a rural area, quilting classes were few and far between. Between all of us in the group, we'd devour every quilt book and magazine we could {cheaply} get our hands on, try new things out and then freely share information. Ah... we were such beginners.
My new reading material
It's still really hard to resist buying every shiny, new quilt book that catches my eye! But I am doing better these days, trying to make sure to only buy the ones that will be much appreciated. I generally put them on my Amazon wish list and then wait, and wait, and wait.....! It absolutely helps me to be sure that I'm not wasting money. The top three books are my latest acquisitions, my I-can't- resist-you-books, but thought maybe now would be a good time to share too.

On July 19th, this little quilt blog will be 5 yrs. old! Woohoo! I started out blogging about once a week and now I average two or three times that. There are highs and lows, weeks of constant progress and times of slow, more like plodding, efforts. I believe my style has changed, morphed and grown. There is a confidence emerging in what I do that feels wonderful {uhuh, in spite of all my insecurities and whining} and I honestly feel like a true-blue quilter now, not just a wanna be! Here on the blog, I've slowly figured out the details of Blogger and blog etiquette and gently developed a blogging voice, with all the terrible grammar that goes along with it.*wink  And even though it's been difficult at times, I've tried to stay very real and true to who I am, someone who just wants to share a great love of the quilting process with people who are interested in the particulars. So much fun to have any one of you check in when time permits and generously cheer me on. It's really good stuff.
The giveaway books!
So... in the interest of sharing {like I did with my friends back at the beginning} and to celebrate 5 yrs. of stick-with-it blogging! I'm having a giveaway for two winners. First I'm going to give away my brand new copy of 'The 1718 Coverlet' book. It's a fabulous book and although I've been drooling, I don't think it's affected the book at all. I can already see that this book is an 'eye-candy' book to me and it needs to go to someone who desperately wants to make the quilt. Also, I'm giving away an older book straight off of my bulging shelf,  'The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt'. I've flipped through it several times in the last couple years, but it also needs to move to a home where it can be well used.

If you're interested in winning either of these books, leave a comment telling me the first time you jumped onto my blog. Or tell me how you share inspiration with all your quilty friends. A second comment from my followers telling me how you follow can be a second chance to win. Don't forget to tell me if you'd prefer one book over the other! And other than my name written in the flap, I promise you the second book {cd included} is in excellent shape! The giveaway will end at midnight of July 19th! The giveaway is open to international readers too unless the shipping winds up being prohibitive! Good luck!


  1. LOVE this post! We really are kindred spirits. I am thankful that I jumped on the Blogging bandwagon before it fades into obscurity like most technological things these days. Please don't enter me in the drawing as I too have both of these and should pass them on to other quilters. Thanks for a great post.

  2. don't know when i started following but have always enjoyed it.

  3. I can't remember whether I found you through a Pinterest pin or followed a link off someone's sidebar, but I'm grateful to that unknown enabler! I enjoy your posts, both the words and the pictures.
    The quilts made from those two books are what brought me to the realization that I don't actually dislike sampler quilts; what I dislike is sampler quilts made with 9-12 blocks. Sampler quilts made with dozens and dozens of different blocks of all colors and sizes are something completely different. (And generally gorgeous!)

  4. Following this blog I do for a short time but I enjoy it very much. I am still a beginner for quilting, just finished my third quilt this year. Like you I love looking in quilt books and magazines.
    greetings aubphg at hotmail dot com

  5. I follow you from years, don't know how many but I love to read you, see your mistakes, inspirations, love your work and you are in my sidebar with the last post at the top so I know when you post :)

  6. I found you in a Google search for a Bishop's Fan quilting stencil last Fall. Your very easy directions helped me finish a baby quilt, and I'm going to use it again at the end of this month for another. I love your style and your voice, so I'm following you via Bloglovin,. Thanks for the great lesson, congratulations on this milestone, and may you have many more! Cheers!

  7. I don't remember how I found you but I'm so glad I did. I look forward to your posts. They inspire me.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I follow you though my blogger reader. I would enjoy either book. I've been wanting to create a sampler quilt so either one would help

  10. I follow you thru blogger dashboard. I enjoy your blog and thought process. I believe I am ready to take on The Farmers Wife so thanks for a chance. Congrats on 5 years.

