
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Working on Some Freehand Applique Letters

I've been steadily plugging along on my Fire quilt. The more I do, the less it feels like I'm fighting it. Does that make sense? Steady progress seems to free me up {emotionally} to work on other applique without feeling like I'm completely ditching the quilt that 'I don't wanna work on'.
Freehand applique letters
It also makes working on other applique feel much like a reward. Heather over at Happy Appliquer was talking about her Stonefields quilt that way and it just clicked for me, although in the reverse of course.
Drawing the letters onto the fabric...
Also, I've been arguing with myself about whether or not to keep posting progress pictures of the details of this particular quilt. My blog is definitely public and yet this feels so very personal. Should I keep it all secret and have a big bang-up reveal or just continue posting the 'hey! I really am making fabulous progress here' type of posts that make me feel like I'm truly gaining ground. And around and around I go until, yep.. here I go, posting the next little bitty bits of progress....
And another 'thought' ready to applique....
Originally I intended to do all the letters in reverse applique. But my big plans got deflated when  I realized that all my darker colors would shadow through the white and light gray fabrics in the background. Thus the need to draw out my letters, trace them onto fabric, snip the curves to bits, pin them {I just hate using glue}, and then stitch them on, all without cramping my fingers into arthritic claws. It's a process. Thankfully I'm making each 'thought' slightly larger than the last one which makes stitching ever so much easier. Just wait--I will survive and maybe even triumph over this difficult quilt.*wink
The start to a new quilt...
Which brings me to the new project. It's the Marsala one. Everything needed is already here in my quilt room so..... I'm justifying it by saying there's no extra money being spent. My brain felt like it was shriveling up and dying without something new to brighten things up. I. Am. Such. A. Pushover......


  1. Sounds like your fire quilt has been good therapy for a difficult experience. And it looks like you ar conquering it. Something new? You go girl!

  2. The fire was a difficult time so I guess a quilt made in rememberance of that time would be difficult to make. I am glad that you are staying with it and I enjoy reading about and seeing your progress. I think you will be so glad that you have made it when you are finished. Look forward to seeing your new project.

  3. It is your should serve you. So, if posting every little thing serves a positive purpose for you, then you should do it. If someone chooses not to read that part it is okay!! Really, it is. Can't wait to see what you do with that lively stack of fabrics.

  4. You use your blog as a creative journal so your fire quilt has it's place here. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist using your Marsala fabrics. Have fun with them!

  5. Great progress, and you sound happy to be progressing so that's the main thing. There is nothing worse than having a project 'nag' at you, because it wants to be finished!

  6. It will be wonderful once you work thru it. I think it is wonderful that you are making a memory quilt of that tragic time in your life. Looking forward to your marsela project.

  7. Something new always stirs the creative juices. I almost started something new two days ago. Well, I sort of did start making part of one block. Then I decided it would make too much mess in the sewing room with all the other projects that are sitting out. So I put the fabrics away and will go back to it later on. But stop by this afternoon. I will probably have some other new project stirring in my brain and fabric pulled.

  8. Looks like you are making great progress. let your heart lead whether to share or not.
    Lovely stack of fabric for a new project! Great!!

  9. Love how your letters are coming along.

  10. You have the idea in your brain for this quilt. To make it come to life, is a creative process. A creative process takes more time & brain cell output, than just following a script. I am glad you are working on it & sharing it with us. During your time of prep work, you are also solving the next step in your head!! If not to this quilt---than to another. I have never been through a fire. It opens up emotions to the survivors, which I would not understand. It seems that you need to work through this----and you need to decide what to reveal. We will come back and check in anyway!!!

  11. I can understand why you hesitate to share something that seems very personal, but as a reader I hope you keep giving us peeks at your process as you go along.


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