
Friday, June 5, 2015

A Bit of This and That

I've really enjoyed picking up these Quarter Circles blocks and spending some easy time doing the applique work. It's been so amazing to me how much the colors and fabrics just speak to me. Like in song.
Quarter Circles Round #2
{Or something weird like that.} But I don't mind. It just reminds me how very important the fabric and color really are in quilting. I always say, buy what you love and use it well. It makes quilting fun. Plus, it can easily transcend into extra moments lost in stitching because it doesn't feel like work. Which is what my last project was feeling like there towards the end of getting the quilt top together. Lots of work.
Low Volume Log Cabin quilt
And so I took a breather and piddled around with other things. I'll show you all of the Log Cabin quilt in due time, promise. The camera and I definitely need to get reacquainted!
A baby pic of my youngest (14 yrs. old now)
And look at this pic of my youngest son. Ahh.... Wasn't he precious? We had to search high and low for a baby/toddler pic for the 8th grade promotion coming up next week. So hard to believe he'll be moving on to high school already! Where has all the time gone?


  1. Your quarter circles are lovely and I love your log cabin quilt.

  2. Nothing more pleasing than a pile of lovely applique to work through. Sounds like you're in a very happy place. My baby is 14 this month......where do the years go indeed!

  3. My baby is 32 now, those old photos grow even more precious as the years go by. I think I'm in love with that log cabin quilt ...

  4. What a sweet photo of him...just adorable :)

  5. They are great blocks those Quarter Circles! And such a sweet picture of your son, time flies doesn't it....?

  6. Love those circles! And yes, time does fly by. Mine are all out of the nest now which means I have taken over both rooms for fabric storage. Oh, did I say that out loud? Happy stitching!

  7. precious child! he is just a little younger than my grandson - who will be 15 later this month - where does the time go! Love your quarter circles and hope you feel refreshed!

  8. You've been busy since we heard from you last. When quilting become 'work' where's the pleasure in that. Project can be challenges, but maybe not something negative. Hope you're over the hump.

  9. I share the same philosophy with you regarding fabrics and quilting. I always like the fabrics you use in your quilts. What a lovely child on the picture. Enjoy your week-end!

  10. The photo of your son is adorable! But he does have that little two year boy expression that says "Here comes trouble." lol your Circles are awesome, enjoy your time stitching. And I love your Low Vloume Log Cabin. Looks like you are sewing on the binding!

  11. I'm reading a book about Celtic Christianity so these quarter circles remind me of a celtic cross. I have my own variation in mind. Maybe I'll actually make it some day!
    Your low volume log cabin is lovely - your hand quilting is beautiful.
    I always love your fabric choices.
    What a cute fella! They grow up so quickly.

  12. What fun to look for baby pictures. I remember when my children needed these photos. By the time they all graduated, the photo album looked like the remnants of a fussy cut quilt! Amusing memories.

  13. What a cute photo of your son!
    Great quilt projects you are working on.

  14. Your quarter circles are looking fantastic. Your boy is a cutie!


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