
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Some Slow Stitching on a Nice Winters Day

Getting a little bit of hand quilting done on the Vertical Baskets quilt. Not a lot, but just enough to start seeing a good pattern emerge. The way I'm stitching directly next to the cable motif in the brown fabric should highlight that fabric especially. Fingers crossed that I'm right!
Vertical Baskets in the hoop
I'm trying not to get too crazy with the stitching on this one though, as I don't want it to be too stiff and formal looking. User friendly quilts are the mantra in this home.*wink
Working panel by panel...
So far I'm quilting one long panel at a time {totally different from what I normally do}, as radiating circles of stitching just doesn't seem very efficient this time around. I do love my square hoop for that that quality alone!
Very simple stitching pattern....
I'm quite enjoying the opportunity to get to know my lovely baskets again. Time for linking up to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching. Hoping to get a lot more of this done this afternoon....


  1. Looks lovely! And so relaxing.

  2. Wow, this is one of the most beautiful quilts I have seen so far! First of all baskets are my favorite patterns and then the colors are so soft and delicate, it just looks like an antique quilt!!

  3. The texture you are creating looks marvelous! I'm curious to see more of how you are quilting the brown sashing - does it show on the back? Such a lovely basket quilt :0)

  4. Looking good Audrey. It is satisfying when the pattern starts to emerge. Interesting that you're using a square hoop. I have a small one of those and its so tight I doubt I could even get a quilt in it.

  5. Looking the way you are quilting the baskets and setting triangles.

  6. what you are doing looks good to me - i am trying to make sure I do not put in too much in a quilt I am doing by machine to make sure it stays soft too - tempted to put in more but won't!

  7. Your quilting is beautiful. I really like that quilt.

  8. Yes, it's great to see this quilt again. You know I love baskets, and I really like this setting too. Hope you had a great day!

  9. Your baskets are gorgeous. I love the subltle colours in this quilt.

  10. I love your baskets they are amazing but of course I love every project you work on! The stitching is working really well love it

  11. I just love this quilt. I'm with you ... user friendly quilts are my goal as well. Less is more.

  12. It always seems easier to add more quilting. I like that you are keeping it simple to go wit h the quilt top.

  13. Happy stitching your lovely baskets.

  14. It just struck me that everything about your quilt screams vintage antique. I think once this is finished its destined to become a family heirloom quilt.

  15. I had to look at this on my "big" computer (as opposed to my mini-ipad) so I can really see the quilting. I love how you're quilting this, and you're doing such a wonderful job - as always. I know its tempting to do "overkill" on the quilting sometimes ~ remember you can always go back later and add more if you really think it needs it. Right now I think it looks just about perfect, don't you?

  16. Beautiful! I love the texture of handquilting. And I love the colors and pattern of this quilt! Very special.

  17. So wonderful to see your baskets being quilted! Great idea to quilt this one in panels. I think I need to search out a square hoop like that.


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