
Friday, May 8, 2015

Hand Quilting Away

I can't believe there are two different quilts in two different hoops and I'm okay with that. Wowsers, am I crazy or what? The flower quilt is not being very quilted very densely, unlike the log cabin quilt which is getting a line of stitching per 'log'. It makes it interesting to go back and forth. On different days of course!
Happy Flowers in the old hoop....
And well, I did leave off stitching those dark patches in the middle of the log cabin quilt. I'm pretty much ignoring them for now--kinda enjoying the way they puff up {a little} if you want to know the truth of the matter. Will have to deliberate more and see what I think later on! Still loving both of these quilts and enjoying every single stitch. It makes me very happy to be working on quilts that are very much 'me' quilts.
The log cabin quilt in the newer hoop.....
Wish I could just write up a formula and get it right every single time, but the process of getting there is never, ever a sure thing. I'm almost ready to launch into a brand new quilt project, or two or three or maybe even four of them. Yes, four.*wink  I can feel it sort of bubbling up inside me and all it's gonna take is the right piece of fabric or some random idea that finally clicks securely into place. I'm sure there are a few of you out there that are thinking, 'yep, been there, done that'. I'm starting to resign myself to the fact that my quilty bucket list never gets smaller. It only expands....


  1. variety is the spice of life. I am working on too many right now and I think i need to pick out 2 and get them done then concentrate on two more and so on until I get some finishes.

  2. I call it Guilt Quilting. You know you shouldn't, but you do it anyhow. Start that new project, and sometimes it spurs you to finish up the last one. I'm quite taken with the Happy Flowers and the low volume Log Cabin. Both are just beautiful! And so you know, I have the same old hoop going held together by tape, and the clamp portions are cracking away. Might need a new one, too.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

  3. Lovely quilting going on there! UFO working here...hugs, Julierose

  4. They are both wonderful. I LOVE the "love apple/flower" quilt, but I also love the subtleness of the log cabin. I know what you mean about quilting on something that is "you". I am hand quilting something right now that is not really me and it has been a chore.

  5. I suspect that if you were to quilt on both these lovely quilts on the same day, that the world would not end, LOL! I think that your creative process is wonderful and I'm so glad that you're willing to share it here. I love that Log Cabin!

  6. Lovely had quilting.
    Oh yes, there is no bottom line to the bucket list.

  7. Oh no, don't shatter my illusions about that quilt bucket list! I really do want mine to get shorter!

    But anyway, both your quilts are looking so nice. I think I lean towards the happy flowers, though. Love the cozy grey background, and the way the flowers pop up. Onwards!

  8. Hand quilted quilts are just the best. I always have multiple projects going at the same time. It keeps things from getting boring.

  9. The quilting is coming along great on both quilts. I just finished a loooooooooong quilting project today but in the meantime I've been quilting on a small flag. One project was worked on if I had a chance to quilt during the day and the other if my quilting time got delayed till evening. Interestingly enough, the large project was finished first.

  10. Oh, lovely quilting going on! I love both of your quilts. The Happy Flowers are so cute, but there is something very appealing about the log cabin. It looks so scrumptious with all that hand quilting!

    Yeah, my quilting bucket list keeps growing too. I'm going to have to live to be 257 to get it all done. hee hee! There is always something new/fun/distracting that I want to do. I really need to finish up some things, but I keep getting sidetracked by other projects. Short attention span quilting?

  11. We will never get through our list and that's OKAY!
    Your quilt tops are lovely!!

  12. I think you are very brave to have 2 quilts to be handquilted in hoops! Beautiful stitching!

  13. If there weren't quilts queuing up in our heads, what would our hands have to do? Both these are looking great - no surprises there, and you seem to thrive on multiple projects so just keep on doing what works.:-)

  14. The quilting on your log cabin looks so tactile, I want to reach into the computer screen to touch it! I'm with you Audrey, my list keeps expanding too....... Just hope we live long enough.

  15. I, too, love the tactile look of your log cabin. Simply scrumptious! A couple of years ago I spent most of the year trying to finish off UFOs. Still finding more, plus more requests, plus many new ideas. At least I made some room.

  16. Oh what fun, wish I had a hand quilting project around. And I'm still so taken with that LC I think I might do one in the same colors!!

  17. They are both so beautiful - soft and interesting. I love having some hand quilting going, for evenings in front of the TV. I don't use a hoop anymore.


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