  11. Congratulations on five years!!!

  12. Congratulations on 5 years blogging! I've been following you for a while but I can't remember how I found you!

  13. Five years?? Congratulations! I don't remember the first time I came across your blog, and how I got here, but I know this ... I LOVE that you hand quilt all your quilts and that you inspired me to hand quilt. :-))

  14. I follow you with Bloglovin, I am curious about "The 1718 Coverlet book" but I would be happy with either one.

  15. Congrats on 5 years blogging and I love reading your blog.It is in my side bar so don`t miss out on your postings. I have the `Farmers Wife` with starter pack of fabric (yet to start) but would love to read `1718 Coverlet book`. Thankyou. Happy Stitching.

  16. Congratulations on your anniversary, Audrey. I think you've succeeded in your quest, as your posts come through to me as being very honest and real. And I love what you do and how you post about them. Raising a (metaphoric) glass to your blog and many, many more years of fabulous posts to come! With hugs xx (as I already own both books, no need to put me in the draw, but thank you!)

  17. Happy anniversary! I first noticed your blog when "Sweet P - Paulette" told of your parents losing their home and encouraging followers to help restore your Mom's stash. Of course I sent something and began following along to learn of all her goodies... what fun! Quilters are the best!
    Thank you for the opportunity and my preference would be the Farmer's wife since that is what I am.
    Adrienne Cleave

  18. Hi Audrey, I loved this post, and so enjoy reading your blog. I understand that the cost of posting a book to Australia could well be prohibitive, but if I were to win, I would choose 'The 1718 Coverlet'. In any case, I always get a lot out of reading what you write.

  19. Congratulations on your 5 years, Audrey! But don't enter me in your drawing, as I already have the Farmers Wife (one of my WIP) and the coverlet makes my mind boggle. I do love quilt books, tho!

  20. Oh,and I'm not sure how I found your blog, probably through another one, but the first time I read it, I read a post in your Courage to be Creative series and found it really inspiring!

  21. 5yrs, gosh well done! (especially in these times of Instagram, etc!) I stumbled across you only recently, but enjoy your posts & your work! Either book would be wonderful!

  22. I've only been following you for a few months, and came across you from another blog. (I do not remember which one.) Congratulations!

  23. Great post. I think it is the same for many bloggers. I can't rememberr how I found your blog, but I do enjoy your creativity and honesty. They are both lovely books, but I probably wouldn't start either of thanks for your generosity and good luck to the winners!

  24. I think the first time I spotted your blog was one of your Bloggers Quilt Festival posts, but really can't be sure. Like you I've given up most of my quilt magazine subscriptions and only occasionally buy a new (to me) quilting book when Amazon has a used one for a penny plus shipping! What I most enjoy about your blog is the descriptions of your creative process and your fabric-mixing genius! I already have The Farmers Wife, and probably wouldn't make the other quilt in its entirety, but the eye candy might spark some inspiration, one never knows!

  25. congrats on five years! Audrey don't enter me in the giveaway though as I know I'll not make either of these quilts and it would be nicer for someone to win that wants to make them. I remember when you got that coverlet book..half off sale....and afterwards when i was in JoAnn Fabrics I looked for it and what eye candy ! :)

  26. Your "1718 Coverlet" book is very interesting. Seems like I could use up a ton of scrap fabrics and I would love to win the book. This is the first time I have been on your blog and I like it a lot. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

  27. Your "1718 Coverlet" book is very interesting. Seems like I could use up a ton of scrap fabrics and I would love to win the book. This is the first time I have been on your blog and I like it a lot. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

  28. Happy anniversary! Five years, wow, that is a lot of blogposts! I really enjoy them, love ( the way you make) your quilts! And I love quilt books, can not resist them... so I already have loads of them.... including the 2 for the give-away (so I am not entering) ...which I would not be able to part with even though I have no idea if I will ever make these quilts. Thank you for the opportunity anyway, would love to participate a next time.

  29. I'm a book fiend too ...often I buy them for the pretty pictures, hoping one day I will be inspired (and have the skill ) to make the pretty things that are in the book.

