
Saturday, December 27, 2014

When the Scraps Take Over

As you've probably noticed, I've been working and playing in my scrap bins a bit more lately. So when I got a nice little gift card for Christmas, the wheels immediately started turning in my head. Hmm... Scrap organization? 
Happy Happy to me!
Maybe even fun scrap organization? I have a very small space for scrap storage so it would be great to have it look good too. Is that too much to ask? People already tend to look at my quilt room like I'm a crazed, fabriholic weirdo. That is, if they aren't a quilter and don't understand fabric love. To lovers of fabric, this scrap obsession is just eye candy.

My husband and I trolled a huge antique/vintage mall for hours yesterday and just when I was about to give up, I found this market cart! Isn't it fabulous? It's not actually antique, but I love it anyway. Perfection. I couldn't have imagined anything I'd like better.
My new scrap organizing system...
Originally I intended to get rid of the little wicker basket and just limit whatever wasn't currently in use {those pre-selected scrap totes I work out of} to the market basket. But... it's so very painful to get rid of scraps. Obviously I am NOT any good at it. Finally I just had to pretend that I was being ruthless in dumping until I had filled two priority boxes to give away later {after I make sure I don't miss them}.
Getting rid of some scraps--mostly the dregs and/or pieces I am
extremely tired of finding in my scrap basket....
It actually got easier as I went along, especially getting rid of the long strips of backing fabric that I buy in those odd, weird prints and never really intend to use on the fronts of my quilts. Once I made the decision to get rid of those, I was on a serious purging roll! Yay! I also put those kinda iffy quality scraps that I somehow collect from who-knows-where in the trash so I could just forget about them. But I still couldn't get rid of enough to narrow it down to where the wicker basket was obsolete.*sigh  I am such a hard core addict....
My really small quilting area. My back is literally
touching the counter where I do my ironing...
It feels really great to have that corner of the quilting room a little better organized though and {dare I say?} looking pretty spiffy? You know, for a compulsive scrap collectors sort of area.*wink

If you need a frame of reference, feel free to go check out how my scrap hoarding collecting has grown and matured in the last couple years. Houston, we have a problem!!


  1. There are many worse addictions. Even lovers of scraps have to have a clean out now and then.

  2. Love your new market basket - great find. And I'm with you on the (non) purge approach to scraps. Usually I just move them about a bit but every now and then I get ruthless and am much happier with things after that.

  3. Love it!! it is very difficult to throw scraps away for some of us - we keep reminding ourselves of all the beautiful quilts we can make from them and be thrifty at the same time.

  4. I want to dig in and play with you and your scraps.

  5. Hey girl, you and I both are just in LOVE with the scraps!! LOVE, LOVE!! I play with them, and use them, and trade them and just generally enjoy them. I need a twelve step program!!

  6. I have quite a tonnage of scraps--seeing that I made two big quilts using scraps up this year! I think they multiply! I put them into plastic zip lock bags until I can cut them up into useable sizes and/or strips with my GO!Baby. I hope to really get organized with all the same size shapes into storage shoe boxes....fingers crossed hugs, Julierose

  7. I admire you! A few weeks ago I did a purge of my fabric - I realized that there are some fabrics that just don't appeal to me anymore. It took me quite some time to feel comfortable with that, but once I did, there was no turning back. My collection might be a bit thinner, but my head is a lot clearer. It's a really good thing to do!

  8. Tu carro es genial!!!
    No encuentro el momento de tirar nada
    las pocas veces que me decido a limpiar me asalta una idea y vuelve todo a donde estaba

  9. That is a very impressive scrap collection!

  10. Your new scrap bins are so doggone cute. Storage doesn't have to blah.

  11. Cute little market cart! Great find. You and I truly on the same wave length. I have been having a major clean up/toss out these last couple of days. Not much fabric has gone though ha ha ha.

  12. Love your basket looks great ! It always feels good to have a sort out usually inspires more quilts.

  13. Kudos to you...I don't really want to get rid of my scraps....I just may need them! ;) I think I really am a fabric scrap hoarder!!

  14. Nice work and that basket is so cute!

  15. I love the new basket, great buy!

  16. As long as they make you happy,don't fret. I think scraps tell our story.

  17. It seems like organization is an ongoing project for me. That cart is functional and cute - what a find! It reminds me of an old laundry cart my mom gave me. It was one she used when I was a little kids so pretty old! It's fabric on a metal base and I keep thinking I'll replace the stained fabric and just haven't done it. Scrap storage would be a great use for it. Your scrap corner looks so neat and pretty now.
    I've thought before that a backing strip exchange might be a good idea for quilts. We each end up with four long strips of fabric that always seems to take forever to use up in another way.

  18. LOL. I love it, what a wonderful lot of scraps! The market cart is absolutely brilliant!

  19. Well, good for you! I've never yet purged my quilting fabrics. I don't have a dedicated quilting space at all, but I DO have a dedicated storage space in the basement, so that is probably enabling all kinds of bad habits. I hope your productivity has benefited!


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