
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wrapping Up 2014!

It's a wrap! Here's all my 2014 finishes for good or for bad. I'm gonna throw the big picture at you even though it's crowding over to the sidebar.
2014 Finishes
I had hoped for more, but in reality, there were more finishes than I expected. Wowsers! Where did I find the time?

Some details: Two quilts were entirely machine quilted. {Not well, but it got the job done.}

Two had a combination of machine and hand quilting, something you'll probably see more of. I just keep telling myself that some quilts can get by with a little less love from mama....

The other seven quilts (plus the table runner) were entirely hand quilted. Woohoo! That's a lot of slow stitching hours right there. Three of them (plus the table runner) were quilted in the big stitch style with Perle Cotton thread. Yummy. It acts like instant texture and so fast getting the quilt done too! There will definitely be more of that going on around here in the future.

And... the quilt on the far right bottom was the quilt I made with Sherri Lynn Wood's improv. instructions when she asked for test quilters earlier in the year. After hemming and hawing and breaking out in a cold sweat, I 'applied' to be a test quilter. It was a quilt to laugh and cry over. Seriously. And it did not get chosen for the final round. I am SO shocked. lol  Lots of learning going on to make that quilt though and her book is definitely on my wish list now. I rather enjoy the crazy, chaotic end result of my quilt even if it wasn't exactly what Sherri was looking for. Improv. is certainly something I hope to do more of in the future, even if it's not in the traditional solids that most people use.

I also got kind of crazy with giving away quilts this year. Yep. By the end of December I had gifted eleven of my quilts, old and new.*sigh  Some quilts are very difficult to give away but I preserved until my husband starting joking that we were going to be quilt-less. Yeah. Not happening anytime soon.*wink

So..., did you notice? I actually got the Quarter Circles quilt totally and completely done! Then I washed it like always. And it had a massive bleeding issue!!!  But that's a story for another day. It still counts as a 2014 finish, right?


  1. Waoooh, such a productive and generous year! Best wishes for an even more wonderful 2015!

  2. sorry to hear of the bleeding issue and hope you got it taken care of. I just love that basket quilt and hope you keep it for yourself. Love all your quilts, Happy New Year to you and your family - pass on my best thoughts to your mom and dad and I hope they get to move into their new home early in the spring and that the upcoming year will be much better for them.

  3. So many gorgeous quilts! I feel for the quilt bleeding issue....I had that happen to a quilt I had made for my sister. I thought I had ruined the quilt but I did manage to save it although it still wasn't perfect.

  4. preciosos todos tus edredones!!!!
    feliz 2015

  5. I love seeing the quilt finishes all together! Did you try washing it again with several color catchers? Happy new year!!

  6. Amazing is all I can say your work is wonderful and makes think I could maybe even make one of my own.

  7. What an awesome accomplishment for the year especially with so many are hand quilted.

  8. Congratulations! Those are quite impressive quilts you finished - given the year you have had!!! So sorry to hear about the bleeding... it has happened to all of us... I would like to know if you find a way to correct that. You know my favorite quilt in the bunch - the little baskets. Mine is still in pieces! Great job!!!!!

  9. Such fun to see all your finishes in one group photo. They are fabulous. I had bleeding issues, too, with a red and cream quilt I made for my mother.

  10. Beautiful! Don't be too hard on yourself... I have learned that even the smallest of accomplishments are better than none at all! I love your color choices, too!

  11. I love all of your finishes. My favorite line of this post - Seven quilts + one table runner entirely hand quilted! Wow! That goes to show, not everything has to be machine quilted or stay as a quilt top. Love the last one in the bottom right corner! You gifted so many quilts.. really, you can't slow down.. keep going!
    Happy New Year!

  12. I am very impressed, especially with seven hand-quilted quilts!! They look wonderful.
    Happy 2015!

  13. WOW! I'm very impressed...and what a beautiful reminder you have of the good things in 2014. Here's to more quilting and slow stitching in 2015!

  14. I enjoyed the journey, can't wait for 2015.

  15. I don't know which is my favorite of your quilts this past year. Maybe the quarter circles. But ask me tomorrow and I will probably have a different answer.

  16. Congratulations on so many wonderful quilts finished this year! You hand quilted seven quilts! Amazing! I am so sorry to hear there was a problem with the Quarter Circle quilt, I hope it is not too bad.

  17. Wonderful! You have such diversity. It must have been a fun year.

  18. The variety and creativity and beauty in these quilts is absolutely drool-worthy, Audrey. All your hand quilting is an accomplishment you should be proud of.
    My favorite quilt of your 2014 finishes is the red/yellow/pink Dutch Comfort. I've loved it since you first wrote about working on it.
    YIKES re: the bleeding in the Quarter Circle quilt. After all that work, you don't want or need surprises. Hopefully that story will have a happy ending.
    Happy New Year to you and yours. On to 2015, with all it sends our way.

  19. Bravo! Bravo! You have some outstanding accomplishments for this year Audry! I like each and everyone and a great appreciation for you giving away so many! I hope the recipients love them and take care of them!!!

    Happy New Year to you and yours!!

  20. You are so prolific, Audrey! I marvel at how much you are able to accomplish. Congrats on all the finishes.

  21. Wow! You got heaps of quilts finished in 2014!! And more importantly they all amazing, beautiful quilts.

  22. Wow, your needle was smokin' this year ... And with everything else you had going on - very impressive. Lovely quilts!
    Here's to a calmer 2015!

  23. That was a great quilting year! Wishing you as much if not more inspiration for 2015 and of course good health and happiness!

  24. Well done...that is amazing!! Are you sure you had any sleep in 2014? lol My favourites... are the basket quilt and the Dutch Comfort quilt. So sorry to hear that you had bleeding problems, hope the problem can be fixed. Best wishes for another creative year in 2015.

  25. A very respectable set of finishes here, Audrey! Especially since some of them are big, big projects. Great work!


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