
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Finishing Up the Comfort Quilts

The giveaway will be open through Friday and then I'll randomly pick the winners on Saturday! In the meantime, things have been hopping busy as usual this time of year. We've had junior high basketball games, high school basketball games plus tonight is the annual winter concert. Don't even mention Christmas shopping. Puh-leeze! Who has time for that? I have managed to squeeze in a few frames of hand quilting late, late in the evening though. A person must have priorities.
Quarter Circles in the hoop
And, I am so proud of myself. Both of my comfort quilts are finished!! Well, except for the labels and they are written out, just not sewn on yet! It feels really good to get such an old quilt off of the list, but the other quilt just sort of jumped in the queue. Not exactly sure why that happens sometimes but mostly I try not to fight it too much. The initial quilt that gets made may not be fabulous, but you never know, the making of it can inspire something totally unexpected and wonderful. It has happened!
Ready for labels
In an effort to make the fall colored quilt look a little more fun, I did sew on a tiny bit of applique. The flower actually looked better before the seam allowance was turned under, but at that point I was done with the renovations.*wink
A little addition to make things fun...
The pastelly quilt made out of orphans went together very quickly and turned out fairly well. No applique after all {nothing exciting}, but then, I wasn't trying for exciting, just cuddle worthy. lol  When I washed it though, I totally forgot to use color catchers and some of the red fabric bled over onto the very light green fabric. Aggghhh!!! I always pre-wash my fabrics, so the bleeding really irritated me. I washed it again with color catchers and got some of it to come out, but it's still tinged pink if you know what to look for. And I do.
Two comfort quilts ready to go!
I think I used up about 10-12 pieces of  leftover binding pieces to bind these two quilts. It looks good on these sorts of quilts and makes me feel frugal and efficient. In fact, I didn't have to buy a single extra thing to make or finish these quilts. Everything was out of my quilt room including the thread! Win, win. Now I just need to pick threads one last time and sew the labels on. Time to get back to what I really want to be working on!


  1. Well done you! Your quilts will go on to comfort and you no doubt will feel energised by the thought that there are more quilts to be made. No quilt , no block, no thought is ever wasted. It all adds to the evolution of your exquisite art.

  2. Congrats on all the finishes! I really need to do what you do and make hand quilting a priority at the end of the day. I rather do it in the bright light of day but that rarely seems to happen. The other quilts are definitely cuddle worthy!

  3. don't you just love having everything in the quilt room to make a quilt from start to finish - it feels like it was free - but then you have to come down to earth and remember you bought it all at one time or another!! (but maybe paid a lot less for it then you would now)

  4. They both are beautiful. Very comfy, cosy looking.

  5. Fantastic finishes. It's a cozy way to finish the year!

  6. Well done getting your comfort quilts done in time!! They look wonderful and are sure to be lovely and comforting.

  7. Looks like you are making good progress on quilting your Quarter Circles quilt. I love both of your comfort quilts and am sure the recipients will too!

  8. Good job on the comfort quilts! I always feel especially proud when I can finish with supplies on hand. Sort of justifies the hoarding, ahem, collecting! Love the hand quilting project too.

  9. Yay for you!!! They really turned out well.

  10. They both look great and it is an added bonus that you didn't need to spend extra money on anything. We all know that having a stash is a good thing!

  11. Both of your comfort quilts look great. I like the little flower and your attitude about quilting is great.

  12. Nice work! I get frustrated when my prewashed reds run!

  13. I like using an assortment of fabrics for binding too. Great looking quilts!

  14. I always enjoy your quilt with red and white sashing. How nice to finish two more. Great idea to use leftover binding, I've been putting mine in the scrap bag but must mend my ways. This is much better.

  15. preciosos tus edredones !!
    todos con un encanto especial
    buen fin de semana

  16. A touch of applique makes for a fun quilt.

  17. They both look great, and definitely very cuddly. I'm beginning to think that everything hand quilted looks cuddly. Congratulations, another nice finish!

  18. Congratulations! I can imagine you being proud of yourself! I admire you for pre-washing all of your fabrics, I used to do that (in the 90's), did not quilt for 12 years (how is that possible...) started again some 4 years ago and haven't pre-washed since.... must see what happens when I actually wash a quilt..


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