
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Busy, Busy Scrappy Tulips

Playing with my Scrappy Tulips again! It took more time than I expected to get them all stitched down to the big foundation block. Lots of little pieces of fabric there at the edges to fold under just right so they lay flat. I stuck them up on the wall and then kind of had to take a big step back. They are very colorful and the green stems just seem almost fluorescent in comparison.
Scrappy Tulips
Sorry the color is so bad in these pictures. I had a terrible time getting the pictures to turn out even this good. There is just so much going on in these blocks and the camera apparently didn't know quite where to focus! Believe me, they do NOT look quite so browned down in real life. I turned them this way and that, trying to see if it made a difference for layout.
Changing up the layout
It doesn't matter so much for the flowers themselves. But for the background fabric? I like all the stripes going in the same direction. Oh yeah. Too much busyness otherwise. I decided on the blue sashing because it looked lush and rich with a lighter accent to calm things down. Ha! Do you think I could get a proper picture of that? Well no. Not after the battery in my camera died! All the blues look very grayed down and you're probably wondering what in the world I was thinking.
Scrappy Tulips with the sashing added
Sometimes I do too. This is a very bright quilt, if you could only see it in the proper lighting. I'm searching for a good fabric to sew around the new centerpiece and then I'm considering going back to the scrap bin for the border work. If it's going to be a busy quilt, then why stop now?

Last month I won $25 from Green Fairy Quilts, one of the great sponsors for Scraptastic Tuesday! Of course I couldn't just use that and be content, I had to add a little bit more to my cart. Too much good stuff to choose from!
Couldn't resist the needles especially...
And once again, I'm linking up at Scraptastic Tuesday with Leanne and Nicky. This is really motivating me to keep working with my overflowing scrap bins and maybe do a little quilting outside of my normal 'box'. You know me, always thinking of ways to play with as many different fabrics as possible!


  1. Your post makes me so happy! Glad you are having fun and congrats on the win! Love the project so far and a scrappy border will be great - more is definitely more! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday

  2. Scrappy good tulips. Are you planning on some words on your piece? I like it when you do that.

  3. Audrey this is just so sweet. I can see how you are calming down the scraps with such restrained and orderly sashing. I didn't mind the stripes going every which way but at the end of the day it only has to please the creator and I like the direction you are going in. That's what makes quilting such a diverse art, how we can all shoot off in different directions. I understand the frustration in capturing the true colours sometimes, I had a quilt that just would not play to the camera, I would look at it, take a photo and the lens would do something strange whatever the light, the settings.....aaaargh! It is just so weird but I trust you when you describe how it looks in reality being different to the photo.

  4. I like these tulips so much it is on the list to make!
    Nothing looks as good as real life but I agree I like the stripes going in one direction. Keep having fun!

  5. it is so nice to win isn't it!! colorful blocks,sometimes it seems no matter how good we want the photo to turn out it just doesn't happen!

  6. I do like your triple sashing. What a change from the previous layouts. Thanks for sharing the process. It's so fun to see progressions!

  7. I just love these scrappy tulips! I can't wait to see what you do in the border :0)

  8. LOVING the setting for those scrappy tulips - the sashing is great! I've been wanting to try some of those Japanese needles everyone is talking about - be sure to let us know how you like them, okay?

  9. I LOVE what you've done with your scrappy tulips! The sashing is just perfect.

  10. Love your scrappy tulips! I also enjoy watching you play! Thanks for sharing your process with us all. And congrats on your win! New fabric - Yay!

  11. You continue some of the best scraps that are not afraid to play with each other.

  12. Love those Scrappy Tulips! The sashing looks perfect. Can't wait to see what you do next!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Your sashing choice is perfect. Looking forward to seeing your borders.
    Enjoy your scrap taming. I noticed my bin has started creeping onto the floor....

  15. The scrappy tulips are so fun! And I love the striped background, what a wonderful folky touch.


  16. What a fun and interesting quilt! I really like the sashing you chose. :)

  17. Love your scrappy tulips! And I agree , stripes going in the same direction do calm things down. Great colors in your tulips!Q

  18. Wonderful tulips! I agree about the stripes, and the sashing makes them look very special!

  19. I love your tulips too, but I'm in the minority and think the stripes would look OK going in different directions. Nevertheless you have done well. The vibrant blue is wonderful.

  20. Great tulips - fun setting!
    Oooh, those solids look nice!
    Have fun with the borders, looking forward to seeing what you do

  21. Can't wait to see what comes next. I love watching your process.

  22. This is such a fun project - I love those stripes!

  23. Love the Scrappy Tulips! Yes, it's busy, but it looks marvelous. When you turned the backgrounds different ways, it made my eyes spin trying to focus on the tulips. :) I prefer them one direction too! can't wait to see the rest of it.

  24. Wow Audrey, I love where this quilt is heading!!

  25. LOVE the tulips and congrats on the win! Good for you!

  26. me gustan estos tulipanes!!
    las tiras de marco genial....

  27. LOVE the scrappy tulips! What a cool quilt that is going to be.

  28. I love these tulips! love them!!! I have lots of ideas going through my head now! Lovely!


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