
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Loose Ends

Getting the bits and pieces figured out for all five panels on the fire quilt. I usually consider it 'cleaning up the loose ends', but sometimes it takes more time than others. I spent several hours with it laying on the floor, scratching my head and wondering how to get everything perfect. haha Like that ever happens. And hey, I'm the one always telling my family to think 'representational' not realistic. 
All five panels in my handwork bag, ready for detail work...
Better listen to myself and move on or it will never get done. Thinking seriously about taking a quick break from that pesky project and doing some final handwork on Vertical Baskets. Sometimes it's really not about wanting to do something, it's about not wanting to do something else!
A bit of binding work to do
My husband has been working a bit on our camp-trailer, getting things ready for Memorial Day. Wowsers is it coming up fast this year! I need to recover a couple couch cushions and think about doing a major cleanup in there. Guess I need to schedule a trip to JoAnnes for some sturdy fabric too. There can't be anything in that store to derail me from my current projects, right? Hmm... I wonder if they might have the 1718 Coverlet book? lol


  1. Love that basket quilt! A trip to Jo-Ann's, always a highlight of any trip to the US for me, I seriously love that chain, we do not have anything like it in Europe. Enjoy!

  2. Yup! Once while working on a quilt that I was having such angst about I realized that my house had never been cleaner! It must have been really bad if I chose to do housework over quilting. I think you should start the 1718 coverlet! What's one more project more or less?

  3. Maybe that is my problem this week. I need to do some machine applique I started and my heart really isn't into it. Have fun at Jo Ann's

  4. Was your thought about the fabric trip another way to procrastinate? Im not judging - Im the worst procrastinator ever !

  5. Always helps to get a little break...especially when it means a trip to Joanns! Nice to see the detail of the fabrics in the Vertical Basket quilt in your picture. I really like the fabric that has the larger scale mixed in with the other fabrics. Lovely quilt!

  6. Yes, I just bought that dratted book this week. It was so cheap at Connecting Threads... But I have no intention of making it!

  7. The vertical baskets quilt looks oh so interesting. More interesting than making couch cushions!

  8. Totally get the not wanting to work on something. Sometimes a project needs to sit a while for inspiration and the desire to continue to return.

  9. Sometimes having a break from something is just what a project needs. You would make a brilliant version of the 1718 coverlet.


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