
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Always Another Quilt To Get Ready For the Hoop

I finished up the hand quilting on 'Imagine A Quilt' and figured out an acceptable binding. It's a whimsical quilt, not very formal at all, so it seemed perfectly suitable to go digging in the leftover binding tote for a starting place. I gathered up five pieces of binding ends and then went digging for mixed blue fabrics for the rest. 
Imagine A Quilt
Hand sewing it to the back will come when all the stars align I guess. I had hoped to get it done in time to link up to Julie's Binding Blitz, but I don't know if that's possible. My week is already running out of days and I so hate to be a slave to deadlines!

My husband was home sick this week and so I took the opportunity to have him help me move the dining room table. It has to be moved every single time I want to sandwich and baste a new quilt. So annoying, but with a little preplanning I can usually get help when needed. {The table has carpet underneath which means I can't just shove it out of the way. I learned that the um... hard way once. Broken table legs? Yeah. It was ugly.}

Knowing the hand quilting on 'Imagine A Quilt' was nearing a finish, I had decided that 'Vertical Baskets' would be next up in the hoop. It's been in the queue for a very long time!
Vertical Baskets
I never finish quilts in the exact same order they get to the quilt top stage, but I do try to get them quilted before they are so outdated that dislike or disdain starts to set in.*wink
Loving these baskets....
The quilting design is still very much up in the air for this quilt, but I am sure something will come to me when I actually have it in the hoop. On the last quilt, I ripped out a whole hoops worth of quilting before finally settling on how to venture forward! Whatever it takes, but I never do anything super complicated. Or intricate. Laziness Simplicity is my byword when it comes to hand quilting.
And a closer look....
And I do know that keeping it in the drawers accomplishes nothing in getting it to a absolute finish. Oh my, how very, very many quilt tops I have now.... And you know me, already trying to figure out another quilt project to get started on!


  1. First of all, congratulations on your hand quilting finish! Whoop whoop! I am doing the binding blitz all year, so no deadlines...just whenever you have a binding finished. And me too! Tons of tops to quilt!! Never ending, it seems!!

  2. Love the vertical baskets! Not sure I have seen this one before - really great! I had to laugh when you said your husband was home sick.. but you got him to move the dining room table. LOL!! Hope he is feeling better!

  3. I do like your vertical baskets.....and the sashing fabric is stunning.

  4. I am trying to figure out what the words say on the newly finished quilt. You know I like words on quilts.

  5. el edredón terminado es precioso !!
    pero las cestas .......son guapísimas
    me gustan

  6. lovely baskets - wasn't it nice of your husband to be home sick just when he was needed to move the table LOL - hope he is getting better!

  7. I love your verticle baskets, in fact its one of my favorite of your quilts. Didn't you somehow fussy cut those red diamonds in the sashing? Or did i dream that?

  8. Love your basket quilt and can't wait to see how you quilt it.

  9. Both quilts are beautiful! I don't know why I've never kept a box of leftover binding strips. Since I'm binding the propeller quilt now, this is a good time to start. Thanks!

  10. I admire the number of large tops you are able to hand quilt ! Always beautiful XXX

  11. You blow me away Lady. I do not comment often. Simply am speechless usually. I am not much on green but, I really love your Imagine quilt. I think it is my favorite so far. I agree with Bea, you do inspire.
    blessings, jill

  12. You have such a parade of beautiful quilts. I have to move our dining table when I need to baste too. I joke about getting a table with wheels to it's easy to move, but the speed with which you get your quilts quilted I think your table really does need wheels!

  13. The scrappy blue binding is the perfect finish on Imagine a Quilt with its blue letters. I love words/letters in quilt. I've only done a words/letters on twos quilts so far but definitely want to do more.

    I love the basket quilt! It will be fabulous when you've finished working your quilty magic on it. Do you ever mark ahead or just do what the quilt says once it's in the hoop?

  14. Your scrappy binding looks perfect. Plus, I don't think I noticed that gingham sashing before -- love it!

    Personally, I'll be happy if I can get a few more projects to the flimsy stage. Too many projects in pieces around here!

  15. Why have I never thought to keep all my binding scraps in one piece? The scrappy binding really suits the quilt. As for your baskets - I tend to think simple is always the way to go with hand quilting!

  16. I am amazed that you hand quilt so many! Nice job!


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