
Friday, November 14, 2014

Lots of Irons in the Fire as Usual

Still working on my Random Sampler, although more in bits and pieces now. It's right smack in the middle of where I walk into the quilt room, prodding me all the time to work on it. I try really hard not to fall into the trap of working on something 'I don't wanna' because that seems to suck all the creative juices right out of me. That being said, there are ahem!, ways to increase the interest....
More to do on the Random Sampler
And really, it's not nearly as difficult as it was in the beginning. Which helps tremendously. There is a rhythm to the effort that helps take away most of the frustration. Sew a few blocks together, fill in with a couple squares or random strips and then sew together the larger parts. It all works because the more that gets done, the more obvious it becomes that the little bits are just background, and therefore less important.

For something different, I sewed the binding onto my Scrap Attack #2 quilt, moving it ever closer to an actual finish. Just taking this picture though, I saw an area on the binding that needs a bit more stitching. Just a square shape there to the right on the border. It will probably take more time to match the thread than to do the actual stitching!
The first step for the binding 
I've also been slowing pecking away at the applique on these two units of my Fire Quilt. I'm not entirely happy with the flames on the Pateros part, but for now it will have to do. If it keeps bugging me, then changes can be made later. I find it interesting that at times working on this quilt makes me feel agitated and stressed. It took me awhile to realize it was the memories and I don't always want to 'go back'.
The first two parts to the Fire Quilt
I played with ideas for the rest of the quilt, throwing fabric around in wild abandon until I felt comfortable moving ahead. There is already a 'foundation' fabric sewn onto the bottom of the green/blue center of the quilt and next I need to make two foundation panels for the two sides. I say 'foundation' because they will be having more applique pieces stitched onto them too. On the left I intend to do some sentences in reverse applique {some feelings about what took place} and on the right, a compilation of simple shapes. Then there will be more applique work on the bottom as well. Whew! This is turning out to be a very labor intensive quilt. I just hope I can do it justice and maybe even have it ready for the annual town quilt show next year? Fingers crossed that I can sustain the momentum.....


  1. I love the Scrap Attack quilt, and the Pateros one is fascinating!

  2. It is a wonderful thing to be able to work on a quilt as it strikes your fancy...I do think it does keep the creative juices flowing.

  3. My work room is covered in little stacks of (mostly untidy) fabrics & supplies - each one is for one of the quilts I am working on. I generally go from one to the other, which ever barks at me loudest. At the moment I am working on a quilt which ahs a deadline, so I can't put it down. Boy that is stifling the creativity! So I so hear what you are saying.

  4. It's great to have a few irons in the fire. much better than an iron on fire. You always have a fun mix of projects on the go.

  5. Great projects. Hope you find the Pateros quilt cathartic by the end.

  6. I think the way you work - working a bit on one project and then another - will help you complete these two projects. I love a sampler quilt and yours is coming along nicely. I love putting the binding on a quilt - gives me a great sense of accomplishment. Very understandable that the fire quilt agitates you. Hopefully, your feelings will change the farther along you get.

  7. more than a few projects going here and now I think I will jump into another one as soon as I get this vine machine appliqued in place - whoever things machine applique is fun is crazy!! tedious is more like it

  8. It's nice to unplug the one iron and plug in another for awhile! :)

    Your Pateros quilt will be wonderful in the end, I am sure of it. As will the sampler, of course! :)

  9. your sampler is coming together so well!!! I have always wanted to do this, but my leftovers hardly ever go together well.
    I always work on several things at the same time. It keeps things fresh and I'm not bored.

  10. What a lot of wonderful and unique quilts. I remember reading/seeing the Pateros, Washington fire devastation. Do you live near there? I'm interested in the story behind the quilt.

  11. All of your projects seem to be moving along quite well Audrey . Like you, I find I have to have several irons in the fire to sustain my interest . I definitely mood sew, and will work on whatever I feel most motivated to finish or progress.

  12. You are busy! I can only work on one project thing at a time, my brain can't handle trying to be creative in more directions than 1.....

  13. I like the idea of working on several projects together. Yours seem to be really nice!

  14. I found your blog through Deb at Frugal Little Bungalow. I absolutely adore your Random Sampler quilt. The colors are so very vibrant. Beautiful.

  15. Your blog posts are always very interesting. You share your thought process and how you arrive at the end result.

    I don't think I would want to be reminded of the fire unless it is to think how lucky you were to not loose your home. And that your parents survived regardless of their loss.

  16. You always have so much going on, I don't know how you do it with kids still at home. All projects are looking good.


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