
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My Charming Lone Star

I don't know what got into me the other day, but it must of been the heat. For some reason, I decided it was time to finish putting my lone star together and well, let's just say that I made it happen. Nothing was going to deter me from working on my summer project!
Putting the lone star together
So happy to see that it all laid fairly flat and the points where properly pointy--even in the middle! Wowsers. Did I do that? And then.... I noticed the problem. Do you see? Uh huh. Somewhere in the joining up all of the 9-pc. diamond shapes, I flip flopped the top and bottom sections on the left side. Yep, that would be me, doing what I do best.
I have points!
Oh my. And I thought I was being so very, very careful about taking them off the wall! Honestly, I just laughed and laughed. And not hysterically either. I just thought it was the perfect outcome for the conditions I was working under and it really tickled my funny bone! {Like I said, it must have been the heat, because otherwise I probably would have been having a good long melt down.} Oh wait. Maybe I was past the point of melt down? lol

While I considered the natural order of things, such as taking everything apart with my trusty seam ripper, and/or tearing out all my hair and trashing the entire project {neither of which I had energy left for}, I threw the two background fabrics up on the wall. Hmm.. If you know me, you'd understand that I'm an avid fan of good floral fabrics. The other fabric was on hand only because I thought there wasn't enough of the floral fabric and then, well, I cut my diamonds out smaller than I intended and blah, blah, blah.... I'll just say it flat out--it's been one of those quilts. {Please refer to 'Freddy & Gwen Collaborate Again' for pattern inspiration, not the problematic fallout I'm experiencing.}
Auditioning a couple backgrounds
Anyway, long story short. I left the potential backgrounds up on the wall, we got the a/c fixed with regular/normal temperatures slowly commencing inside the house and I decided to sleep on it. Surprisingly, in the morning I still felt {sheepishly}, ridiculously charmed by my big 'oops'. It makes absolutely no sense, but it just feels right for me, for the chaos of our life right at the moment.
Sewing the star into the background
So... I cut out my pieces for the background in the floral and here we be. If you have the book, you'll see that I left off the narrow strip of contrasting fabric at the outside edges of the star. I love how this star sort of disappears into the background without it, but not completely into it if you know what I mean.
Playing with some ideas...
And yes, I am charmed by the results. Delighted! The center circles are being auditioned for now. They seem to add bring more focus to the orangey/yellow at the tips of the stars and slightly mute the effect of the {discordant} arrangement of the bright red diamonds. For the record, the center of the star does not NEED to be covered up! I just think I want to. So I probably will--it's my quilt after all. And thanks to LeeAnn at nifty quilts for giving me the inspirational kick start to get going with this oh, so intriguing project that it's turning out to be! Good blogging friends are simply invaluable.*wink

p.s. A Bethlehem Star quilt is quite possibly a hundred years off if the results of this quilt are anything to go by.....


  1. It took me quite a bit of time and concentration to figure out what the problem was that you were referring to. Once I figured it out - it didn't matter anymore. The colors come together so well and the border, as non-traditional as it may be, is perfect. You have such an eye for color. Beautiful job!

  2. Such a lovely summer star! and I think the floral background is great - love the slightly blended look - gives it balance too. Hope the heat eases up soon.

  3. Glad your ac is working again. I love the background you chose! I am letting summer get away from me.

  4. I still can't see it! Unless the star is not 'supposed' to have the same fabrics in the same relative positions in a section? Mistake or not, it looks wonderful! I like the addition of the center circles, too.

  5. I have looked and look and I'm not seeing the mistake - sometimes they have to be really pointed out to me LOL - glad your center laid flat!

  6. I can t see the ''mistake''? And I love the background you chose.

  7. I'm included in the searchers and can't find the opps. The background is making me smile. It's so bright and bold and combining all the colors in the star. Congrats to putting the star together so well. It can be tricky.

  8. See, if you had not mentioned the 'problem' we wouldn't have seen it! But I do like that you share the ups and downs of your quilting journey. I absolutely love the floral background...who would have thought that it would make the star pop/radiate as it does.
    I would love to see this quilt top hanging outside ~ you know pegged to a line between trees or up against an old wall. Rally the family's help for a photo shot. : )

  9. I too didn't notice the mix up. I think it looks great the way it is and the background is perfect. Love it

  10. Your Lone Star has taken on quite a new look from the more traditional version, simply lovely! Love the floral background, and I too didn't/still can't see the 'problem' !

  11. I think your star looks fabulous - especially with the bold floral fabric! Glad your ac is working again. I look forward to seeing what comes next for this star quilt :0)

  12. Hi Audrey, um, I can't see it?! I just love it, especially with the floral background. Glad you are able to cool off now!

  13. Oh OK, I just saw it and I don't think it matters at all, it is still a gorgeous quilt!

  14. I can't see the mistake but I prefer the floral background, beautiful.

  15. I love it! Love the centre circle too. Such a happy star.

  16. No one else will spot the "oops" since most of us commenters haven't seen it yet, me included! When you posted the photo of the two backgrounds I just knew which one you would choose, and it works - beautifully!

  17. I really like this happy quilt, 'oops' and all. And if you hadn't pointed it out I never would have it! The background fabric is perfection. This one is going to be so fun to follow along. Glad you're cool again 😉

  18. Oh it's wonderful! and perfect in every way! Loved that you stuck with it as is..(Honestly I was hoping the next line didn't read that you unpicked it) The colours are wonderful!

  19. It took me a long while to figure out the "oops." Lovely quilt, luscious fabrics. Wonderful choice for background.

  20. Gorgeous! You found the PERFECT background fabric! :-) And, honestly... I don't see the flip-flop?

  21. What a fun quilt and I cannot see any oops!

  22. Great quilt. Love the floral background and I am still looking for an OOP.

  23. With the scrappy look no one will see the problem unless you point it out, and even then I think this way is better. A happy accident. Fun project!

  24. call me crazy but I don't see a mistake. I LOVE your background. This really sings. Happy 4th.

  25. Beautiful. When I first saw the photo of the two backgrounds I hoped you would use the just says Audrey to me...crazy me, maybe;-) So glad you did use the floral. Love the circle too. I love your daring side as I think you really stretch yourself as a quilter, which I admire.
    blessings, jill

  26. Honestly Audrey - nobody else will notice your very minor slip up ....a lone star is meant to be about the whole design not the individual pieces and that's what I saw. A big bright beautiful star!

  27. Oh Audrey, I'm SO glad you're keeping your oops as it is, 'cos I think it's charming too, and as you did so well with the centre....shame to cover it up?? The centre you've chosen does look good though. Love how it sits/blends into that gorgeous floral.

  28. I just cannot see where you have anything flipped in that first picture. There are so many prints involved in the star that it seems to look fine to me.

  29. I found the booboo, but only after you said there was one. If you hadn't been standing there pointing, I never would have noticed. Though I think it's a shame to cover a perfect center, I do see what you mean about something missing. Though I think I'd go smaller and red(dish)...
    Love all the colors and exuberance. It's like a supernova!

  30. Perfect summer quilt. I love the colours, and the background fabric is fabulous. Like you I particularly like the way the star fades into the floral at the edges.

  31. My goodness! I've been away for a few weeks, and look what I've missed! Your star is fabulous!! I'm so glad you used the floral background. It is exciting, inspired and perfect!!


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