
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Finishing Up and Starting Something New, The Ongoing Cycle

Things have been pretty slow around here in regards to quilting. We jaunted off to Portland over the weekend to attend a friends wedding and I ended up doing a lot of the driving. Which means of course, no time with the hand work because we're always busy after we arrive at our destination!
Happy Flowers ready for binding
It's already been the year for weddings with our friends and family and still one more left on the schedule for August. I'm starting to think in terms of, either gift, or money in the boot, but not both! It's starting to cut into my quilting money.*wink

I have had very little motivation since returning, but I did manage to finish up the hand quilting on my Happy Flowers quilt. Wowsers, has that quilt been in the hoop for a long time considering how small the quilt is! I picked out all the cherry red binding from my leftovers tote and had enough for half the binding length. The rest came from my stash as I did not want to go shopping for fabric right now.
A new project...
I've been considering this 'Pleasantville' quilt from the book 'Making Quilts with Kathy Doughty' for some time now. I have dithered a lot over actually starting it because the twirly ball blocks have to be cut out from templates. Ughh.. I do so hate drawing them onto the fabric and then having to oh-so-carefully cut them out. Much better to cut out using a rotary cutter and ruler! First I am going to try sewing them on the machine and then if that doesn't work out, I may switch to hand sewing. 

The quilt will not be made in the correct order of sequence because I really need to find out if the twirly ball blocks are even manageable before I progress with the rest of the quilt. Honestly, I am terrible about following directions and it's been a long time since I've seriously planned on even attempting to make a quilt directly from a pattern! Which I'm not. Just parts of it. I've already decided to change a few things just in fabric choices! The layout will probably be the same though and that's where I'll really have to focus and try to get things cut out just right so as not to waste or ruin fabric. If I remember right, some of the Kathy Doughty patterns have been a bit confusing for me to follow along with...


  1. Good Luck with your templates and cutting. That quilt looks like it is right up your alley.

  2. The red binding is so appropriate for you Happy quilt. Isn't starting something new what we Quilter's know how to do best? Love your "new" project. I'm working on one of Kathy D.'s pattern right now too.

  3. Funny thing - I just cut some fabric with scissors and I really liked the change of pace!

  4. Congratulations on getting to the binding! Always fun to start planning a new project. Best wishes on the test block.

  5. I have this book and am working on a block of Harperville. What are you planning on using in the center of this pattern? It's a beautiful quilt and your interpretation will be fun to see.

  6. I have this book and am working on a block of Harperville. What are you planning on using in the center of this pattern? It's a beautiful quilt and your interpretation will be fun to see.

  7. I like the twirly balls and contemplating some of my own - I had forgotten the one in that book though! I have that one too

  8. I love your Happy Flowers quilt and I hope you show the whole quilt when you have it complete! Did you make up the pattern, I love it?

  9. I just love seeing your quilting on Happy Flowers - and the colours of this quilt are so appealing! What an eye you have for fabric selection - love the dots and the binding is perfect. Look forward to following you on Twirly Balls. I would love to make a quilt of pieced circle blocks one day...

  10. Your Happy Flowers makes me happy. The red binding is perfect!
    The twirly balls look like they'll be technically challenging... i.e. Fun!
    Looking very much forward to watching you build this one. 8)

  11. Your Happy Quilt is lovely and I like that binding color. I find KD's patterns confusing also--although I like how they look in her pictures...I also have problems following patterns--I always wander off somewhere else....I guess that's ok too...
    My Poms are ready to be layered and quilted....hugs, Julierose

  12. Again a beautiful project, I can't wait to see more...XXX

  13. I have contemplated making that quilt only just using the cogwheel block (aka twirly ball block) and not the rest since I don't really like medallion quilts. I'll see how you progress on your twirly balls. (Thanks for testing the waters). I thought Pleasantville would become Unpleasantville for me very quickly and then UFOville shortly thereafter.

  14. Congratulations on your beautiful almost finish! That's a wonderful new quilt to try.

  15. I have been put off making the Pleasantville quilt too, on account of the template problem. But if you look on the Material Obsession website (, I think they have acrylic templates for the cog wheel block. This could simplify the whole process. Good luck with the quilt, if you decide to make it!

  16. That KD pattern looks like a challenge. I love drooling over her quilts but have only attempted one, and it was the easiest in the book! It would be quite beautiful when done though. You're smart to make up a block or two first to see how it goes.
    I've been lollygagging in between projects, feeling a little burned out. No sewing for the last 4 days, only a bit of crochet. I worry that I won't have anything to blog about!!!
    Looking forward to your flower quilt finish.

  17. I do like medallions and quilts that use several blocks. It looks lovely.

  18. That is a lovely quilt, looks like quite a challenge! Lovely binding for your quilt.

  19. I just love that quilt and can't wait to see your take on it. I'm a lot like you when it comes to quilt patterns ... terrible at following directions. Which is why I've only once made a quilt from a pattern. Besides, I just love those old traditional blocks made up into a traditional quilt. I'm just a traditional quilt gal, I guess.

  20. I love that Pleasantville quilt, and look forward to seeing your version, I know it will be amazing, I'm already liking the fabrics you've pulled in the photo.

  21. Go on......twirly balls are great fun!! Can't wait to see your version.


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