
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Slow Stitching the Vertical Baskets Quilt

Just a quick update on the current quilt in the hoop. This one has progressed fairly steadily all along. A hoop here and there in the evenings and occasionally a couple intense hours of work all at one time.
Vertical Baskets moving along through the stitching.....
It all adds up eventually! Now I'm working on the borders which always seem like the part that could be fast and rarely ever is. Oh well. It will be finished up soon enough and then I can waffle over the quilting on my next one!

Linking up with Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching 'cuz this is definitely what you'd call slow stitching.*wink


  1. Hand quilting goes slowly but steadily. Have a great quilting Sunday!

  2. So gorgeous! Are you pondering which quilt is next in the hoop? As soon as I get to the borders, that is what I am thinking about?!?

  3. Very nice work. Hand quilting can be so relaxing.

  4. Love the texture, enjoy the view.

  5. You are such a speedy handquilter! It looks wonderful

  6. it looks really good, love those baskets and the quilting is just right!

  7. Slow and steady wins the race! Great job.

  8. Looking great and coming along way faster than the one in my hoop at the moment. The colors on your baskets are glorious, a happy quilt to work on for sure!

  9. Borders seem stedious by the time you get to them. But love your attitude and it will be done. Stitching is music to the soul and you find such peace and zen there.. It looks great so far.

  10. Beautiful texture! Can't wait to see it all done!

  11. You're making great progress. I love the pattern the quilting has created in the triangles.

  12. Beautiful work! You are so quick - it would take me a year to quilt that! Lol

  13. Looks great! Are you following the fabric design for your quilt pattern?

  14. That quilt is coming along nicely - it's going to be absolutely fabulous! You'd think I'd learn that just because I'm at the border or the outer ring of blocks, it doesn't mean that I'm just about done with the quilting. Oh, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I still have a good ways to go before the quilt is ready for binding.

  15. Just beautiful! And why is it that we always seem to think we will get more done than we do? I need to practice enjoying the moment and not worry so much about productivity. Just love this quilt!

  16. Quilts done in a frame like grandma did, take away the border anxiety. You do the borders first and then proceed with the rest of the quilt.
    I love the fabric you used in the sashing/border...lots of texture and this going on!!

  17. It's looking really good, Audrey! I love your quilting design for this, it's just the right touch. Onwards!

  18. That's pretty much how I quilt, but it takes me much longer than you! Borders do always seem to take longer than they ought to - but I bet you'll be finished really soon.

  19. I rarely hand quilt anymore but have an oval wooden hoop. Do you like this system much better? Is it easier to use?

  20. The quilting looks so lovely! It just makes this quilt!


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