
Friday, January 30, 2015

Any Old Excuse To Get Away From the Desk

I've had this quilt 'mostly' figured out for awhile, just needed to trim the blocks down to size. The basket blocks were so varied in size that I ended up making everything smaller than I intended and well, cutting off a few points here and there.
Basket Galore Bom blocks and Red/Green applique
Pretty sure this particular quilt will survive a missing point or two. It's already looking quite busy and full of itself in a very serious 'I-am-a-sampler-quilt' sort of way!
Getting the rows sewn together...
There are a couple of oddball  fabrics from the totes that I've been dying to use in this quilt all along. I've had my eye on them for the borders, but how to make the transition? I found an oldish looking blue/green with red print that seemed perfect for the setting triangles. Paired with some warm butter yellows it looks like it will do the trick nicely.
Auditioning the border idea...
Uh huh. Right? If it's not too much of a distraction from the rest of quilt? Hmm... maybe if I tone the blue/green down just a bit. But then the border just sort of fades into nothing-ness and looks blah....

Oh well, it's kind of an interesting quilt as I used mostly reproduction fabrics for all the basket blocks but then jumped from there into mixed prints of red, greens and tans for the flower applique blocks. Looking back, I'm thinking that two quilts were combined into one. You know I can be very efficient that way on occasion.*wink
Hmm.. Maybe like this?
Decisions, decisions. Not sure when I'll get back to this one as I'm supposed to be cleaning house for weekend company again and the book work sitting on my desk is not done enough to even start to relax. Don't know what I'd do without quilting to help give me positive endorphins these days!


  1. Love all your different flower and basket blocks, looks like it is coming together nicely! Congrats.

  2. I love everything about it! Such fabulous colors ....

  3. I like the idea of quilts cross-breeding - it has provoked some wild flights of fancy for me this evening!

  4. Oh I like it! Letting it speak to you!

  5. This going to be a gorgeous quilt!! Have fun this weekend!

  6. Such a fun quilt this is going to be!

  7. I love those blocks together! It looks like you planned it! Genius!

  8. I really like the use of darker triangles in the borders, this is going to be another one of your many wonderful quilts!

  9. Whew! All caught up on your blog. What fun quilt projects you worked on this week!

  10. LOL You just AMAZE me everytime that I come many projects :)

  11. Another gorgeous project. I don't know where you get all these things!!

  12. Squares. Definitely the dark squares. They frame the applique blocks and with the other border fabrics, the whole thing comes alive. Awesome!

  13. I love it! The appliqué blocks are so happy :0) enjoy your company! Savor your "stolen moments"

  14. I can't see the whole quilt or the whole border but from what I do see, I love those blue/green with red squares and the lighter triangles. It's a border unlike any I've seen and works with the colors in the quilt and the striped outer border. But you'll know what works because you've got the whole thing in front of you. It will be both fun and beautiful, Audrey.

  15. Such a cute assortment of blocks. I am sure you will get it all figured out and it will be fantastic.

  16. Such pretty blocks... so appealing and maybe better without the sashing.

  17. Love the blocks and LOVE the setting! Yum!


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