    Im not sure how long I've been hanging round here or how I got to be here . What I do know is I love seeing your quilts because you use a lot of techniques, colours and styles that I love. (and I'm still trying to master those techniques myself !)

    Happy Blogiversary Audrey. 5 years is quite an achievement!

  30. I bought a laptop for my personal use, separate from the family computer, about 18 months ago. That's when I started following quilting blogs. I keep adding blogs to my list and now it takes me two nights to flip through them all. Your number five or six on my original list, so yours was one of the first that I found. Love your stye and appreciate all that you share. I'd love the Farmers Wife book. It's been on my wish list for a while.

  31. Happy Anniversary as a 5-year blogger! When I saw the Improv Handbook in the top photo, I got really jumpin-excited! Not sure that is one you're giving away though. Second choice would be the Farmer's Wife Sampler book. I'm not sure I'm much inspiration to my friends as a quilter as none of them quilt or sew, but I do like to show off my projects and even sell several items. I find inspiration on blogs like yours!

  32. Hi! This is my first time here, but I am already loving your blog!!

  33. I am following you via my Google Plus account!

  34. I found your blog through the Log Cabin Quilter. Been a while. I like the 1718 Coverlet quilt book for an opportunity.

  35. I am new to blogging so this is the first time I have stopped in.

  36. Congratulations on five years of blogging - that equates to a lot of wonderful quilts. I like your work a lot and think you have developed a distinctive voice both in your quilting and in your writing. Long may it continue. (Not many things are harder to resist than a nice shiny quilt book!)

  37. Congratulations on 5 years. I can't say when I started following but I liked the articles on 15 and 25 blogs to follow. There were new ones in there for me to follow. Oh yes I love books too.

  38. Five years! Awesome. I love your blog, especially the posts that walk us thru your design processes. I m guessing I found your blog from a sidebar, probably Humble Quilts.
    I show my quilts on my blog mostly I guess to track my progress. And I find seeing the photos in the blog format gives me a different perspective.

    No books for me, I am trying to pare things down. LOL I never win anyway.


  39. Congrats on 5 years. That's a commitment. You already know how much I love your blog, your quilts and your posts inspire me. And I'm still drooling over the pink and neutral log cabin 😊. Not sure how long I've been following you but I'm intrigued by the 1718 Coverlet book.

  40. I follow you thru Bloglovin.

  41. I found your blog from another blogger. Although I am relatively new to your blog, I enjoy reading it and love your style of quilting. Congratulations on 5 years. I have the Farmer's Wife as a work in progress. I keep looking at the 1718 Coverlet quilt but haven't taken the plunge and purchased it so to win would be very nice.

  42. I read your blog through bloglovin. I put the app on my ipad so I can view them whenever you post and not have to wait until I am logged into the computer.

  43. Wow, happy anniversary Audrey! That's a great milestone and a wonderful way to celebrate it. I started blogging about 4 years ago so I suspect that I found you shortly after that and have been totally mesmerized with your creativity ever since. Those books look fantastic; I think my choice would be Farmer's Wife. Thanks so much for sharing!

  44. Hey Audrey, thanks for hanging in long enough for me to find your blog!(sometime right around the fire I think??). Congrats on 5 years, and keep those posts coming!! My bookshelves are groaning with quilt books, so I will pass, even though that Farmer's Wife is quite tempting.......

  45. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. I just love your creativity and the inspiration it gives me to push my quilting boundaries. I found your blog through another blogger and I have been following you for 3 years now. My choice would be the Farmer's Wife.

  46. Congratulations on five years, Audrey! Your blog is one of my favorites, and it just keeps getting better and better. Thanks for offering a giveaway. I would love to give The Farmer's Wife a new home!

  47. I follow your blog with Google FriendConnect but I usually read your blog on feedly. Thanks again for offering the books. (And I guess I forgot to say that about the only way I share my quilts is on my blog and with my family.) Again, congratulations on five years!


Thanks for visiting! I love getting comments and always try to respond via email. Please leave an email in the comment to ensure a return reply! {Many of you are popping up as Anonymous for some reason, so I have no idea who it is.} Regardless, I appreciate all the comments and read every single one.